When you’re studying, you need to stay awake. You can’t afford to fall asleep or have a nap during your studies because that will affect your grades.
There are a lot of ideas to avoid sleep while studying. For instance, being consistent with your schedule, make sure that you are sleeping at least seven hours a night and get at least eight hours of sleep every night. If you’re sleeping well, your body can function properly while studying and preparing for exams. A lot of students ask how to avoid sleep while studying.
Even if you’re well-rested, you might feel sleepy trying to get those math answers right or reading through endless pages of notes. But keep in mind that you are learning for a purpose. You want to study well and achieve good scores. You’ll lose crucial time if you nod off while studying.
- ▪ Why are you Feeling Sleepy all the Time?
- ▪ 20 Ways to Avoid Sleep while Studying
- ▪ 1. Eat Healthy Food
- ▪ 2. Getting Good Quality Sleep
- ▪ 3. Stay Hydrated
- ▪ 4. Exercise
- ▪ 5. Pomodoro Techniques
- ▪ 6. Read Aloud
- ▪ 7. Write and Memorise
- ▪ 8. Use Fun stationery
- ▪ 9. Set up Study Table
- ▪ 10. Don’t Get Over Comfortable
- ▪ 11. Try Different Study Methods
- ▪ 12. Group Studies
- ▪ 13. Avoid Caffeine
- ▪ 14. Switch to Healthy Drinks
- ▪ 15. Yoga & Meditation
- ▪ 16. Try Acupressure
- ▪ 17. Avoid Procrastination
- ▪ 18. Play Study Music
- ▪ 19. Enjoy the Process
- ▪ 20. Look at the Big Picture
- ▪ FAQs on How to Avoid Sleep While Studying
Why are you Feeling Sleepy all the Time?
Before we decode the 20 ways to avoid sleep and answer how to avoid sleep while studying, let’s understand the factors that are the reasons for keeping us awake. There can be reasons across different categories that are hampering your sleep cycle.
1. Lack of Nutrition
Nutritional deficits during test season can result from eating an unbalanced diet. You’ll experience all-day exhaustion as a result. The following nutrition deficiencies may contribute to your persistent sleepiness:
Vitamin B (B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, and B12) Vitamin C Vitamin D Iron Magnesium
2. Stress
Throughout the exam period, many students experience severe stress. According to studies, stress can cause physical and mental weariness.
3. Caffeine Consumption
You experience a brief boost in energy after drinking caffeinated beverages. However, consuming too much coffee can keep you awake. According to research, it can lengthen daytime sleepiness and shorten overall sleep time at night.
4. Lack of Hydration
Dehydration has been linked in studies to low energy and difficulty focusing. It can make you tired all day long and disrupt your sleep cycle.
5. Lack of Active Lifestyle
Many students choose not to exercise before or during exam periods. Regular exercise has been found in studies to reduce the effects of weariness.
20 Ways to Avoid Sleep while Studying
Many students tend to nod off or become extremely exhausted. As a result, they become less effective learners and struggle to perform well on exams. Many pupils experience difficulties with this issue. It is a prevalent problem that can be resolved by utilizing several methods.
There are primarily two causes for that. The first is a lack of interest, and the second is cramming too much material into one sitting. Let’s look at the 20 ways you can avoid sleeping and ace your concepts.
1. Eat Healthy Food
Eating healthy is the first way of how to avoid sleep while studying. A good diet plan is essential. Fat should be avoided by students because it will make them drowsy and fatigued most of the time while they are performing crucial tasks like studying or working.
Consuming fruits and vegetables at least once a day is one example of a healthy eating routine. These are filled with the vitamins and minerals that children need to stay active for a longer period of time.
A few tips to eat healthy every day:
- Don’t Skip Meals
- Eat Beneficial Food
- Avoid Sugary Food
Consuming healthy food is how to control sleep while studying.
2. Getting Good Quality Sleep
Getting good sleep is the second way of how to avoid sleep while studying. Good sleeping practices, sometimes known as “sleep hygiene,” can aid in restful sleep.
The following ways can help you sleep better:
- Be consistent. Put your alarm on the same time every morning, including on the weekends, and go to bed at the same time.
- Make sure your bedroom is peaceful, dark, cozy, and silent.
- Remove all electrical devices from the bedroom, including TVs, computers, and smartphones.
- Don’t eat a heavy meal or drink coffee.
- Take a workout. Being active throughout the day can make it easier for you to sleep at night.
Getting good quality sleep every night is how to not feel sleepy while studying.
3. Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is the third way of how to avoid sleep while studying. Each time they drink, the students should have their water bottles filled. They should drink from the bottle every 30 minutes, and they can keep it close to their desk.
A few quick tips
First thing in the morning, sip some water. This increases your energy levels and speeds up your metabolism.
