Education & Beyond

Amazing Science Facts That Will Blow Your Mind 

amazing science facts

Who doesn’t love exploring the wild, weird and interesting science facts around us? Even if you haven’t been a science buff all along, some phenomenal facts are sure to blow your mind. And, if you’re in love with this subject, knowing the intriguing facts is a big bonus. 

Our world revolves around the blessings of science. Be it our mother earth, the fascinating technology or the tempting solar system, science is all about surprising details. Therefore, knowing the phenomenal facts can help us make interesting observations. 

Let us cut the act and move straight into some amazing facts about science that will leave you surprised.

10 Interesting Science Facts About Earth 

Interesting Science Facts About Earth

Let us first check out some of the interesting scientific facts about mother earth. 

1. Maximum Oxygen on the Earth Comes from the Oceans 

Ever wondered what’s the primary source of oxygen on this earth? 

The National Oceanic Service states that marine organisms are direct contributors to fresh air. 

Maximum oxygen on the earth, at least half of it, comes from these organisms such as plankton, seaweeds and different other photosynthesizers. 

2. Soil is full of life 

This among the many amazing science facts is sure to leave you taken aback! 

More microorganisms are present in one teaspoon of soil than the people on earth. A report suggests, Millions of species and billions of organisms like bacteria, algae, earthworms, microscopic insects, mites, fungi and more reflect the highest biomass anywhere on this planet. 

3. Water can have three existing forms at the same time 

The next one among some scientific facts is that water can exist in three states at the same time. 

 It is also termed the ‘triple point’ or ‘triple boil.’ It is the only temperature at which water can exist in all three states that are solid (ice), liquid (water) and gas (vapour). 

The temperature is 0.01 degree Celsius. 

4. Helium can work against Gravity 

One of the most amazing science facts about the earth is, helium can work against gravity. 

When it is cooled to nearly zero temperature (-460 degrees F or -273 degrees C), it’s a superfluid. That signifies it can flow without friction. 

How amazing, isn’t it? 

5. Animals use the earth’s magnetic field for orientation 

One of the most interesting science facts for students is that animals use the earth’s magnetic field for orientation. 

The US Geological Survey states that evidence shows some animals like salmon or sea turtles can sense the earth’s magnetic field and might use it for navigation. 

It might appear to be science fiction but it’s one of the most interesting facts about the earth you’ll read. 

6. A cloud might weigh about a million pounds 

Most of us have at least once dreamt in our childhoods to float in the cottony clouds. 

If you’re on that list, here’s another one of the most interesting science facts to astonish you. 

As per the US Geological Survey reports, a cloud can weigh up to millions of pounds. 

How exciting, that’s almost similar to a fully-loaded heaviest jet on the planet! 

7. Trees on earth are more in number than stars on the planet 

Who doesn’t love greens? Who doesn’t admire the numerous benefits the trees bless us with? 

But did you know an interesting fact about trees on earth?

According to the space journal Nature, published a few years back, the number of trees on the earth is much higher than the existing stars in the galaxy. 

8. Days are getting longer on earth 

Here is another interesting fact about our planet that you wouldn’t like to miss. 

Studies have found out, the length of days on earth is increasing. Reason? The moon is reducing the earth’s rotation speed through the tides that it helps to form. The twisting force is responsible for making the days longer. 

Isn’t it big enough to make a difference in your everyday busy schedule? 

9. Earth’s gravity isn’t uniform 

Did you know? The earth’s gravity isn’t uniform. 

It’s one of the most intriguing science facts about our very own mother earth. Why this gravitational difference? Because the earth doesn’t have an equal surface everywhere but a bumpy one. 

The variations are also known as gravity anomalies. 

10. The earth might have frozen several times 

That sounds impossible but who knows that might be true. 

Studies show, around 600-800 million years ago, Earth has been through intense climatic changes. It became so cold that many scientists believe our mother plant might have frozen at least a few times earlier. 

