Math is a fascinating subject that can be both stimulating and enjoyable. With math, you can develop problem-solving skills, explore different ways of thinking, and practice critical reasoning. Whether you’re a student or a hobbyist, there are some amazing math facts that will surprise you.
From learning to count and adding numbers together to mastering complex equations, math can be a source of fun and satisfaction. In this article, we’ll explore 45 math facts that prove it’s a fun subject and how to make the most of it. In addition to math facts, we will also learn some tricks to make maths more fun, know how to become a pro at maths using vedic maths, and know how to score good marks in maths.
45 Cool Facts About Maths
Let’s explore the top 10 interesting facts about maths:
1. Math facts can’t begin without talking about zero. The number zero was first used in India over 5,000 years ago.
2. The ancient Egyptians and math facts go hand in hand. The ancient Egyptians used a set of numbers known as hieroglyphs to represent basic mathematical calculations.
3. The symbol for infinity was first used by the ancient Greeks in the 5th century BC.
4. The term “algebra” comes from the Arabic word “al-jabr”, meaning “the reunion of broken parts”.
5. Math facts are incomplete without the historic mathematician. The famous mathematician, Pythagoras, had a very strange belief: he believed that all numbers were made up of the same building blocks.
6. The number pi (3.14159…) is an irrational number, meaning it can never be written down as a finite decimal.

7. The symbol for pi has been used in mathematics since the 1700s.
8. The number 12 is the only number that is equal to the sum of its divisors, excluding itself.
9. The amount of time it would take to solve all of the puzzles is estimated at 5 billion years.
10. The mathematician, Leonhard Euler, is credited with inventing graph theory.
A few interesting facts about mathematics in daily life:
11. The number of possible different Sudoku puzzles is 6,670,903,752,021,072,936,960. Math facts are incomplete without sudoku
12. The Egyptians were the first to use multiplication tables.
13. There are a number of math facts behind every equation. The most famous equation in mathematics is Euler’s identity: eiπ + 1 = 0.
14. The oldest surviving mathematical text is the Rhind Papyrus, written in Egypt around 1650 BC.
15. One of the unknown maths facts is related to the Pythagorean theorem. The oldest surviving mathematical proof is the Pythagorean Theorem, first proved by the ancient Greeks in the 6th century BC.

16. The most famous unsolved problem in mathematics is the Riemann Hypothesis.
17. The number of possible combinations of a Rubik’s Cube is 43,252,003,274,489,856,000.
18. Some interesting math facts for kids: The number of possible combinations of a Rubik’s Cube is greater than the number of atoms in the universe.
19. The most common number used in mathematics is the number 3.
20. In the 17th century, Isaac Newton invented calculus.
21. The most famous formula in mathematics is the quadratic equation, x2 + bx + c = 0.
22. The most famous theorem in mathematics is Pythagoras’ Theorem.
23. A typical soccer ball is constructed from pentagons and hexagons; it contains 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons.
24. 26 is the only natural number sandwiched between a perfect square number (25) and a perfect cube number (27).
Some interesting facts about maths related to prime numbers.
25. The smallest prime number is 2.
26. One of the cool math fun facts is on prime numbers. The largest known prime number is over 13 million digits long.
27. The standard deviation, a measure of variation, is used to measure the spread of data around its mean.
Some facts about maths related to irrational numbers:
28. Many interesting facts about mathematics are based on irrational numbers. The most commonly used irrational number is e, which is equal to 2.71828…
29. The most commonly used irrational number is pi, which is equal to 3.14159…
30. The most commonly used irrational number is the golden ratio, which is equal to 1.6180339…
31. The most famous equation in mathematics is Euler’s identity: eiπ + 1 = 0.
32. One of the unknown facts about maths is that the most famous problem in mathematics is the three-body problem.
33. One of the interesting mathematical facts is about Fibonacci. The most famous set of numbers in mathematics is the Fibonacci Sequence.
34. The most famous theorem in mathematics is Pythagoras’ Theorem.
35. The most famous puzzle in mathematics is the Tower of Hanoi.
36. The most famous game in mathematics is Sudoku.

