NCERT Solutions for Class 12 History
What’s happening today in the world will soon be a part of history for our future generations. History is not just an account of the past but offers a detailed study of political, social, cultural, and economic fields. History class 12 NCERT solutions help students in coping up with the information that they are taught and comprehend ways through which they can excel in their examinations. Gurukul By Oswal's History class 12 NCERT solutions are based on the NCERT History class 12 textbook. Class 12 History NCERT chapters provide theme-based learning to class 12 History students around four subheads:
- A detailed overview of the events, issues, and processes under discussion.
- A summary of the present state of research on the theme.
- An account of how knowledge about the theme has been acquired.
- An excerpt from a primary source related to the theme, explaining how historians have said it.
NEP 2020 brought in a lot of changes in the way students study in India. History class 12 and other classes have been revised extensively to unload the burden of many concepts. Content has been shredded only to give a detailed analysis of issues, topics, and events that bear relevance to today’s world.
History class 12 NCERT solutions are re-designed by our experts to holistically cover the new pattern of NCERT.
Class 12 History NCERT Solutions – Free PDF Download
- Chapter 1 Bricks, Beads and Bones The Harappa Civilisation
- Chapter 2 Kings, Farmers and Towns Early States and Economies
- Chapter 3 Kingship, Caste and Class Early Societies
- Chapter 4 Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings Cultural Developments
- Chapter 5 Through the Eyes of Travellers Perceptions of Society
- Chapter 6 Bhakti – Sufi Traditions Changes in Religious Beliefs and Devotional
- Chapter 7 An Imperial Capital: Vijayanagar
- Chapter 8 Peasants, Zamindars and the States Agrarian Society and the Mughal Empire
- Chapter 9 Colonialism and The Countryside Exploring Official Archives
- Chapter 10 Rebels and the Raj 1857 Revolt and its Representations
- Chapter 11 Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist Movement Civil Disobedience and Beyond
- Chapter 12 Framing the Constitution The Beginning of a New Era
Class 12 History NCERT All Chapters
Part A: Themes in Indian History-I
- Bricks, Beads and Bones
- Kings, Farmers and Towns
- Kinship, Caste and Class
- Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings
Part B: Themes in Indian History-II
- Through The Eyes of Travellers
- Bhakti-Sufi Tradition
- An Imperial Capital: Vijayanagara
- Peasants Zamindars and The State
Part C: Themes in Indian History-III
- Colonialism and The Countryside
- Rebels and The Raj
- Mahatma Gandhi and The Nationalist Movement
- Framing The Constitution
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 History Chapter Brief
The NCERT History textbook for class 12 is divided into three parts, each with a different theme or era. History class 12 NCERT solutions cover all three parts with equal focus on all the chapters. The History textbook by NCERT carries four types of assignments at the end of each chapter, including short questions, essays, map work, and project work.
History class 12 solutions also cover the themes, and class 12 History question answers are set according to the CBSE marking scheme. Class 12 History question answers in the History class 12 NCERT solutions are set on the NCERT Chapters that are mentioned below :
Part A: Themes in Indian History Part-I
Chapter 1: Brick, Beads and Bones
History students are familiar with historic civilisations. Class 12 History book further explains how those civilisations transcended with minimum resources. Chapter 1 of the class 12 History book shows the early urban centers as economic and social institutions. Further, students will learn about how new data can lead to a revision of existing notions of history. There will also be the use of picture charts and map reading to trace the growth of urban centres. History class 12 NCERT solutions help students in understanding following topics;
- Early urban centres and social institutions
- Multi-lateral aspects of Harappan civilisation to understand the first civilisation of the world
- Interpreting historical and contemporary sources and viewpoints of ASI and historians on Harappa
Chapter 2: Kings, Farmers and Towns
Chapter 2 of CBSE History class 12 talks about major trends in the political and economic history of the subcontinent and how it has shaped the nation. The chapter also looks sternly at the limitations of inscriptional pieces of evidence. History class 12 solutions give a broader picture of the topic while focusing on History class 12 question answers in analysing inscriptional evidence and how these have shaped the understanding of political and economic processes.
Chapter 3: Kinship, Caste, and Class
Chapter 3 deals with a very essential yet complex structure of society. The chapter introduces students to issues in social history. Students will further delve into the strategies of textual analysis and their use in reconstructing social history. The condition of women during the Mahabharata age is one of the major highlights of this chapter. History class 12 question answers will be based on the content of this chapter. History class, 12 NCERT solutions offer detailed explanations on the following topics;
- Social History and its analysis
- The perspective of society given in the scriptures of ancient India
- Varied dimensions explored by historians to understand the dynamic approach of Mahabharata
Chapter 4: Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings
Each era has seen some intellectual minds who have helped us understand the whole framework of societies at a particular time. Chapter 4 of NCERT 12 History allows students to learn about philosophers, how their ideas were compiled as oral and written texts, and how they influenced architecture and sculpture. History class 12 NCERT solutions help students in answering questions that cover topics including;
- Major religious developments in early India
- Strategies of visual analysis and their use in reconstructing the theories of religion
- Mauryan administration, with the help of Arthsastra Indica and other sources
Part B: Themes in Indian History Part-II
Chapter 5: Through The Eyes of Travellers
The world that we know today was not as connected as we are. People used to travel for days and months to cover large distances. Back in the day, travellers held a lot of reverence. Chapter 5 of 12th class History lets students learn the salient features of social histories described by the travellers and how those accounts can be used as sources of social history. The chapter lets students get into foreign travelers' accounts to understand the medieval period's social, political, and economic life. History class 12 NCERT solutions give an all-inclusive analysis and help students prepare the following topics;
- The travelers describe salient features of social histories and apply the learning in real life.
