Best & Unique Biology Project Topics For Class 12 CBSE Students

Biology Project Topics For Class 12

One of the most common subjects in class 12 CBSE is Biology, the study of living things and objects. If this subject is included in your curriculum, you’ll likely need to work on a project as per the syllabus instructions. 

If you’re looking for unique ideas on biology project topics for class 12, you’re at the right place. Here, we will give you some first-hand ideas about the projects you could choose from, along with the respective outline and sample for your reference. 

Sounds exactly what you’re looking for? Perfect. Let’s get started!

Biology Project Topics For Class 12

Biology Project Topics for Class 12

In this section, we have listed some unique topics for biology project class 12. 

1. The Role of Soil pH in Plant Health: You can discuss how soil pH affects nutrient availability and overall plant vitality.

2. The Impact of Pollutants on Plant Growth and Development: This could mention how various pollutants influence plant physiology and growth patterns.

3. Germination Rates of Different Seed Types Under Various Conditions: This section examines how different environmental conditions affect the germination speed and success of various seeds.

4. The Effects of Light Intensity on Photosynthesis: This one could be about how varying light intensity levels can affect the photosynthesis rate in plants with experiments that measure oxygen production or starch accumulation in leaves.

5. Enzyme Activity Under Different Temperatures: Here, you can discuss how temperature variations influence enzyme activity. You could use potato or liver tissue catalase and measure its activity at different temperatures.

6. Investigating the Process of Osmosis in Plant Cells: Describe an experiment that finds out how osmosis works in plant cells using potatoes or other plant tissues in different concentrations of salt or sugar solutions.

7. The Influence of Fertilisers on Plant Growth: Here, you can compare plants’ growth using organic versus inorganic fertilisers. Measure and discuss parameters like plant height, leaf size and overall health.

8. Biodiversity in Local Ecosystems: This could be done by surveying a local area to catalogue different species of plants and insects. Discuss the importance of biodiversity and any threats to the local ecosystem.

9. The Effect of Soil Erosion on Plant Life: This one could involve investigating how soil erosion impacts plant health and growth. Discuss methods to prevent soil erosion and their effectiveness.

10. Water Quality and Its Impact on Aquatic Plants: Here, you can examine how different water qualities (e.g., fresh, brackish, polluted) affect the growth and health of aquatic plants like duckweed or water hyacinth.
For a better idea of the biology project topics, you can check out the CBSE class 12 biology book here.

Unique Biology Project Topics for Class

Some unique biology project topics for class 12 are listed below. 

1. Effects of Artificial Light on Circadian Rhythms and Health

2. The Impact of Climate Change on Marine Ecosystems

3. The Role of Antioxidants in Preventing Cellular Damage

4. The role of epigenetics in gene expression

5. Studying microbial fuel cells for sustainable energy production

6. The impact of urbanisation on local wildlife

7. The influence of antibiotics on gut microbiota

8. Behavioural responses of insects to pesticides

9. The Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Plant Growth

10. The effect of sound waves on plant growth
These are some topics for bio project class 12 that you might consider for your purpose. For better ideas on unique project topics, our biology book is what you can check out.

Checkout: Chemistry Project Topics for Class 12

Format for Biology Project Class 12

We have detailed a format for your reference for the biology project topics for class 12. 

The Effect of Microplastics on Aquatic Life


– Brief overview of microplastics and their environmental prevalence.

– Importance of studying their impact on aquatic life.


– To find out how microplastics affect the health and behaviour of aquatic organisms.

Materials and Methods:

– Description of water sample collection and analysis for microplastic content.

– Laboratory setup and organisms used (e.g., daphnia, small fish).

– Exposure to varying concentrations of microplastics.


– Observations on behaviour, growth, reproduction and survival rates of the organisms.


– Interpretation of findings and ecological implications.

– Comparison with existing literature on microplastics’ impact.


– Summary of key findings.

– Emphasis on the need for improved waste management practices.


– List of sources and studies cited in the project.

Wrapping Up

With that, we conclude our discussion on the biology project topics for class 12 for CBSE students. There are different project topics for the 12th standard. You can choose the one that best aligns with your interest and present it to your teacher for evaluation. 

We hope the blog helped you gain a basic understanding of which topics to choose and the ideal format for the project. Good luck with this one! 

Checkout: Physics Project Ideas for Class 12


Q1. How do I choose a suitable project topic?

Ans – You should select a topic that aligns with your interest, has available resources and fits within the curriculum guidelines.

Q2. What is the purpose of a biology project?

Ans – The purpose is to explore scientific concepts in depth, help you develop research skills and provide you with hands-on experience in the field of biology.

Q3. What materials and equipment will I need?

Ans – This depends on your project. Common materials should include lab equipment, specimens, chemicals and data collection tools.

Q4. What sections should my project report include?

Ans – Your project should have Introduction, Objective, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References.

Q5. Can I work in a group for my project?

Ans – This depends on your school’s policy and what your teacher asks you to do. Some projects may be individual, while others can be collaborative.

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