Oswal 36 Sample Question Papers CBSE Class 10 Social Science Solutions
Section - A
(Multiple Choice Questions)
- (b) It gave the government enormous powers to repress political activities.
- (c) Louis Sebastien Mercier
- (d) Abanindranath Tagore
- (c) III, IV, II, I
- (a) Bajra
- (c) Equality among citizens
- (b) A-II, B-III, C-IV, D-I
- (c) Tertiary
- (a) The type of federation in which a large country decides to divide its power between the constituent
states and the national government. - (b) Democracy is not a guarantee of economic development.
- (a) Wheat – Rabi crop
- (b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
- (d) Cheque
- (b) 2087
- (a) Communist Party of India
- (c) ₹12,000
- (a) Nature of ownership of assets
- (b) Collateral
- (d) Between 60 to 70 per cent
- (d) I & IV
Section - B
(Very Short Answer Based Questions)
21. (i) The production of handwritten manuscripts could not satisfy the ever-increasing demand for books.
(ii) Copying was an expensive, laborious and time-consuming task.
(iii) Manuscripts were fragile, awkward to handle and could not be carried around or read easily.
Due to all these reasons the art of woodblock printing gained popularity in Europe. (Any two)
22. Manufacturing industries are important for India because:
(i) They help in creating jobs other than in agricultural sector and generating income.
(ii) Manufacturing of more goods facilitates in an expansion of trade and exchange of foreign currencies.
(iii) They help in the overall development of the country.
The aluminium smelting industry is the second most important metallurgical industry in India.
Aluminium has several distinct features:
(i) Aluminium is a light metal that is resistant to corrosion and is a good conductor of heat.
(ii) This metal is also malleable and gains strength when it is mixed with other metals. This metal is used in the manufacturing of aircraft, utensils and wires.
(iii) The major aluminium smelting plants are located in the states of Odisha, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra.
23. There are several ways in which women face discrimination in society:
(i) There is gender bias in society and women are considered fit only for household work which is not right.
(ii) Women are paid less than men, even which both do exactly the same work.
24. Some of the essential functions that the political parties perform are:
(i) Their foremost responsibility is to contest the elections in a region, state or at the national level.
(ii) They generally prepare a manifesto of their policies and put them in front of people, seeking support for their policies and programmes.
(iii) After assuming power, political parties formulate the laws and run the administration of the nation.
Section - C
(Short Answer Based Questions)
25. (i) Cheap and affordable credit plays a crucial role for the country’s development. There is a huge demand for loans for various economic activities.
(ii) The credit helps people to meet the ongoing expenses of production and thereby develop their business.
(iii) Many people could then borrow for a variety of different needs. They could grow crops, do business, set up industries etc.
In this way credit plays a vital role in the development of a country.
26. Count Camilo de Cavour : He was chief minister of Sardinia-Piedmont state who led the movement to unify the regions of Italy. He was neither a revolutionary nor a democrat Like many other wealthy and educated members of the Italian elite, he spoke French much better than he did Italian. He engineered a careful diplomatic alliance with France, which helped Sardinia Piedmont to defeat the Austrian forces in 1859, and thereby free the northern part of Italy from the Austrian Habsburgs.
The Frankfurt Parliament : It was an all-German National Assembly formed by a large number of political associations whose members were middle-class professionals, businessmen and prosperous artisans. Its first meeting was convened on 18 May, 1848 in the Church of St. Paul at Frankfurt. They drafted a constitution for the German nation to be headed by a monarchy subject to a parliament. The king of Prussia rejected the crown offered by the deputies of parliament.
27. If several parties compete for power and more than two parties have a reasonable chance of coming to power either on their own strength or in alliance with others, we call it a multi-party system.
India adopted a multi-party system because :
(i) There is social and geographical diversity in India.
(ii) India is such a large country which is not easily absorbed by two or three parties.
28. Resources in our country are not evenly distributed. For example :
(i) Arunachal Pradesh has abundance of water resource but lacks in infrastructure. On the other hand, Rajasthan is gifted with solar and wind energy, but lack in fertile soil.
(ii) Most of Northeast states are rich in natural vegetation, but lack in fertile soil.
(iii) Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh are rich in minerals and coal deposits but lack in industrialization.
29. (i) Democratic government are transparent, legitimate and accountable whereas non-democratic governments are selected and formed at their own discretion
(ii) Democratic governments provides dignity and freedom to all without any discrimination whereas it is not possible to get it in a non-democratic government.
(iii) In a democratic government, conflicts are resolved through debate, discussions and negotiation rather than discretion. In a non-democratic government, the head of the government is the single person to resolve the conflicts.
(iv) Minority and majority cooperation is a common phenomenon in the democratic government. It can’t be seen in a non-democratic government.
(v) Democratic government enhances dignity of all without any discrimination.
Section - D
(Long Answer Based Questions)
30. (i) In Africa, in the 1890s, a rapid spreading disease of cattle plague or rinderpest had a terrifying impact on people’s livelihoods and the local economy.
(ii) In the high noon of European imperialism and colonisation, rinderpest arrived in Africa in the late 1880s.
(iii) It was carried by infected cattle imported from British Asia to feed the Italian soldiers invading Eritrea in East Africa.
(iv) Entering Africa in the east, rinderpest moved west. It killed 90% of the cattle on the way.
(v) The loss of cattle destroyed African livelihoods and heavily affected their economy.
(vi) Planters, mine owners and colonial governments now monopolised what resources remained to strengthen their power and to force Africans into the labour market.
Indian trade has definitely played a crucial role in the late 19th century world economy.
(i) Britain had a trade surplus with India; it used this surplus to balance its trade deficits with other countries.