- Accounts of foreign travellers to understand the social, political, and economic life during the tenure of different rulers in the medieval period.
- Persepctives of Al Biruni, Ibn Battuta and Bernier.
Chapter 6: Bhakti-Sufi Traditions
Time churned, and we grew as a civilisation. Along with that, our belief systems also saw major development over the years. Chapter 6 of the class 12 History book lets you understand religious developments. It gives you a space to study and analyse devotional literature as a source of history. Students will also learn about the religious development during the medieval period and religious movements in order and its impact.
Chapter 7: An Imperial Capital: Vijayanagara
Kingdoms and civilizations let us understand how we evolved as a society. Analysing kingdoms and past economies help us learn many lessons for today. Chapter 7 of History NCERT class 12 apprises students about the great Vijayanagara Kingdom and the buildings and monuments that were built during that time.
Chapter 8: Peasants, Zamindars and The State
Chapter 8 of History NCERT class 12 helps students understand the dynamics of the agrarian society that we were in. The students will learn about the agricultural changes during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. History class 12 NCERT solutions will help students in covering the following topics in this chapter;
- Facets of agrarian developments in order to understand the relationship between the state and agriculture during the Mughal period.
- Agrarian changes during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
- Differences in the agrarian sector.
Part C: Themes in Indian History Part-III
Chapter 9: Colonialism and The Countryside
Colonial rule was the recent history that we most connect with. The British Raj left a lasting impact on how our nation has developed today. Chapter 9 of History class 12 deals with various aspects of it, starting from how colonialism affected zamindars, peasants, and artisans. Students will also get to learn about the following;
- The British introduced revenue systems to comprehend the problems and limits of using official sources to understand people's lives.
- Types of records and reports maintained by the rural society.
- Divergent interest of the British in the society and on the Indians.
Chapter 10: Rebels and The Raj
It was in 1857 that the great Indian revolution against the Britishers took momentum. Chapter 10 of History class 12 focuses on the event of 1857 and how it led rebels to come together. Students will get to analyse the planning and coordination of the rebels of 1857 to infer their domains and nature. The class 12 History NCERT solutions will be highlighting the following topics;
- Revolt of 1857
- Planning and execution
- United contribution made by the Indian soldiers
Chapter 11: Mahatma Gandhi and The Nationalist Movement
The struggle for Indian Independence went on for 200 years. Many names led people towards independence and democracy. Among them, Mahatma Gandhi was one name who influenced not only the nation but the entire globe. Chapter 11 of the class 12 History book briefs students about the significant elements of the Nationalist Movement and the nature of Gandhian leadership. Students would be able to ponder points like;
- How different groups perceived Gandhi.
- How historians need to read and interpret newspaper diaries and letters as a historical source.
- Elaborate details on nationalism and patriotism.
Chapter 12: Framing The Constitution
India got independence on 15th August 1947, but it was not until 1950 that the constitution was laid down. Chapter 12 of the class 12 History book gives a detailed analysis of how the founding ideals of the new nation-state were debated and formulated. History class 12 NCERT solutions, would help students prepare for their exams around the following important topics to properly answer class 12 History question answer;
- Role of Constituent Assembly to understand functionaries in framing the constitution of India.
- Analysis of debates and discussions around important issues in the constituent assembly and how it helped shape the constitution.
CBSE Class 12 History Chapter-wise Marking Scheme 2023-24
Book | Number of Questions | Marks |
Part I | 11 | 25 |
Part II | 11 | 25 |
Part III | 11 | 25 |
Map | 5 | |
Project | 20 | |
Total | 100 |
Key Features of Class 12 History NCERT Solutions
The History Class 12 NCERT solutions by Oswal publishers are cut above the rest when it comes to guiding students to scoring 100% in their exams. How do we do it? It’s as simple as telling black from white. You start with answering the basic questions and then target the ones that need proper understanding. Once the base is clear, a student will not have difficulty answering class 12 History questions and answers. These class 12 History NCERT solutions are based on the class 12 NCERT History Syllabus and focus on making each topic understandable for students. The essential feature that makes the History Class 12 NCERT Solutions a must-have in your kit are:
- Easy-to-understand language: Unlike many other History guides for class 12, the History class 12 NCERT solutions offer an easy-to-understand language that helps students avoid rote learning. With the help of these History Class 12 solutions, students can easily understand each concept that is there in Class 12 History chapters.
- Anytime accessibility: The History class 12 NCERT Solutions are easily accessible and are free to use for anyone. Be it a student or a parent, these History Class 12 solutions have unlimited access.
- History class 12 NCERT Solutions by highly-skilled experts: We are known for our quality products, and that is because we have a team that are experts in their field. Some skilled minds also curate these History Class 12 solutions to make learning easy for students.
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FAQs on Class 12 History NCERT Solutions
Ans: Yes, the curriculum is designed by NCERT to give a holistic view of our history. The topics are designed to let you analyse, research, and draw a comparison of today’s and past policies. You won’t be able to score well without preparing for all the parts. Prepare as per the mark weightage.
Ans: The History class 12 NCERT Solutions offers solutions to every topic in the NCERT 12 History book. With the help of these, students will get help in answering questions in the exam.
Ans: Class 12 is a crucial point in everybody’s life. From here, you will start a journey that you have chosen. Start your preparation from day one of your academic calendar so that you can be stressed free during the exams and score well.