Entrance Exams

How to prepare for CUET 2025 Exam?

How to prepare for CUET 2025

The Common University Entrance Test (CUET) 2025 serves as a single gateway for students aspiring to pursue undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) programs across various central universities in India. Conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA), CUET aims to streamline the admission process, offering equal opportunities to students from all corners of the country.

This blog will serve as your guide to understanding the CUET PG 2025 exam, including its structure, syllabus, preparation tips, and recommended books. Whether you’re a UG aspirant or preparing for CUET PG 2025, this blog will help you approach the exam with confidence and clarity.

What is CUET?

The National Testing Agency (NTA) will be conducting the Common University Entrance Test (CUET) 2025 for Undergraduate Programmes in selected Central Universities for the Academic Session 2025-26. However, earlier, different universities had different criteria until 2021 for their UG entrance test but now the process is unified into a common CUET exam. 

The CUCET entrance exam 2025 will serve as an equal opportunity for aspirants from diverse backgrounds, in remote or rural areas, to seek admission to any of the Central Universities (CUs) across the country and have access to the education they deserve in the field/subject of their choice. 

About CUET UG Exam 2025

The CUET UG entrance exam is stated to be conducted in Computer Based Test (CBT) mode, and the test will be held in 13 Indian languages, namely, English, Hindi, Odiya, Bengali, Assamese, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Gujarati, and Urdu. 

The CUET registration to be closed by March end 2025. The CUET 2025 exam will be held tentatively between May 15 and May 31, 2025.

To help you land in the university of your choice, this blog is a guide for you to understand all about CUET 2025 admission, the CUET syllabus, exam pattern, how to prepare for the CUET 2025 exam, and some of the must-solve CUET sample papers and mock tests. 

However, unlike any other entrance examination, the CUET UG qualifies the student based on a common entrance exam and not on their board exams or the university’s merit cutoffs. Moreover, as each university has a different cut-off, greater importance is given to students’ 12th-standard marks than what they are truly interested in studying. 

The CUCET entrance exam gives students a fair chance to seek admission in the university of their choice.

So, read further to learn how to ace your CUET UG entrance exam preparations and secure a seat at the best central university.

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CUET UG Exam 2025 Structure, Syllabus & Sections 

After speaking to many students, we concluded that one of the biggest advantages of taking the CUET exam is that students get the opportunity to study and give exams on the subject they like and want to build their career around. 

When you have a common entrance exam, less importance is given to class 12 board results. If, for any reason, the student is not able to score good marks there, the CUET exam gives them a platform to choose the subject of their interest, prepare for it, and get into the desired university and study that programme/subject. 

Now that you’ve filled up the CUET UG 2025 registration form, let’s first understand the CUET UG 2025 exam structure, syllabus, and sections so that you can understand what you need to prepare properly and ace your exam. 

CUET UG Exam 2025 Structure

CUET (UG) – 2025 will consist of the following 3 Sections: the Language section is divided into 2 parts, Section IA and IB. Refer to the specific university you’re applying to, for the subject-wise syllabus. 

  • I – 13 Languages to choose from 
  • II – 23 Domain-specific subjects to choose from 
  • III – 1 General Test

Here are a few pointers to keep in mind:

  • Candidates can select one primary language from 13 core language options.
  • Section II offers 23 Subjects, you can choose a maximum of 3 subjects.
  • 1 General Test – General awareness, reasoning ability, logical thinking, and general knowledge

Such flexibility is provided to motivate students to apply to as many universities as they like, depending on their eligibility conditions. 

CUET UG Exam 2025 Syllabus 

13 Languages in Section IA are: Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Gujarati, Odia, Bengali, Assamese, Punjabi, English, Hindi and Urdu.

20 Languages in Section IA are French, Spanish, German, Nepali, Persian, Italian, Arabic, Sindhi, Sanskrit, Kashmiri, Konkani, Bodo, Dogri, Maithili, Manipuri, Santhali, Tibetan, Japanese, Russian, and Chinese.