10 Interesting Facts About our Solar System 

interesting science facts about solar system

If you want to explore science stream subjects like Geography, the study of the solar system is compulsory. 

How incredible are our solar system and the hidden facts that revolve around it? Next, we will move on to some interesting science facts about the solar system. 

1. You can’t stand on Uranus 

If you have always been into space and wanted to travel it at least once in your life, here’s the science fact of the day for you. You can’t stand on Uranus.

In the list, there are Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune too. Though they have a rocky core, they’re huge balls of hydrogen and helium. 

2. The entire Mars is as cold as the South Pole

This one is sure to blow your mind. Mars is as freezing as the South Pole. 

Even if you ever make it to space, you need to carry your warmest coat to bear up with the -60 degrees celsius temperature of Mars. 

3. The rings around Saturn are 90% water 

Did you know? The ring around Saturn is water frozen to ice. 

It lies far away from the sun and that’s why the ice has frozen into water. The planet is the home to the Solar System’s most amazing ice ring. 

4. Ganymede, Jupiter’s largest moon has a salty ocean 

If you love the oceans, this is something to accelerate your interest. 

Ganymede, Jupiter’s biggest star, has a salty ocean and has more water than on the entire earth. Had it been orbiting the sun and not Jupiter, it’d be considered a planet. 

5. A day is longer than a year on Venus 

Yes, this might sound absurd but hold on! It’s true. A day on earth is longer than a year on Venus. 

Venus takes 243 earth days to finish one rotation and 225 earth days to orbit the sun. Hence, a day on earth is longer than a year on Venus.

6. It can rain diamonds on other planets 

Here’s one of the most scintillating science facts for you to swallow. It can rain diamonds on other planets. 

According to American Scientist, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn have extreme atmospheres and the vast pressure can crystallize carbon atoms to turn them into diamonds. 

Researchers suggest it might rain nearly 2.2. Million pounds of diamond on Saturn every year. 

7. Solar flares are astoundingly powerful 

How does it feel to read these interesting scientific facts so far? Hold on a few more minutes, we have more in the pile for you. 

NASA suggests the energy solar flares release is equal to 100 million megaton atomic bombs exploding at the same time. 

It’s a blessing that the earth’s atmosphere protects us from such kind of radiation. 

8. You can’t burp in space

Burping into space is impossible. 

When you burp on earth, gravity keeps down the solid and liquid food you ate. So, you only exhale the gas. In absence of gravity, gas can’t separate from liquid or solid. 

9. Pluto might not be the fag end of Pluto 

Does the solar system end with Pluto? Seemingly no.

There’s a distant part of the Solar System, known as Kuiper Belt. 

10. Spacekraft are hurtling towards the edge of our solar system 

The New Horizon space place probe is travelling at innumerable speeds of 36,000 mph. The fastest aircraft on earth, The SR-71 Blackbird travels at 2700 mph. 

10 Interesting Science Facts About the Universe

science facts about universe

Let us now explore some of the amazing science facts about the universe. 

1. The Universe be colder as it grows 

Research on galaxies at an extreme point from us shows the Universe is expanding at an accelerated speed. 

The fact that it is cooling might be an indication that the end of the Universe will be cold. 

2. The Earth is not flat but the universe is 

According to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, the universe might take three possible shapes: open, closed and flat. 

As per the research measurements, the Universe is flat. 

3. Interesting large-scale structure of the universe 

The next one among the most amazing science facts about the universe is its large-scale structure. 

The universe comprises voids, filaments, galaxy groups and clusters. The clusters together combine to form superclusters, which in turn form a wall that might be a part of the filaments. 

4. A huge block of it is comprised of things we can’t see 

Here’s another phenomenal interesting fact about the universe to blow your mind. 

Various wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum like radio waves, X-rays, and visible lights, enable us to see into the cosmos and witness large potions of it. However, we can’t see a larger portion of this. 

