NCERT Hindi Book Class 10 2024-25

As you enter class 10, you start thinking about the boards and the scores. For your preparation in Hindi, NCERT Hindi Book for Class 10 (2024-25) is a useful resource based on the CBSE curriculum and will boost language proficiency.

This book, used widely across India, includes two key parts: ‘KshitiJ Bhag 2’ and ‘Sparsh’. The episodes in NCERT Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Book PDF Download consist of poems and stories in classic and modern Hindi literature duly retaining the heritage of सूरदास, तुलसीदास, और जयशंकर प्रसाद which aids in attaining a novel perspective towards Hindi language and the relevant culture. This is complemented by ‘स्पर्श’ featuring poems and prose that enriched language development and boosted critical thinking skills.

NCERT Hindi Book Class 10 – PDF Free Download

The great news is that you can download the NCERT Hindi Book for Class 10 for free in PDF format. This makes it easy to access the material anytime, anywhere, especially if you like studying on digital devices.

How To Download NCERT Hindi Books for Class 10?

To download the Class 10 Hindi NCERT, Book Pdf, it is very easy to do it in a few minutes.

  1. Launch the most preferred web browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari.
  2. Navigate to the official website of NCERT, which is
  3. On the homepage, find the ‘Publication’ button. After this, click it and select ‘PDF (I-XII)’.
  4. Pick ‘Class X’ as your class, then the subject of Hindi.
  5. Instead, you will be presented with a catalogue of books you can read. Choose the names of the books ‘क्षितिज भाग 2’ or ‘स्पर्श ’ or any other.
  6. A new page will be provided with links to open and download every chapter of the chosen book. Each chapter can be downloaded separately, or the button ‘download complete book’ will download the whole book with one click.
  7. Files in the PDF will begin downloading to your device. Ensure you can store them in an order that will help you locate them in the future when you need them.

Download NCERT Books for Class 10 Hindi - Chapter-wise

The chapter-wise information included in the NCERT Hindi Book Class 10 PDF Free Download is below.

Download NCERT Book for Class 10 Kshitij Textbook II Chapter-wise PDF

Download NCERT Book for Class 10 Sparsh Textbook Chapter-wise PDF

Download NCERT Book for Class 10 Kritika Textbook Chapter-wise PDF

Download NCERT Book for Class 10 Sanchayan Bhag Textbook 2 Chapter-wise PDF

Importance of NCERT Hindi Textbooks for Class 10

NCERT textbooks are highly valued in the Indian education system for several reasons:

  1. Comprehensive Coverage: NCERT Class 10 Hindi Book PDF includes all the topics that are set by the CBSE to ensure students do not leave out any topic.
  2. Clarity of Concepts: It is easier to comprehend profound concepts since the books are written in basic language.
  3. Standardised Content: NCERT books are prepared by experts in every subject, which ensures the content is accurate and standard.
  4. Exam-oriented: They consist of different questions and exercises that enable the students to prepare for their tests properly.

Why Use NCERT Book of Class 10 Hindi?

Using the NCERT Hindi Book Class 10 PDF Free Download has many benefits. It is affiliated with CBSE and thus ensures that all students master what is essential in exams. Hindi knowledge is strengthened through it because comprehension and language application are made less difficult. At the end of each lesson, questions can be solved to better understand the lesson's contents. Besides, it helps to crack competitive exams other than the school level, offering a good command of Hindi.

FAQs on NCERT Hindi book for class 10

Ans: Yes, NCERT Books for Class 10 Hindi PDFs are very helpful in exam preparation. They cover the CBSE prescribes syllabus, and many exam questions are directly taken from these books. The practice exercises at the end of each chapter help reinforce the concepts learned, preparing you for exams.

Ans: To effectively utilise Class 10 Hindi Book NCERT, use these tips:

  1. Read the chapters carefully, whether a poem or a story.
  2. After understanding the chapters, move to each chapter’s back exercise.
  3. Try to solve every question of any type and revise regularly.
  4. Use the NCERT Hindi Book For Class 10 Solutions to evaluate yourself.

Ans: The NCERT Hindi Book Class 10 ‘क्षितिज भाग 2’ contains 11 chapters, and the ‘स्पर्श भाग 2’ also contains 10 chapters covering prose, poetry, and grammar.

Ans: It’s difficult to pinpoint the most important chapter, as it often depends on the exam pattern and the weightage given to different sections. However, chapters like ‘सूरदास के पद’ and ‘सुभद्रा कुमारी चौहान’ are considered very important due to their frequent appearance in exams and the rich content they offer.

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