23 Domain-Specific Subjects in Section II are: 

1. Accountancy/ Book Keeping
2. Agriculture
3. Anthropology
4. Biology
5. Business Studies
6. Chemistry
7. Computer Science/ Informatics Practices
8. Economics/ Business Economics
9. Engineering Graphics (Removed)
10. Entrepreneurship (Removed)
11. Fine Arts/ Visual Arts (Sculpture/ Painting)/Commercial Arts
12. Geography/Geology
13. Home Science
14. History
15. Knowledge Tradition and Practices of India
16. Legal Studies (Removed)
17. Environmental Science
18. Mathematics
19. Physical Education/ NCC /Yoga
20. Physics
21. Political Science
22. Psychology
23. Sociology
24. Teaching Aptitude (Removed)
25. Mass Media/ Mass Communication
26. Performing Arts
27. Sanskrit
28. Fashion Studies (Removed)
29. Tourism (Removed)

The student may choose Sanskrit as the Domain for all Shastri (Shastri 3 years/ 4 years Honours) Equivalent to B.A./B.A. Honours courses, i.e., Shastri in Veda, Paurohitya (Karmakand), Dharmashastra, Prachin Vyakarana, Navya Vyakarana, Phalit Jyotish, Siddhant Jyotish, Vastushastra, Sahitya, Puranetihas, Prakrit Bhasha, Prachin Nyaya Vaisheshik, Sankhya Yoga, Jain Darshan, Mimansa, Advaita Vedanta, Vishihstadvaita Vedanta, and Sarva Darshan. 

For those writing Sanskrit as a domain subject in Section II, Sanskrit paper in Section 1B will be used to test their Reading and comprehension (based on different types of passages–Factual, Literary, and Narrative, [Literary Aptitude and Vocabulary].

The General Test will assess your general knowledge, current affairs, general mental ability, numerical ability, and quantitative reasoning (which includes simple application of basic mathematical concepts taught until Grade 8, such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, mensuration, and statistics), and logical and analytical reasoning.

CUET UG Exam 2025 Section and Mode 

Mode The mode of the CUET 2025 exam will be a Computer Based Test (CBT)
Section-wise exam pattern Sections IA & IB will have 50 questions. You will be given 60 minutes to answer each language. These papers will test your reading, comprehension, vocabulary, and literary efficiency. 
 Section II will have 50 questions. You will be given 60 minutes to answer each domain-specific subject. The format will be MCQ-based questions.  
 Section III will have 50 questions. You will be given 60 minutes. The format will be MCQ-based questions.   
Marking scheme: Candidates will be awarded +5 for each correct answer and a negative marking of 1 marks for each incorrect answer.
Level of questions for CUET (UG) -2025:All questions are suitable for students up to the level of Class 12 standards only. 
Choice of Languages and Subjects Generally, the languages/subjects chosen should be the ones that a student has opted for in their latest Class 12th Board. However, this depends on the University’s discretion and flexibility under their CUET (UG) -2025 selection criterion. Students are requested to carefully refer to the eligibility requirements of various Central Universities in this regard. Moreover, if the subject to be studied in the undergraduate course is not available in the list of 23 Domain-Specific Subjects being offered, the student may choose the Subject closest to their choice. For law, the candidate may choose Legal Studies. 
Schedule of examinationThe examination will be conducted on multiple days in two shifts, depending on the number of candidates and the Languages/Tests taken by them. 

About CUET PG Exam 2025

The CUET PG 2025 is a computer-based test (CBT) designed to assess a candidate’s domain knowledge and aptitude for postgraduate programs. It enables students to seek admission to diverse disciplines offered by central universities and other participating institutions. A total of 157 subjects are being offered in the CUET (PG) entrance test 2025.

The exam is expected to take place between March 13, 2025 and March 31, 2025, at 312 exam centres, in multiple shifts, depending on the number of candidates and subjects chosen. CUET PG will be conducted in English and Hindi, and the registration process will be closed by 02 February 2025. The dates of correction in particulars are 03 February to 05 February 2025.

This exam provides a common platform for students from varied academic backgrounds, ensuring transparency and merit-based admissions to postgraduate courses of their choice.

CUET PG Exam 2025 Structure, Syllabus & Sections

The CUET PG 2025 examination is carefully designed to assess a candidate’s comprehension, domain-specific knowledge, and aptitude. Candidates can choose their preferred medium of comprehension for the General Paper—either English or Hindi—during the registration process, ensuring inclusivity.

The test will last for 90 minutes and consists of 75 questions. Each question carries 4 marks for a correct response, while an incorrect response incurs a penalty of 1 mark. Unanswered questions receive no marks. If multiple correct answers are identified after the Answer Key Challenge, only candidates matching the final key will get marks. If a question is dropped due to technical issues, all candidates will receive full marks, whether they attempted it or not.

