This article will provide you with details about the class 10 science deleted syllabus 2024-25. For the 2024-25 academic year, CBSE has kept the 30% reduction in the syllabus in place. From the official website of CBSE students can get the most recent version of the CBSE Class 10 Science Syllabus.
As part of the Class 10 Science deleted syllabus 2024-25 three chapters and some sections of four other chapters were deleted, the CBSE Class 10 Science Syllabus now has thirteen chapters overall. The class 10 Science deleted syllabus 2024-25 includes entire chapters on sustainable management of natural resources, periodic classification of elements, and sources of energy that have been eliminated. The syllabus’s Chapter 9 has been substantially revised. ‘Heredity’ is now used in place of the chapter’s title. Furthermore, sections of Chapters 11, 12, and 13 have also been eliminated.

CBSE Class 10 Science Deleted Syllabus 2024-25
The following table includes the class 10 Science deleted syllabus 2024-25. Find below the chapters that were dropped from the CBSE Class 10 Science Syllabus 2024-25:
Chapter | Topics Deleted | Deleted Page No. |
Chapter 5: Periodic Classification of Elements | Full Chapter Deleted | 79-92 |
Chapter 9: Heredity and Evolution | 4 Box items: • Charles Robert Darwin • Origin of Life on Earth • How do fossils form layer by layer? • Molecular Phylogeny 9.3 Evolution • 9.3.1 An Illustration • 9.3.2 Acquired and Inherited Traits 9.4 Speciation 9.5 Evolution and Classification • 9.5.1 Tracing Evolutionary Relationships • 9.5.2 Fossils • 9.5.3 Evolution by Stages 9.6 Evolution should not be equated with ‘progress‘ 9.6.1 Human Evolution | 147-158 |
Chapter 11: The Human Eye and the Colourful World | Two box items: • Damage to or malfunction of any part of the visual system • Why do we have two eyes for vision and not just one? • 11.6.3 Colour of the Sun at Sunrise and Sunset | 188, 189, 196 and 197 |
Chapter 12: Electricity | Box item: ‘Flow’ of charges inside a wire | 201 |
Chapter 13: Magnetic Effects of Electric Current | Box item: Michael Faraday • 3.4 Electric Motor • 3.5 Electromagnetic Induction • 3.6 Electric Generator | 232–237 |
Chapter 14: Sources of Energy | Full Chapter deleted | 242–255 |
Chapter: 16 Sustainable Management of Natural Resources | Full Chapter Deleted | 266–280 |
Reason Behind CBSE Class 10 Science Deleted Syllabus 2024-25
Given that science fosters the development of students’ cognitive, affective, and psychometric skills, the Board has created a syllabus that encourages and facilitates the demonstration of these attributes in students.
A few things have been taken into account for class 10 Science deleted syllabus 2024-25 as follows:
- Reevaluating the paper’s level of difficulty.
- The goal of the authorities is to support self-learning in which students are not forced to rely on outside assistance, as they were under the previous syllabus that included the science class 10 deleted syllabus 2024-25.
- The out-of-date material in the Class 10 Science Deleted Syllabus 2024-25 is unrelated to the current situation.
With the revised syllabus and providing the list of class 10 Science deleted syllabus 2024-25, the CBSE Board hopes to focus on more general topics.
Science Latest Syllabus Class 10 Session 2024-25
Post the class 10 Science deleted syllabus 2024-25, the following units and chapters are part of the board exams.
The Science Syllabus for Class 10 CBSE Term 1 is as follows –
Unit I: Chemical Substances – Nature and Behaviour
Chapter – 1 Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemical reactions: Chemical equation, Balanced chemical solution, implications of a balanced chemical equation, types of chemical reactions: combination, decomposition, displacement, double displacement, precipitation, neutralization, oxidation, and reduction.
Chapter – 2 Acids, Bases, and Salts
The definitions of acids, bases, and salts in terms of providing H+ and OH ions, general characteristics, examples, and applications; the idea of pH scale (definition of logarithm not required); the significance of pH in daily life; and the preparation and applications of sodium hydroxide, baking soda, bleaching powder, washing soda, and plaster of Paris.
Chapter – 3 Metals and non-metals
Properties of metals and nonmetals; series of reactivity; ionic compound formation and characteristics.
Unit II: World of Living
Chapter – 6 Life Processes
Properties of metals and nonmetals; series of reactivity; ionic compound formation and characteristics.
Unit III: Natural Phenomena
Chapter – 10 Light – Reflection and Refraction
Reflection of light by curved surfaces; Images created by magnification, principal axis, principal focus, focal length, centre of curvature, and mirror formula (Derivation not required).
Refraction; refractive index; laws of refraction.
Light refraction caused by a spherical lens; picture created with spherical lenses; lens formula (no need for derivation); Magnification.
Power of a lens.
Chapter – 11 Human Eye and Colourful World
Refraction of light through a prism, dispersion of light, scattering of light, and applications in daily life.
The Term 2 Syllabus is as follows-
Unit I: Chemical Substances – Nature and Behaviour
Chapter – 4 Carbon compounds
Carbon-based compounds and covalent bonds. The adaptability of carbon. similar series. The nomenclature is used to refer to carbon compounds that have functional groups, such as alcohol, ketones, aldehydes, alkanes, and alkynes, as well as the distinctions between unsaturated and saturated hydrocarbons. The properties of carbon compounds in terms of addition, substitution, oxidation, and combustion. Soaps and detergents, ethanol and ethanolic acid (only properties and uses).
