Last minute revision can be very stressful. You may worry that you haven’t made enough changes, or that what you’re doing now is all you can remember. However, last minute revision can also be a useful period for consolidation and should therefore be used wisely. You may be very prepared and that’s great. But that is not true for all of us. It’s not too late for students to improve their performance on the big days. Use productive study methods and a healthy diet in the last few weeks. So, if you’re feeling stressed about last minute revision, here are some tips to be efficient at the last minute and ace your exams.
- ▪ 12 Last Minute Exam Revision Tips
- ▪ 1. Time Management Strategies
- ▪ 2. Prioritizing Topics
- ▪ 3. Quick Recall Techniques
- ▪ 4. Efficient Study Resources
- ▪ 5. Online Platforms and Apps
- ▪ 6. Textbooks and Notes Review
- ▪ 7. Healthy Habits for Exam Days
- ▪ 8. Sleep and Nutrition
- ▪ 9. Stress Management Techniques
- ▪ 10. Exam Approach Techniques
- ▪ 11. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
- ▪ 12. Essay, Short Answer, and Long-Answer Questions
- ▪ Conclusion
- ▪ FAQs on Last Minute Exam Revision Tips

12 Last Minute Exam Revision Tips
1. Time Management Strategies
Creating effective time management strategies for last minute revision is all about prioritizing the most important tasks and completing them in less time while maintaining high quality. Does that sound difficult? Don’t worry, we have five tips on how to get there.
1. Organize:
Organizing helps clarify things in last minute revision. It removes stress and gives you time control. Start at least a few months before the exam date and organize your time by day, week and month. By doing this, you will have a clear idea of how much time you have and how much you can devote to different activities. Control your time and don’t let it control you!
2. Track:
First, observe your time for a few days. How much time do you spend studying? How much time do you spend sleeping? How much time do you spend on other activities? This exercise removes from your mind the idea that I am always learning because observation makes things clear.
3. Prioritization:
Time management means using time wisely, especially during last minute revision. Include all daily activities in your schedule, but know which ones should be prioritized. This/these activities should take the most time. In your case, of course, it’s learning.
4. Schedule
Now it’s time to create an accurate schedule based on your findings for last minute revision. You have controlled your activities, understood how much time you have and know your priorities. Based on these factors, create an appropriate schedule that includes all the activities planned for the day. Don’t forget to include sleep time, rest time, meal time, rest time, etc. The clearer it is, the better it is for you.
2. Prioritizing Topics
Slow and steady wins the race when it comes to learning. For students who may not have prepared as much as possible throughout the year often resort to cramming. This technique is not effective. Running to the finish line can often do more harm than good.
Let’s discuss tips for identifying and prioritizing important topics when doing last minute revision.
1. Understanding the course material
The first step in identifying important topics is to spend time understanding the material being studied. Read your course material and write down everything important for the exam.
2. Analyzing the format of the exam
Once you have a good understanding of the material, it is important to analyze the format of the exam you are taking for last minute exam preparation. Different tests have different formats and questions, so it’s important to be aware of the types of questions you’ll be asked.
3. Recognising Important Concepts
Go through last year’s board exams, and sample papers and circle the important topics. Just focus on those topics and you will excel in the exams.
Check: How to Revise for Exams Effectively?
3. Quick Recall Techniques

Students have to memorize a lot of material for the exam. If you have multiple subjects and last minute revisions, it can be much more stressful. It is common for students to struggle with memorization skills. However, the look is not limited to a few people who have the necessary skills. We can all improve our memory with practice.
1. Test your knowledge after memorizing a certain topic
Test yourself after studying the course material. This self-assessment method is one of the most effective study methods to help you memorize words, topics and concepts quickly. It requires you to ask yourself after reading about a certain topic to see if the information you used really sunk in or just rolled off your tongue.
2. Lifestyle changes that improve memory
Brain health is the most important thing to remember. Overall, you can improve your memorization by doing the following three things that reveal the secret science of memorization research.
3. Use abbreviations and mnemonics
Turn the course material into patterns and sentences that must be remembered. Information is easier to remember if the initial letter of each item is associated with a word, term or rhyme. These techniques are particularly useful for memorizing lists and sequential information.
4. Flashcards
These are a great study tool for last minute study tips. When you want to memorize definitions, facts or short information for an exam – using these flashcards is an active learning technique that helps you remember (ie the process you use). used to retrieve memories and information). Flashcards are portable, so you can take them wherever you want to study and they are easy to make. You can use flashcards, and sticky notes to create as many flashcards as you need for the upcoming exam.
Check: 15 Memory Techniques For Studying
4. Efficient Study Resources
Last minute preparation requires the right guidance and resources to ensure students have all the information they need for the exam. However, many students keep many books for each subject, which creates confusion.