Purchase a cool or upscale water bottle. Some bottles feature written words of inspiration on the side when the water level drops, or they have marked measurements for tracking consumption.
Take advantage of alarms or notifications. On your smart devices, set alarms or notifications to serve as reminders throughout the day.
Drinking water frequently is how to get rid of sleep while studying.
4. Exercise
Exercising is the fourth way of how to avoid sleep while studying. Your brain becomes healthy when you exercise, in addition to your physical wellness. Exercise has been linked to improved cognitive function, according to studies. You’ll also learn things more effectively.
- Take a 5-minute break to stand up and move about for your body after every hour of studying.
- Include bodyweight exercises, dynamic stretches, and mild cardio to wake up your body and get it ready for your upcoming study session.
- Repeat it frequently throughout the day, the calories will mount up.
Exercising daily is how to not sleep while studying.
5. Pomodoro Techniques
The Pomodoro technique is the fifth way of how to avoid sleep while studying. Follow the Pomodoro technique in a few simple steps:
- Choose the task you must complete.
- Set a 25-minute timer.
- Just concentrate on your task until the timer goes off.
- pause for five minutes
- Take a lengthier 15–30 minute pause every four Pomodoros.
Let’s look at some of the numerous advantages of learning the Pomodoro Technique as a student.
- Makes Studying Easier
- Improves Quality of Studying
- Prevents Mental Exhaustion
- Improves Attention Span
Using the Pomodoro technique is how to stop sleep while studying.
6. Read Aloud
Reading aloud is the sixth way of how to avoid sleep while studying. Reading aloud can help you to keep the sleep away. If you will read quietly to yourself you will soon fall asleep. If you are feeling sleepy while studying read aloud.
Along with keeping away sleep, reading aloud has many other advantages.
- Building critical thinking abilities that are both related to and unrelated to reading might start with reading aloud.
- During discussions that are sparked by reading aloud, participants can apply their past knowledge, develop meanings, connect concepts and experiences from different texts, and query new words in the text.
- Reading aloud gives pupils the chance to hear the instructor read literary or technical language with fluency and emotion.
7. Write and Memorise
Writing and memorizing is the seventh way of how to avoid sleep while studying. Writing and memorizing simultaneously can help you stay awake and keep the sleep away.
Writing notes can help you to stay interested in the study process.
It also has the following benefits:
- Higher Motivation
- Improves Focus
- Saves Time
- Improves Writing Skills
8. Use Fun stationery
Using fun stationery is the eighth way of how to avoid sleep while studying. Using fun stationery can cheer you up and keep sleep at bay.
- Use colored pens to highlight and write important details
- Use quirky notebooks that can keep you interested
- Keep your stationary organized and assign them to different subjects
Using intriguing stationery is how to reduce sleepiness while studying.
9. Set up Study Table
Setting up a study table is the ninth way of how to avoid sleep while studying. Study tables can help you to declutter and have an organized structure. It can help you establish a routine, get up from your bed and stay awake while studying.
- Back discomfort and other health problems can be avoided by using a study table.
- Everything may be kept nearby. You won’t need to move between locations.
- Increased Concentration Reading or writing at a study table can help you concentrate better by concentrating all of your good energies there.
10. Don’t Get Over Comfortable
If you wonder why do I feel sleepy while studying? Take a look around. Avoiding studying in a cozy place is the tenth way of how to avoid sleep while studying. Don’t study where you sleep. Studying at a very comfortable position can make you feel cozy and hence sleepy.
Your brain is pretty good at connecting locations with things to accomplish, so if you try to study while lounging on your bed, you can end yourself napping instead of learning.
Find a study location that:
- Doesn’t distract you too much.
- Neither too cold nor too hot (both extremes harm focus).
- Has good illumination. Neither too dark nor too light
11. Try Different Study Methods
Trying new study methods is the eleventh way of how to avoid sleep while studying. Trying different study methods can help you stay interested in your study sessions and keep sleep at bay. For instance, if you are plain memorizing every day you will get bored with it.
Understanding your learning style for each subject can be beneficial for you in the following ways:
- Increases your learning potential while giving you a good start
- Gives you the chance to be successful in school, college, or university
- Provides you with individualized strategies to increase your test and exam scores
- Enables you to learn in “your way” using your own preferred methods
- Demonstrates how to get over the restrictions of bad teachers
- Lessens the tension and annoyance of learning experiences
12. Group Studies
Group study is another way of how to avoid sleep while studying. Studying with your friends can help you to memorize well. You brainstorm well and you don’t get bored. It will help you to stay awake while studying.