Chapter – 5 Periodic Classification of Elements
Need for classification, early attempts at classification of elements (Dobereiner’s Triads, Newland’s Law of Octaves, Mendeleev’s Periodic Table), Modern periodic table, gradation in properties, valency, atomic number, metallic and non-metallic properties.
Unit II: World of Living
Chapter – 8 Reproduction
Animal and plant reproduction, both asexual and sexual The need for reproductive health and family planning planning. HIV/AIDS versus safe sex. Women’s health and childrearing.
Chapter – 9 Heredity and Evolution
Mendel’s contribution to heredity and the laws governing trait inheritance An overview of sex determination and fundamental ideas in evolution.
Unit IV: How Things Work
Chapter – 12 Effects of Current
Potential difference, electric current, and electric current. Resistance, Resistivity, and Ohm’s law variables affect a conductor’s resistance. In everyday life, resistor combinations in series and parallel are used for various purposes. The heating effect of electricity and its uses in everyday life. electrical energy Relationship among P, V, I, and R.
Chapter – 13 Magnetic Effects of Current
Magnetic field, field lines, field due to a current-carrying conductor, field due to current-carrying coil or solenoid; Force on a current-carrying conductor, Fleming’s Left-Hand Rule, Electric Motor, Electromagnetic induction. The induced potential difference, Induced current. Fleming’s Right-Hand Rule, Electric Generator, Direct current. Alternating current: frequency of AC. Advantage of AC over DC. Domestic electric circuits.
Unit V: Natural Resources
Chapter – 15 Our Environment
Ecosystems, environmental issues, waste production, ozone depletion, and solutions.
Substances that are biodegradable and non-biodegradable.
Also Read: How To Score More Than 90% Marks In CBSE Class 10 Exam
Study Tips for CBSE Class 10 Science Board Exam 2024-25
1. Examine the curriculum
Examine the CBSE class 10 Science syllabus 2024-25 to comprehend the format, question typology, and syllabus structure. To ensure they don’t forget anything and have no questions about the upcoming exam in 2025, we actually advise students to go over the syllabus on a regular basis.
The following is the distribution of marks for the CBSE Class 10 Science paper:
Theory Points: 80
Marks for Internal and Practical Assessment: 20
2. Refer to the NCERT textbooks.
The textbooks and other resources that must be consulted for each paper are prescribed by the CBSE Board. The CBSE board has recommended the following textbooks for Class 10 Science:
Science: Class X NCERT Publication Textbook
Science Laboratory Manual, Class X, NCERT Publication; Assessment of Practical Skills in Science, Class X, CBSE Publication; Class X Exemplar Problems, NCERT Publication.
3. Practise the NCERT textbook’s exercise questions.
At the conclusion of each NCERT textbook, practice questions are offered for students to use. In addition to solidifying your understanding of the chapter’s material, they also support you during tests, as many of the questions on the CBSE Class 10 Science board exam are either taken directly from this chapter or only slightly modified.
4. Complete the Science Sample Question Paper for Class 10 in CBSE.
If you want to do well on the CBSE Science test, you must complete the CBSE Class 10 Science sample paper 2025. The CBSE has made numerous changes to its curriculum and question paper design, particularly in 2024.
5. Utilise the CBSE Class 10 Science Previous Year Questions.
Previous year’s CBSE Class 10 Science question papers are crucial for students to complete if they hope to receive perfect scores on the test. Students can observe that specific question types from specific topics are asked annually if they thoroughly examine the previous years’ question papers.

As we delve into the exciting academic year of 2024-25, it’s crucial for CBSE Class 10 students to be well-informed about the changes in the science syllabus. The CBSE Class 10 Science Deleted Syllabus for 2024-25 offers insights into what students can expect in their upcoming board exams. Understanding the Science Latest Syllabus for Class 10 is pivotal, as it helps students align their preparation with the right topics and stay ahead of the game.
Moreover, equipping oneself with effective Study Tips for CBSE Class 10 Science Board Exam 2024-25 can make all the difference in achieving success. Embracing a well-structured study routine, practising regularly, and seeking guidance when needed are key strategies to excel in this challenging subject.
Let’s strive for excellence together and ace that board exam! Good luck, and remember, you’ve got this!
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FAQs on Class 10 Science Deleted Syllabus 2024-25
Q1. Which chapters are deleted from Science Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25?
The following chapters are removed entirely from the CBSE class 10th science deleted syllabus:
Chapter 5: Periodic Classification of Elements
Chapter 14: Sources of Energy
Chapter 16: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
Q2. What is the reason behind the deleted syllabus of class 10 CBSE 2024-25 science?
The reasons behind the deleted syllabus of CBSE Class 10 Science for 2024-25 are as follows:
• Reduction of curriculum load: To ease the burden on students and ensure a more manageable curriculum.
• Alignment with educational needs: CBSE periodically reviews and updates syllabi to keep them relevant and aligned with students’ educational goals.
• Stress reduction: Lessening academic stress and pressure on students, particularly during board exam preparation.
Q3. What are the units included in the 10th science reduced syllabus?
The following units are included in the science class 10 syllabus 2024-25:
• Chemical Substances – Nature and Behaviour
• World of Living
• Natural Phenomenon
• Effects of Current
• Natural Resources
Q4. Which unit is the most scoring in CBSE class 10 Science?
The units with maximum marks weightage are Unit 1: Chemical Substances – Nature and Behaviour and Unit 2: World of Living.
Q5. What are the passing marks in the CBSE Class 10 Science Board exam 2024-25?
A minimum of 33% is required for students to pass the CBSE Class 10 Science Exam in 2025. For both internal assessment and theory, the passing grades are cumulative.