- To avoid this, students should prefer and strictly follow the standard guidebooks and textbooks recommended by subject teachers and experts.
- They can also use SSS, CBSE, and NCERT books or download/purchase required preparation books directly from the exam organization website.
- A good study material store saves time between various books and makes exam preparation easier.
- The best way to prepare for the exam is to go through the previous year’s questions. Analyzing previous year’s question papers helps students assess their level, understand the pattern of questions like FAQs and weighted topics, and identify what difficult questions look like.
- Students can use digital media to prepare for the exam. YouTube offers a cheaper alternative where students can find free videos that teach and inform.
5. Online Platforms and Apps
The convenience of online assessment is appreciated by both teachers and students for last minute revision. This benefits student learning and preparation. The benefits of online assessment help students gain confidence and remember concepts. online assessments provide assessment across 11 subjects and provide exposure to 80,000 questions. There are 8 different questions in the assessment for all three boards – CBSE, ICSE, and ISC. It also provides various questions such as subjective and objective questions.
6. Textbooks and Notes Review
Textbooks and reviews of notes can be immensely helpful. At times, we get so engrossed in cramming and memorising specific formulas and concepts which can be an issue. All students might need at the last moment is a simple review or glance of textbooks and notes.
Here are a few ways and hacks to do a quick revision of the textbooks and notes:
- Highlight
Whatever you have to read, one thing is certain: something on this page has been tried. Sooner or later you will have to revisit this page to study it. It takes a little more time, but the best way to make learning easier is to focus well on the first reading.
It is difficult to read new and complex material. When you are stressed, it forces you to focus. It helps to maintain intense concentration and purposeful reading. You are constantly looking for the most important points and the best ways to summarize them.
- Understand to Read
Reading is good. Comprehension is better. Don’t just read and move on. Notice this and remember a mental pattern to maintain it. You must understand everything you read in college. It contains the definition of every word in every book. Never again until the content is clear.
- Take Small Bites
Any reading task seems much easier if you break it into small pieces. Focus on reading gradually. Start early and do something. You don’t have to do an entire chapter in one sitting. Reading a few pages when you have time adds up to a day.
7. Healthy Habits for Exam Days
It’s simple to let unhealthy habits take control during this hectic period, but making the effort to lead a healthy lifestyle will help you reduce stress and perform at your best on exam day.
- Eat Balanced
It’s tempting to reach for study snacks like chips and chocolate to pass your exams, but it’s much easier to focus when you eat nutritious meals and healthy snacks. While the odd treat here and there is a good lesson, overloading on sugar or salt will only make you feel empty. It is also important to make sure you eat a proper meal before the exam.
2. Avoid Too Much Caffeine
Many students fall into the trap of using coffee or energy drinks to help them study. You might think it will help you study at night—or give you a boost for an exam—but you’re more likely to fail.
3. Good night’s sleep
Sacrificing sleep for late-night cramming is not a good way to stay, even if you want to better prepare for the exam. If you have trouble staying awake, you probably aren’t studying at your best – and you must try to get a full night’s rest before the exam.
4. Find a friend to study with
Studying with friends offers an opportunity to relax and socialize while remaining productive. You may find that you work more effectively when you have others to motivate you and help you tackle difficult concepts and topics.
5. Give yourself breaks
Studying can be tiring, so it’s important to stop and refresh yourself from time to time – even if you’re tired and short on time. Taking five minutes to go for a short walk or make a cup of tea can help you clear your head and focus.
8. Sleep and Nutrition
Many students choose to cram instead of sleeping because they think the extra study time will benefit them during exams, but it will make them worse.
- Students who sleep better enjoy better grades, better memory, better mood and better health. Better sleep is linked to better academic performance.
- To enjoy the best possible sleep, you must sleep well at least one week before the exam.
9. Stress Management Techniques

There are several strategies to help students cope with the exam load:
- Prepare: Start studying early and break your course into smaller, more manageable chunks. This will help you feel in control and reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed.
- Organize: Create a curriculum and follow it. Collect all necessary materials such as notes, textbooks and other resources and keep them in your chosen study area.
- Take breaks: It is important to take breaks during study periods so that your mind can rest and recharge. Take a walk, listen to music, or do something else you enjoy that will help you relax.
- Eat well and exercise: A healthy diet and regular exercise can help you manage stress and improve your concentration.
- Seeking help: If you are having trouble coping with exam stress, it is important to seek support from friends, family or a mental health professional.
Check: How To Deal with Exam Stress?
10. Exam Approach Techniques
It is useful to understand what questions are asked in the exam because the answer you need depends on the type of question. Knowing the different types of exam questions can help you activate appropriate strategies for framing answers and reducing test-taking anxiety.
It is useful to understand what questions are asked in the exam because the answer you need depends on the type of question.