5. There’s no existence of the Universe’s centre 

We might grow up with a misconception that the earth is the centre of the universe. But, it’s not!

Not only the earth but no galaxies too. The universe doesn’t have a centre. 

6. The galaxies are in a hurry to be away from each other 

A major interesting fact about the universe is the galaxies are in a rush to be away from each other. 

The rushing away takes place at an accelerated pace, suggesting everything down to the atom will be ripped apart. 

7. Light takes eight minutes to travel from Sun to Earth 

Did you know?

The sun and the earth are at a distance of 150 million km. Because light travels 300,000 km/second, it takes only 8 minutes and 19 seconds to travel from the sun to the earth. 

8. The Earth is a magnet 

Here’s another amazing fact about our mother earth in this universe. 

The earth’s spin forms a magnetic field which is used by compass needles globally. 

9. More stars are present in the Universe than grains of sand on Earth 

If you’re all into stars, you’ll like this fact. 

There are more stars in the universe than grains on all beaches on earth. 

10. Big stars’ explosion create a black hole 

When big stars explode, a black hole is created. 

The strong gravitational force makes no one escape it. The nearest black hole is about 10,000 light-years from earth. 

10 Interesting Science Facts About Human Body 

Interesting Science Facts About Human Body

Isn’t it amazing to know about our bodies and explore the interesting facts around them? Now, let us move into some general science facts about the human body. 

1. Infants are born with 300 bones 

We have beeN knowing all our life that the human body has 206 bones. But did you know, infants are born with approximately 300 bones? 

As they grow up, the bones fuse and only 206 bones remain. 

2. The body produces 25 million new cells every second 

Here’s another staggering fact about our body that will make you take a back! 

Our body produces 25 million cells every second. That means every 15 seconds the body produces cells even more than the total population in the United States. 

3. The quantity of blood vessels in our body is super long 

This one of the most interesting science facts about the human body will surely surprise you. 

There are around 60,000-100,000 miles of blood in the human body. If had a chance to lay them end-to-end, it will be long enough to take a world tour thrice. 

4. Teeth are not considered bone 

You’ll be surprised to know that teeth don’t come under the category of bones. 

They are a part of the skeletal system but not counted as bones. 

5. The brain uses 20% of the body’s oxygen 

The brain acquires only 2% of the human body mass. 

However, it uses 20% of the oxygen and blood supply. 

6. Maximum part of the body is composed of water 

You’ll be thrilled to know this. 

About 60% of our body is composed of water. 

7. Human body bones are stronger than steel 

That sounds incredible, isn’t it?

Human bones are stronger than steel. A block of bone is capable to support a size of up to 18,000 pounds. 

8. The smallest bone lies outside the eardrum 

Most of us know the femur, the thigh bone is the largest in the human body. Do you know what’s the smallest?

It’s the stirrup bone lying outside the ear drum. 

9. The human stomach can dissolve razor blades 

Did you just hear that? Hold your nerves! 

One of the most amazing science facts is the human stomach is incredibly strong. Acids are ranked on a scale of 0-14 (the lesser the PH level, the stronger the acid).

The human stomach gets a rating of 1.0-2.0, signifying its massive strength. 

10. Your eyes blink around 20 times a minute 

Here’s a fact about your beautiful eyes.

They blink around 20 times a day, which equals over ten million times a year! 

10 Interesting Science Facts About Light 

Interesting Science Facts About Light

Here comes some amazing science facts everyone should know about light. 

1. Plants make food from light 

Light is essential for the plans to make food. 

Plants convert sunlight into food in the process of photosynthesis. 

2. Light is the only energy we can see with our eyes 

There are different types of energy around us. 

However, light is the only energy that we can see with our eyes. 

3. We see a rainbow because of the light 

How wonderful it is to watch the glittering rainbow, right? 

It’s because the water droplets in the air result in the light splitting up into colours, forming a marvellous rainbow. 

