Application for Leaving Certificate: Format and Samples

Application for Leaving Certificate

Leaving school can be described as one of the most important events in the lives of each student. For this process to be formalised, every student is required to write an Application for Leaving Certificate for School. This is a Leaving Certificate awarded to you once you formally withdraw from the school. This is useful when applying for another school or college, employment, or any other necessary administrative purposes. This blog aims to assist students in learning how to write an Application for Leaving Certificate with proper formats and samples.

Application for Leaving Certificate

Application for Leaving Certificate: Format in English

Like any other formal document, a letter of Application for a Leaving Certificate should follow a standard format. Following is the detailed procedure for writing an Application for School Leaving Certificate and see how it can be done:-

1. Your Address: Begin with your address in the top left corner of your letterhead.

2. Date: Leave a line and write the date below your address.

3. Recipient’s Address: Leave another line and write the address of the person you are writing to (this is often the Principal/Principal’s).

4. Subject: Provide a short subject matter of the letter as a brief description of the content of the letter.

5. Salutation: Always begin the Leaving Certificate Application in English or the Application for SLC politely and formally with the correct form of the recipient’s name and title. For instance, they include courteous phrases such as “Respected Sir/Madam”.

6. Body:

  • Introduction: State your name and indicate your class and section to which you belong.
  • Reason for Request: It is also important to make it clear why you require the School Leaving Certificate Application in English.
  • Conclusion: Thank the recipient and show hope for a positive response.

7. Closing: The letter should end with a polite closing (for example, “Yours obediently”).

8. Signature: Place your signature on the line beneath the closing statement.

9. Name and Details: At the end of your letter, write your full name and other details, such as your class and roll number.

Reasons for Leaving Certificate Application

Let’s look at some of the reasons for writing an application to principal for leaving certificate:

1. Higher Studies: Most students need a leaving certificate to get admission to colleges or other universities.

2. Transfer to Another School: If a family moves to another area, the child has to change schools and therefore requires a leaving certificate.

3. Job Applications: In some cases, especially for part-time job undertakings where the applicant is a student, the Application for LC in School may be needed as a record of prior learning.

4. Personal Reasons: Some of the reasons might be health complications or family matters that may require one to withdraw from school.

Samples for Application for Leaving Certificate

  • Here is a detailed explanation of the sample for a Letter for Leaving Certificate for class XII:

Sample 1:

Application for Leaving Certificate Sample

47, Shiv Nagar,


June 5, 2024

The Principal

Veer International School,

Vasant Vihar,


Subject: Application for School Leaving Certificate

Respected Sir,

I greet you with all the respect I can offer. My name is Nivedita Bedi and I was one of the most dedicated students in your school. I recently appeared for my Class 12 examination and was able to secure a good score. I want to pursue higher studies in one of the colleges in Bangalore. The documentation process for the same will be starting soon. Therefore, I kindly ask you to issue me with a school leaving certificate for admission reasons.

I would like to ask you for your support and response on this matter.

Thanking you,

Yours obediently,

Nivedita Bedi

Class 12, Roll No. 47

  • For a more clear example, let’s look at How to Write an Application for a School Leaving Certificate for class X.

Sample 2:

Application for Leaving Certificate

23, Green Avenue,


March 10, 2024

The Principal

St. Mary’s School,

Green Park,


Subject: Application for School Leaving Certificate

Respected Madam,

With due respect, I am writing to extend my request for a school leaving certificate. My name is Rahul Verma and I have just passed my Class X from your esteemed school. I am moving to Chennai with my family because my father has been transferred to a new company, and I will be changing my school too. Therefore, the school leaving certificate is necessary for me to finish the admission process in the new school I want to transfer to.

In this regard, I kindly request you to issue this certificate at the very earliest.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Rahul Verma

Class 10, Roll No. 89

Student School Leaving Certificate Application


In conclusion, an Application for a Leaving Certificate is a necessary document to help students who want to continue their studies or start working. If one follows the right procedure, it is easy to write a Student School Leaving Certificate Application and state the reasons perfectly well. Hopefully, this blog has given you the format and examples for writing an Application for the College Leaving Certificate.

FAQs on Application for Leaving Certificate

Q1. What do you understand about a leaving certificate?

Ans – A leaving certificate is an official document issued by the school to show that a student has dropped out of school.

Q2. What is the importance of having a leaving certificate?

Ans – They are required when writing an Application for School Leaving Certificate Format for other education institutions, a job opportunity, a scholarship, or for other reasons, like relocation to another city or country.

Q3. How many days or weeks can a leaving certificate be procured?

Ans – Usually, it takes from a couple of days to a week to complete the request in addition to the time your school requires to process it.

Q4. If I have not attended all the classes in my current session, may I please request a leaving certificate?

Ans – Yes, you can, but you will need to describe the reasons you failed to attend the session in the Application for a Discharge Certificate.

Q5. Is there any document I will be required to attach with the application for leaving certificate?

Ans – In most cases, no additional documents are needed, but some schools may request identity proof or mark sheets from previous years.

Q6. Can the leaving certificate be obtained online?

Ans – For this query, it is recommended that one call the school administration that one wants to attend to find out whether they accept online applications by completing an online Application for Leaving Certificate on the school website or by email.

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