Apart from keeping you awake, group studies have the following advantages:
- Reduces Procrastination
- Reduces Exam Anxiety
- Learn faster and better
- Better understanding of concepts
13. Avoid Caffeine
A lot of people think having caffeine is how to avoid sleep while studying at night. Avoiding caffeine is another way of how to avoid sleep while studying. A lot of us drink caffeine to stay awake. However, it can hamper good quality sleep at night and hence, make us sleepy during the day. Caffeine has a connection to sleep problems for students across the globe.
If you’re not able to sleep well, practice following tips:
Dark, quiet, cool, and comfortable sleeping environment. Provide a calm and pleasant environment so that your body and mind can rest.
Lifestyle: Regular exercise and moderate caffeine consumption within prescribed limits.
14. Switch to Healthy Drinks
If you’re wondering what to drink to avoid sleep while studying, consume healthy beverages.
Consuming healthy drinks is another practice of how to avoid sleep while studying. Switching to healthy drinks can help you to stay awake without studying. They also prevent bloating. Healthy drinks like smoothies and fruit juices can help you stay awake and feel happy inside out.
Here are a few benefits of switching to healthy drinks:
- Build your immunity and concentration span
- Easy to digest
- Easy to make
15. Yoga & Meditation
Yoga for students hold innumerable benefits. Yoga and meditation is a popular practice of how to avoid sleep while studying. For students, meditation can help them focus. Mediation for students leads to better focus and relaxation. By meditating or partaking in mindfulness exercises, one can improve focus, well-being, and mental health. You’ll be able to feel refreshed, at ease, and unwind thanks to it.
Benefits of yoga and meditation:
- Improves physical and mental health
- Better memory
- Stress reduction
- Reduces eye strain
16. Try Acupressure
Understanding acupressure is another hack of how to avoid sleep while studying. Acupressure can help you maintain your health and also stay awake during study sessions.
It has the following benefits:
- Stress reduction
- Relieves Headache
- Reduces pain and stress in the muscles
17. Avoid Procrastination
Avoiding procrastination and being consistent are other practices of how to avoid sleep while studying. Stop procrastinating and practicing perseverance can help keep your brain active. If you procrastinate often then you’re stuck in a loop where your brain becomes foggy.
How to sit awake and quit procrastinating:
- Make realistic goals
The thought of completing one major task could frequently seem daunting. The journey from beginning to end could appear unattainable. It might be beneficial to split up these tasks into much more manageable chunks, though.
- Plan your day
By making a detailed timetable with dates for when you will fulfill each of your minor goals, you can stay motivated to reach your primary goals.
18. Play Study Music
Playing study music or white noise can support you to elevate your concentration. When you’re studying alone, you may sway from one distraction or another. It can eventually make you sleepy.
Pros of studying music:
- Eases stress
- Reduces anxiety
- Improves performance
- Increases focus
19. Enjoy the Process
When you will start enjoying study time and not seeing it as a duty or a burden it will keep you awake. If you will create a negative image in your mind for your study sessions, you will always be sleepy. If you want to know how to revise effectively without delays, enjoy the process.
Fall in love with studying and acknowledge the fact that you’re lucky to learn and study. The gratitude and the excitement to learn new concepts will help you stay awake.
20. Look at the Big Picture
If you want to know how to learn fast for exam and keep the zest alive, look at the big picture.
Always focus on your end goal. Do you want to become a topper, do you want to get a scholarship, do you want to get a good job and earn well?
We often forget about our long-term goals. It takes away the eagerness and excitement to learn and achieve targets.
Always keep your eye at the big picture and you will never feel sleepy while studying.
FAQs on How to Avoid Sleep While Studying
Q1. If not caffeine, what food should I consume to stay awake?
Ans. Consume the following food items apart from caffeine. If you want to know how to increase concentration in studies, consume the following food items.
» Bananas
» Oatmeal
» Green tea
» Gums
» Almonds and Walnuts
» Dark chocolate
» Fruit shake
Q2. How can I study more effectively in less time?
Ans. If you want to know how to focus on studies better and learn faster, follow the below tips.
✓ Remove distractions
✓ Avoid procrastination
✓ Understand concepts
✓ Create concise notes
Q3. Should I not get 8 hours of sleep and use the extra few hours to study?
Ans. The focus should be on getting good quality sleep rather than the number of hours.
I enjoy your work, appreciate it for all the useful content.
Great tips! I especially liked the suggestion about taking short breaks and using a timer. It really helps keep me focused and alert. I’m definitely going to try the power-up snack idea too! Thanks for sharing these strategies!
Great tips! I especially found the use of the Pomodoro technique helpful. Setting a timer really keeps me focused and gives me those necessary breaks. Can’t wait to try out the other suggestions too! Thanks for sharing!
Great tips! I especially love the idea of using short study bursts combined with quick breaks. It really helps me stay alert. I’m definitely going to try the light exercise suggestions next time I feel sleepy while studying. Thanks for sharing!