4. Sunlight can reach a greater depth in the ocean 

Here are other magnificent facts about light to leave you thrilled. 

Sunlight can dig deep into about 80m in the ocean. 

5. Light moves in a straight line 

Did you know? Light travels in a straight line. 

There are objects in its path that cause the light to either bend or refract. 

6. Blue light can calm you down 

This is one of the most interesting science facts about the light you have read in a while. Blue lights have the quality to calm you down. 

Studies show, in countries like Japan and Scotland, the street lights switch to blue at night. It had reduced the crime and suicide rates. 

7. Bioluminescence is the largest light source in the oceans 

The largest light source in the oceans is Bioluminescence. 

The majority of the creatures, thriving below about 1,500 feet, are luminous. 

8. A 100-watt bulb can form a temperature of 325 degrees Fahrenheit 

If you’re interested in careers in science stream, the study of light will be a major part. 

In the closed space of an Easy-Bake oven, a 100-watt bulb can form a temperature of 325 F. 

9. Light has momentum 

Light doesn’t have mass but it does carry momentum. 

10. Goldfish are capable to see infrared radiation 

There’s infrared radiation invisible to human eyes. But Goldfish can see that radiation. Bees, birds, and lizards have eyes that are capable of picking up ultraviolet light. 

10 Amazing Science Facts About Food 

Amazing Science Facts About Food

In the next section of important facts about science, we will explore some coolest ones in the food sector. 

1. Chicken contains 266% more fat than a year back

Sorry to break your heart but what you just read is true. 

Chicken has 266% more fat than 50 years back. A recent study claims, it has more fats now instead of proteins. 

2. Peanuts can help in making dynamite

Yes, that’s hilariously true! One of the most prominent science facts is that peanuts could be of help to make dynamites. 

The oil extract of peanuts can be processed into glycerol. That, in turn, can be made to nitroglycerin, an important component of dynamite. 

3. Apples and Roses belong to the same category

You’ll be fascinated to know that apples and roses are linked, as they come from the same family.

The same goes for pears, cherries and apricots. They belong to the same Rosaceae family. 

4. Honey has a long shelf life 

You’ll be amazed to know that pure honey has an extremely long shelf life. 

It can last up to even 3000 years without being spoiled. 

5. Same wax is used to coat candies and cars 

Do you love taking candies? Or, are you into cars? Then, you’ll be excited to know this. 

Carnauba, a kind of Brazilian and Palm wax, is used to coat both gummy candies and cars. 

6. Cranberries can bounce like rubber balls 

Did you know bounce berries is another name for cranberries?

Because the berries can bounce like rubber balls. The jump indicates the berry is still ripe and fresh. 

7. Potatoes can absorb radio wave signals 

Here’s another appealing science fact about food. 

Potatoes are capable of absorbing and reflecting radio wave signals. 

8. Bananas are radioactive

Is banana your favourite fruit? Then, you’ll be intrigued to know this. 

The fruit is radioactive as it contains small quantities of the isotope potassium-40. But not to worry, for the radiation to be harmful you need to take around 700 bananas daily for close to 80 years! 

9. Apple has 25% air 

You’ll see an apple floating in the water. Why? Apples have a massive 25% of the air in them. 

That volume makes them less dense than water. 

10. Apples are rich in fibre 

Here’s one of the most healthy science facts about an apple. 

It contains twice the amount of fibre present in a related supplement. 

10 Interesting Science Facts About the Animal Kingdom 

Interesting Science Facts About the Animal Kingdom

After going through so many facts about science and technology, let’s explore some interesting ones about the animal kingdom. 

1. Elephants are the only mammals unable to jump 

Sounds astounding but it’s true. 

Elephants are believed to be the only mammals on earth to be unable to jump. 

2. Animals have origins in the sea 

You’ll be amazed to know that animals had their origins in the sea. 

Some insects like tapeworms have invaded the body of other animals while some like dolphins have moved back to the waters. 