The exam is divided into three primary sections: Language Comprehension, Domain-Specific Subjects, and General Aptitude. The Language Comprehension section evaluates reading and analytical skills in English or Hindi. The Domain-Specific Subjects section delves into the candidate’s chosen area of postgraduate study, and the General Aptitude section tests general awareness, logical reasoning and quantitative skills.

CUET PG Exam 2025 Preparation Tips: Best CUET Books & Sample Papers

To excel in CUET PG 2025, strategic preparation is key. Here are some tips to help you succeed:

  • Understand the Exam Pattern and Syllabus: Familiarise yourself with the structure and syllabus of the CUET PG exam. Divide your preparation into manageable sections and prioritise topics accordingly.
  • Time Management: Allocate dedicated time for each subject and stick to a daily study schedule. Focus on weak areas while ensuring regular revision of your strength sections.
  • Practice Mock Tests: Solve CUET PG-specific mock tests and sample papers available in CUET PG preparation books to improve speed and accuracy. Analyse your performance to identify and correct mistakes.
  • Refer to Quality Study Material: Use trusted books like the CUET PG 2025 Question Bank by Oswal Publishers. These books include solved papers from previous years, mock tests, and detailed explanations tailored for the PG entrance test.
  • Stay Updated: Regularly read newspapers and journals to enhance your general knowledge and current affairs.
  • Stay Positive and Healthy: Maintain a healthy routine with regular breaks, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet. A calm and focused mind will enhance your productivity.

With consistent efforts and the right resources, you can confidently clear the CUET PG 2025 entrance test and secure admission to your dream university.

How To Prepare For CUET Exam 2025? 

Now that you know the CUET exam syllabus, sections, structure, format, and other criteria, it’s time to finally begin your practice strategy and how to prepare for CUET 2025.

Tips to prepare for CUET 2025

1. Select Universities You Want To Get Admission At

This is a major step in your 2025 CUET preparation strategy, as the choice of programme you choose will define how you will shape your career. First, enlist the best CUET colleges and courses you want to apply to, and then explore their previous year’s cuet merit cut-offs, counseling sessions, and seats. 

In other words, doing so will give you a clearer idea of how you can prepare for the CUET exam more strategically and get admitted to your choice of programme. 

2. Explore & Understand CUET Exam Pattern Properly 

Get thorough with the CUET 2025 exam pattern and section-wise syllabus. If you don’t know what to study and what not to study, you will not be able to crack the test. For that, explore the papers, subjects, and syllabi of the programmes’ colleges you’re applying to. 

Every entrance exam is different, and the CUET exam will be computer-based. Be sure to prepare in advance and hone your computer skills to manage your time more effectively. 

3. Manage Your Time Wisely 

Time management is the most important part of taking any exam. You need to prioritise what you need to give more of your time to. If there’s any subject/topic that you are not proficient in, give yourself more time to understand and strengthen your basics, and then go to its advanced level. 

Until the final day of the exam, divide each chapter/subject into daily and weekly targets to complete and learn and recap those portions every fortnight. This is a proven technique to help you remember things easily and quickly. 

4. Structure Your Timetable By Syllabus-Wise Planning 

A syllabus-wise plan helps you stay organised and makes you more mindful of the study portions you need to learn and pay more attention to. Just like schools give a year-wise syllabus to complete, structuring your CUET 2025 exam with syllabus-wise planning simplifies your study. You understand what the most important parts of the test are, and when is the best time to study them so that you don’t get overwhelmed at the last minute. 

The best approach will be to time your preparation. If you devote 2 hours every day to studying Entrepreneurship, then make a list of all its chapters and syllabus. Then see which areas you need to focus on to improve more. 

5. Daily Rituals You Can Do To Prepare Better 

Don’t get excited, anxious, and stressed about the CUET exam. This will be an important part of your life, but if you get stressed before even taking the test, you will not be able to prepare for the exam properly. You can strengthen your preparation with oswal.io.

CUET Mock Test

Here are 10 small daily rituals you can follow every day that will help you prepare for your CUET exam in 2025 more productively and calmly: 

  1. Drink 3-4 litres of water.
  2. Meditate to keep yourself calm, focused, and attentive.
  3. Exercise moderately daily to keep yourself physically fit.
  4. Don’t compare your preparations with those of your friends. 
  5. Say positive affirmations to yourself and have an ‘I can do it’ attitude. 
  6. Seek professional help and guidance whenever you feel low. 
  7. Believe that you are a genius.
  8. Don’t overcomplicate things. Study only within your capacity.
  9. Wake up on time and sleep on time. 
  10. Practice, practice, practice.

