The COVID pandemic might soon be behind us, but the same can’t be said for recession and dearth of jobs. 7 crore students appear for different government exams every year to make a career as bank professionals, railway officials, engineers, etc. The competition level of these exams is already very intense and for the next few years, it could become even more competitive. Preparing for the competitive exams is a tough nut to crack and can only be achieved with a carefully crafted strategy.
Tips for Cracking Government Exams
Let us look at some of the top strategies for cracking these exams.
1. Refer to a concept-based study material
The competitive exams are aimed at evaluating your application of knowledge and not theory. So, pick up study material that involves a modern approach for understanding the concepts & involves a learner-friendly method for a better understanding. The content of the study material should be the latest and geared towards helping you ace the examination.
2. Fix weekly targets
It is essential to fix weekly targets especially if you are preparing on your own. Then, the targets become even more important
3. Practice enough sample papers
Have you ever gone blank when the exam paper arrived? Well, you are not alone and this is a common occurrence among many students. It can happen due to the anxiety of the examinations and not practising enough questions. This can be resolved by looking back into previous years questions, sample papers and getting a clear understanding of the type of questions. It will also help you in gauging the difficulty level of the examination.
4. Prepare a time management strategy
Competitive exams are all about managing your time and efficiently answering the questions. If you have a strategy of managing time and allocating time for each section, you will have a better chance of scoring higher. While solving sample papers, you can carve a strategy for yourself. Check which topics take you less time. Solve that section first and save time for tougher ones in the exam.
5. Revise and then Revise some more
You can take mock tests and revision tests for self-evaluation. These will help you map your overall performance. Also, revision tests will help you in preparing your own strategy for the examination.

The tips shared in this article will help you crack the exam. Remember to stay positive and focus on your preparation. Pick the right study material, prepare your time management strategy to ace the examination. You can have a look at the Oswal High Score Series, aiming to explain tough exam topics most easily.
All the best!