Knowing the different types of exam questions can help you activate appropriate strategies for framing answers and reducing test-taking anxiety.
Let us quickly acquaint you with the exam pattern for session 2024 – 25:
- Competency Based Questions (MCQs/Case Based Questions, Source-based Integrated Questions or any other type) = 50%
- Select response type questions (MCQ) = 20%
- Constructed response questions (Short Answer/Long Answer type Questions, as per existing pattern) = 30%
The CBSE Last 10 Years Solved Papers get an idea about the format, type, and general expectations of the exam through the practice test. It can also be used to practice time management.
11. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
We all know that the best way to pass an exam is to study and attend class. But there are also tips and tricks to help you ace a difficult multiple-choice exam.
1. Read carefully:
Take time to read each question and answer option. Use a highlighter to make sure you find words like “not” and “except” in the question that can easily trip you up. Many students choose the opposite of the correct answer simply because they are missing a word, misread the question, or forgot what the question is asking.
2. Find your answer:
Once you understand the question, think about what the correct answer should say or contain. Use this ideal answer as a yardstick to measure the options available. This will help you avoid falling into the trap.
3. Don’t worry about your choices too much:
Wavering between two answer options is usually a waste of time. If you choose several options, you have a 50% chance of choosing the correct answer. Compare the remaining options, isolate the similarities and differences, and choose. In general, multiple-choice tests have many questions and they all have the same value. Don’t waste time thinking about difficult questions when a simple question will increase your score just as much. You can pick up the updated CBSE Most Likely Question Banks for practice for the board exam 2025. These question banks are curated to help students prepare chapter-wise and category-wise, with a special focus on competency-based questions.
12. Essay, Short Answer, and Long-Answer Questions
There are different strategies for writing an essay, short answers and long answer questions. Let’s have a look at the various kinds of answers for Competency-Based Question:
Essay Questions:
- Read all the questions carefully and make sure you understand each question.
- To manage your time effectively, underline or emphasize the keyword(s) in each question and decide which questions you are most confident in answering. These are the questions you should answer first.
- Circle the action word(s) that show how your answer is organized. Choose the appropriate answer model for each activity word and draw your answer on paper or in the margins of the test booklet.
- Write your answer as quickly and clearly as possible. Don’t plan to rewrite the essay—there’s rarely time for anything other than proving an answer.
- Proofread your answer and correct any grammatical, spelling or syntax errors.
Short Answers and Long Answers:
- Break down the question. Identify three types of words: task words, topic words, and boundary words. This search word list guides you through the meanings of common search words.
- Rephrase the question in your own words. Plan the structure of your answer before you start writing.
- Use examples as evidence and help increase the credibility of your writing. Use clear language and keep your writing straight to the point. Use the words in the answer question to show your answer to the mark.
- Use scoring to plan how much time you will spend on each question. Time management in exams.
- Practice writing short answers. Doing practice questions under exam conditions will improve your performance in the actual exam.

We all have different ways of studying and that includes preparing for exams. As you gain experience taking the exam, you will find the methods that work best for you and learn how to prepare in the best possible way. Until then, these tips should give you a good starting point for learning. It is recommended that you regularly prepare with Competency-Based Practice Questions, you can find such questions in Gurukul by Oswal Most Likely CBSE Question Bank and Last 10 Years Solved Papers.
FAQs on Last Minute Exam Revision Tips
Q1. Is last minute exam preparation effective or should I start studying earlier?
Ans: Although it is generally recommended to start studying early, last minute preparation can be effective if done strategically. Our blog provides tips and techniques for making the most of last minute study sessions, helping you focus on the most important concepts and boost your confidence before the exam.
Q2. How can I manage my time effectively during last minute exam preparation?
Ans: Time management is very important when preparing for exams at the last minute. We provide practical advice on creating a study plan, prioritising topics and using time effectively to cover important material. Discover techniques to maximize productivity and effective data retention.
Q3. What are some quick and effective research methods for last minute suppression?
Ans: Our blog highlights personalized study techniques for last minute preparation, such as active recall, memory devices, and focused review of key concepts. Discover methods to help you learn quickly and retain it for the exam, ensuring a more focused and efficient study session.
Q4. How can I stay calm and focused during last minute exam stress?
Ans: Stress management is critical to effective last minute preparation. Learn about relaxation techniques, mindfulness practices, and stress reduction strategies to maintain a calm and focused mindset. Our blog offers information on how to maintain a positive mental attitude in the final hours before an exam.
Q5. Are there certain subjects or topics that I should prioritize for last minute exam preparation?
Ans: Prioritizing the right topics is important when time is limited. We help you identify effective topics and focus on key concepts that are likely to appear on the exam. You’ll gain insight into how to strategically prioritize your subjects to get the most out of your last minute studying.
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