CUET Exam 2025 Preparation Tips: Best CUET Books & Sample Papers 

Finally, now that you know how to prepare for the CUET exam 2025, the next step is to seek resources that will strengthen your CUET UG preparation strategy. And like the old legend says, “Books are our best friends who will never walk away from us. Books improve our minds with good thoughts and knowledge.” 

What’s great is that the most popular CUET ug entrance exam books are now at your fingertips in just a few clicks. One of the most notable books is Gurukul by Oswal NTA CUET (UG) 2025 Question Bank. More than 12+ subject-wise books will help you in your domain-specific subjects, languages, and general knowledge tests.  

Gurukul By Oswal 2025 CUET Question Bank has previous years solved CUCET papers. The question bank is entirely based on the Class 12 NCERT syllabus and includes NCERT Exemplars. Solve and learn the chapterwise theory for better concepts and practice various MCQs with this CUET question bank. 

Important Tips To Crack CUET Exam 2025

These are some of the best tips on how to prepare for CUET 2025 from the experts at Oswal Publishers. To help you give your best in each section, we’ve further divided the CUET exam preparation strategy so you can prioritise what you’re best at and focus more on areas you need to strengthen: 

How to Prepare for NTA CUET 2025 Language Test?

As we already discussed, the questions for the Language test will test your reading, vocabulary, and comprehension passages. You can expect 5-8 comprehensions to hone your reading skills. 

What you can do: Practice reading editorial columns of newspapers or novels to master your reading skills. Speak more and practice speed reading. 

How to Prepare for NTA CUET 2025 Domain Specific Test?

The Domain-specific test of the CUET 2025 entrance exam will have 23 subjects, and you have to choose six domains that you want to pursue as your undergrads. You’ll get the same question pattern as that of class 12, so you need to be clear on the basic concepts of the domains you’re choosing. 

What you can do: Study and solve as many mock and sample papers as possible for CUCET 2022 and CUET 2023. Strengthen your basics and prepare for your advanced levels. 

How to Prepare for NTA CUET 2025, General Test?    

To ace your CUET 2025 General test, practice is your only mantra. Read and stay updated on the current news and trends. 

What you can do: For the Quantitative Aptitude section, revise the concepts of high school mathematics and learn short tricks to solve questions quickly.

Give as many CUET mock tests as possible to strengthen your preparation routine because the more you practice, the better you get at it. Solve puzzle-related questions to enhance your problem-solving skills.

Ace Your CUET Exam 2025 When You Study Smartly 

We hope you find the article useful. Make sure not to overfeed your brain with too much information and focus more on doing. Take advantage of the suggestions and tips provided in this blog to ensure you succeed in CUET 2025. All the best!

FAQs on CUET Exam 2025

Q1. Is CUET and CUCET the same?

Ans. CUET is Common University Entrance Test. Till 2021, it was known as the Central Universities Common Entrance Test (CUCET), which the University Grants Commission (UGC) from 2022. 

Q2. Has the CUET UG exam pattern for 2025 changed?

Ans. The CUET UG 2025 exam pattern has been updated to offer candidates greater flexibility and choice. Now, participants can select up to 5 subjects across four sections: Section IA (13 languages), Section IB (20 optional languages), Section II (23 Domain-specific subjects), and Section III (General Test). The exam will unfold in three slots, with durations varying based on selected subjects. For detailed information, consult official sources or trusted educational portals.

Q3. How will the CUET exam 2025 be conducted? 

Ans. The CUET 2025 exam will be conducted in a computer-based mode only. 

Q4. How many sections are there in the CUET 2025 UG question paper?

Ans. There will be a total of three sections– Language, Domain-Specific subjects, and General Knowledge. 

Q5. Will the CUET exam 2025 be tough?

Ans. With the right preparation, the CUET exam will not be tough. Study experts predict that the difficulty level of the exam will be moderate to tough.

Q6. What should I study for CUET UG 2025? 

Ans. Study the languages, domain-specific subjects you want to get admission to the college of your choice and general knowledge. 

Q7. What will be the structure of marking for CUET UG 2025? 

Ans. As per CUET UG 2025 news, each section is of 250 marks. Each question carries 5 marks. There will be a deduction of 1 mark for every wrong answer.

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