(ii) Britain‘s trade surplus in India also helped to pay the so-called ‘home charges‘ that included private remittances home by British officials and traders, interest payments on India‘s external debts and pensions of the British officials in India.
(iii) In the 19th century, thousands of Indian and Chinese labourers went to work on plantation in mines and for roads and railways construction projects around the world.
(iv) India also provided raw materials to the developing industries of the world.
(v) India became a major market for the final goods, especially for cotton textile industry of Britain.
31. A farming in which the main production is consumed by the farmer’s household is known as Primitive subsistence farming.
Features :
(i) Old technology and traditional implements are used.
(ii) Agriculture fields are small and farmers posses scattered landholdings.
(iii) Most of the farmers are poor and do not use fertilisers and HYV seeds.
(iv) The overall productivity is very low.
Intensive farming is a type of farming in which the agricultural production is increased by using scientific methods and better agricultural inputs.
Features :
(i) HYV seeds and modern inputs are used to increase the production.
(ii) More than one crop is cultivated during a year.
(iii) It is practised in thickly populated areas.
(iv) The per hectare yield is very high.
32. (i) Democracy produces an accountable government : Democracy produces an accountable government, as the people have the right to choose their representatives through the electoral process. These elected representatives form the government and participate in the decision- making process on behalf of the people. If these elected representatives do not work properly, people have a chance to not elect them in next election.
(ii) Democracy produces responsive government : Democratic governments are elected by the people and are responsible towards the people and Parliament. These governments promote the formation of public opinion and take care of the needs and expectations of the people.
(iii) Democracy produces legitimate government : A democratic government is people’s own government. People wish to be ruled by representatives elected by them. They also believe that democracy is suitable for their country. Democracy’s ability to generate its own support is itself an outcome that cannot be ignored.
Democracy is a government by the people, of the people and for the people. Hence, people often expect much from it. However, they get disappointed when their needs and demands are ignored and corruption adversely affects the decision-making process. People also get disappointed due to slower process of decision-making and low economic growth. But it is important to note here, that decision-making in democracy is taken through norms and procedures. Hence, there may be delay in the procedure but the decisions are acceptable to all and are efficient. People, also have power to change the rule by not electing the corrupt or inefficient government. Moreover, such adversities are found in non-democratic setups also. However, in democracy people can trust the system that things will be changed if they bring them into the light, instead of being passive sufferers. Hence, frustration of people with democracy is an indication that they are enlightened and active citizens who can act to bring about change.
33. The unorganised sector is characterised by small and scattered units which are not under the effective control of the government. Though government has framed rules and regulations for the units in this sector but they are not followed. In this sector jobs are low-paid and often irregular. There is no provision for overtime, paid leaves, holidays, leave due to sickness etc. Employment is also not secure and it depends on the whims of the employer. When there is less work or employer wishes to expel any worker, he/she can be asked to leave without any reason. These uncertainties become causes of exploitation of labour in unorganised sector. Working conditions are also not very conductive in this sector. For example, we can see that many mechanics of various machines like automobiles or refrigerators are working in unhygienic conditions which may be hazardous for their health. So, it becomes very important for the government to frame policies for the protection of workers in unorganised sector.
Following are the ways in which the public sector contributes to the development of a nation:
(i) The public sector is responsible for developing basic infrastructure which helps in development of all the sectors of the economy. Hence, the public sector undertakes generation of electricity, construction of roads, bridges, railways, harbours and providing irrigation through dams etc. The expenditure incurred on developing such facilities is tremendous which may not be possible for private sector.
(ii) The government supports the provision of various services to the general public in the form of subsidies. For example, for the availability of fertilisers to the farmers at lower prices, the government provides production subsidy to fertiliser companies. Similar examples are cooking gas, diesel, electricity etc.
(iii) The government provides support to farmers by helping them in the form of procurement of farm products like wheat, rice and pulses from them. Such products are then made available to people through ration shops.
(iv) The government provides various such other services like medical care, education, drinking water, sanitation, housing facilities to poor and other administrative services for the proper running of the country etc.
(v) The public sector generates many employment opportunities.
Section - E
(Case Based Question)
34.1 There were various cultural processes symbolized in a figure or image. It created an image with which people identified with nation.
34.2 Nationalism captured the people’s imagination:
(i) Through history and fiction
(ii) Through folklore and songs.
(iii) Through popular prints and symbols.
(iv) Through the image of Bharat Mata.
34.3 (i) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay created the image of Bharat Mata and wrote ‘Vande Mataram’ and novel ‘Anandamath’.
(ii) Abanindranath Tagore painted image of Bharat Mata as ascetic figure.
(iii) Devotion to Bharat Mata came to be seen as evidence of one’s nationalism.
35.1 A safe and secure environment may allow more women to take up a variety of jobs or run a business.
35.2 (i) Working atmosphere i.e. night or morning duty hours.
(ii) Regular or temporary employment.
35.3 Development involves thinking about our aspirations or desires and about the ways in which we can work towards achieving these desires/goals.
Different goals: Different persons in society have different aspirations and goals. One may desire to be
a doctor while another person an engineer. There is no conflict between the two. They can fulfil their
aspirations or desires.
36.1 In rooftop rainwater harvesting system, rainwater that falls on the sloping roofs of houses is taken through a pipe into an underground tank for later use.
36.2 Two methods adopted by ancient India for rainwater harvesting were:
(i) Diversion channels like guls or kuls were built in the mountainous regions.
(ii) Khadins and Johads were also used in arid and semi-arid regions of Rajasthan.
Section - F
CBSE 36 Sample Question Papers
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