37. The most famous equation in mathematics is the quadratic equation, x2 + bx + c = 0.
38. The most famous number in mathematics is the golden ratio, which is equal to 1.6180339…
39. The most famous number in mathematics is the square root of two, which is equal to 1.41421356…
40. The most famous function in mathematics is the logarithm.
41. The most famous constant in mathematics is the number e, which is equal to 2.71828…
42. One of the amazing facts about mathematics: The most famous mathematical series is the Taylor Series.
43. The most famous algorithm in mathematics is the Euclidean algorithm.
44. One of the amazing facts about maths is about trigonometric functions. The trigonometric functions (sine, cosine, and tangent) were first used by the Arabs in the 10th century.
45. Maths amazing facts and wonders are related to probability. The probability of an event is the ratio of the number of ways it can occur to the total number of possible outcomes.
Did you find the math facts interesting? These interesting facts about maths were just 1 millionth of math facts that exist all around the world. Let’s explore vedic maths now!
Vedic Maths
The world of mathematics has been around for centuries, and its secrets have been sought after for just as long. Vedic mathematics is an ancient system of mathematics that is still used today and has been used by many cultures throughout history. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the tricks and tips of Vedic mathematics, and the ways it can help you with your math studies. Come and explore the mysteries of Vedic mathematics, and you will find that your math skills are greatly improved!
Vedic maths is an ancient system of calculations that was developed by Indian mathematicians in 800 BC. This system has been used for thousands of years and is still used today in some parts of the world. It provides a very fast and efficient way of performing calculations and can be used for a variety of different tasks.
Let’s explore some of the cool Vedic maths tricks that can be used for fast calculations. Before we get into the tricks, let’s first understand how Vedic maths works.
Vedic maths is based on 16 Sutras (formulae) that can be used to solve almost any problem. These Sutras are a set of rules that can be used to directly calculate the answer to a problem.
Trick 1: Vertically and Crosswise Trick
One of the most popular Vedic maths tricks is the “Vertically and Crosswise” trick. This trick can be used to multiply two-digit numbers quickly. All you have to do is line up the numbers vertically and then crosswise. For example, if you wanted to multiply 23 and 32, you would line up the numbers vertically as follows:
Then you would crosswise multiply the numbers, starting from the right side. In this case, the product would be 736 (2 x 2 = 4, 3 x 3 = 9 and 3 x 2 = 6).
Trick 2: Divide and Conquer Trick
Another cool Vedic maths trick is the “Divide and Conquer” trick. This trick can be used to divide two numbers quickly. All you have to do is divide the two numbers into halves and then use the halves to calculate the quotient. For example, if you wanted to divide 50 by 10, you would divide 50 into two halves: 25 and 25. You would then divide 10 into two halves: 5 and 5. Finally, you would multiply the two halves together (5 x 5 = 25) to get the answer (25).
These are just a few of the cool Vedic maths tricks that can be used for fast calculations.
There are many more tricks that can be used to solve a variety of different problems. If you are interested in learning more about this ancient system of mathematics, there are many books and websites available that can provide an introduction to the system. With practice and dedication, you can become an expert in this system of calculations and use it to your advantage.
How to Make Maths Fun?
Maths is one of the most important subjects in the world today. Maths can be an incredibly fun subject to learn and explore. Here are some of the ways you can make maths fun!
1. Try hands-on activities: Hands-on activities are a great way to make maths engaging and fun. This can include activities such as counting out different amounts of money, playing board games such as Monopoly, or making shapes with different blocks.
2. Challenge yourself: Trying to understand a concept or solve a more difficult problem can be a great way to challenge yourself and keep your interest in the subject.
3. Create tutorials: Creating tutorials can be an enjoyable way to learn maths. You can create videos or text-based tutorials on various mathematical concepts or problems.
4. Use online resources: There are a lot of online resources available to help you learn and practice maths. The Internet has a lot of helpful tutorials and examples of different mathematical concepts.
How to Score Good Marks in Maths?
Here are some tips to help you score higher marks in mathematics.

1. Have a realistic goal: Figure out how much you need to score to get the grade you want and set a target.
2. Start early: Start preparing for your mathematics exams as early as possible. This will give you enough time to understand the concepts better and practice the problems.
3. Understand the basics: Before you move on to solving more complex problems, make sure that you understand the basic concepts.
4. Make notes: Your maths notes will help you remember the concepts better and also help you revise quickly before the exam.
5. Practice: Solve previous year’s question papers, sample papers, and mock tests to get a better understanding of the exam pattern.
6. Take breaks: Do something other than studying like going for a walk, watching a movie or listening to music. Taking breaks will also help you retain the concepts better.
7. Ask for help: Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you are stuck with a problem. Ask your teacher, friends or even online forums for help.
By following these tips, you can easily score good marks in your mathematics exams. All the best!
Wow, I had no idea maths was so fascinating! I loved reading about the different facts and trivia in this post. Number 27 about the largest prime number was particularly interesting. Can’t wait to learn more about maths and its many mysteries!
I loved reading this post! The fact that 0.999… is equal to 1 is mind blowing! Keep sharing more interesting math facts like this, I’m hooked
Loved reading this post! I especially found the fact about Fibonacci sequence in nature so fascinating. Made me think about how maths is everywhere!
This post is incredibly fascinating! I loved learning about the quirky facts and the history behind some mathematical concepts. It’s amazing how math permeates so many aspects of our lives. Thanks for sharing these insights!