3. Animals depend on other organisms for food and energy 

One of the most real facts about animals is, unlike plants, they’re unable to convert sunlight into food. 

They are heterotrophs and need to take plants or other organisms to feed their stomachs. 

4. Every animal is a multicellular eukaryotic

Every animal has a body consisting of multiple cells. That’s what makes them multicellular. 

Besides being multicellular, they are also eukaryotes. 

5. Sponges are the simplest animals 

Sponges are multicellular organisms and that’s where their similarity with other animals ends. It’s the simplest of all animals. 

6. Bats don’t get sick from most viruses

That list also includes the Coronavirus. 

Due to their antibacterial properties, Bats don’t get sick from viruses, as suggested by the European Commission. 

7. Dragonfly creates a heart shape during mating 

One of the most beautiful science facts in the animal kingdom comes from the dragonflies. 

Symbolizing spiritual growth, they form a heart shape during mating. 

8. Polar bears have hollow furs 

Most of us have at least once admired the polar bears in our life. 

Polar bears have colourless furs. Each of these furs is hollow and reflects light, which makes them look white. 

9. Squirrels help thousands of trees in the world

The little squirrels help the trees worldwide vehemently. 

The acorns and seeds are everywhere they go around. That is surely a magnificent contribution. 

10. Octopus has blue blood 

The vast ocean shelters the eight-armed octopuses. 

They have nine brains, three hearts and blue blood. 

10 Interesting Science Facts About Ocean 

Interesting Science Facts About Ocean

The deep, intense ocean-what a beauty! 

Now, we will move on to some interesting facts about science and the ocean. 

1. Oceans cover 70% of the earth’s surface 

Here’s one of the most denoted science facts about oceans. 

It covers around 70% of the earth’s total surface. The marine environment is crucial to our dear planet. 

2. The maximum life on earth is aquatic 

You’ll be thrilled to know the presence of aquatic life on earth. 

94% of the earth’s total living organisms are marine animals. 

3. So far less than 5% of the oceans on the planet are explored 

The Ocean Service states, less than 5% of the oceans on this earth have been explored so far. 

4. We have only discovered a fraction of marine organisms 

The World Register of Marine Species states, by now 240,470 species have been explored which is still a small amount to the total number of existent species. 

5. There can be rivers or lakes beneath the ocean 

Here’s a cosy fact to blow your mind. 

After salt water and hydrogen sulphide combine, the water around it is denser resulting in the formation of a lake or river beneath the ocean. 

6. About 50% of the US lies beneath the ocean 

Not only the entire planet, but the United States has a large portion, around 50% lying beneath the ocean. 

7. The Pacific Ocean has around 25,000 islands 

The Pacific Ocean is home to nearly 25,000 islands. The numbers are higher than anywhere else on the planet. 

8. There are more historic artefacts lying under the sea than anywhere in World’s museum 

Close to 1,000 shipwrecks are located in the Florida Keys alone, some of which come within the National Marine Sanctuary. 

9. World’s longest mountain chain is situated underwater 

The longest chain of the mountain on earth, the Mid-Ocean Ridge, lies almost underwater, spreading across a distance of 65,000 km. 

10. The Ocean contains 50 times more carbon than the atmosphere

Here we go with another one of the most intriguing science facts about the ocean.  

It contains 50 times more carbon than the atmosphere and hence is an amplified storehouse. 

It stores, absorbs and releases greenhouse gas in various ways, thus acting as the global climate regulator. 

Wrapping Up 

The universe is unique and even more are the scientific facts that surround it. Wasn’t it impressive to know about all these wild and appealing facts about the world we live in? 

That’s all with those amazing science facts to blow your mind. Do you have anything in your store? Feel free to hit it in the comments. 

FAQs on Amazing Science Facts

Q1. What’s the best science fact?

Ans. The human body has enough DNA to stretch from the Sun to Pluto and get back 17 times.

Q2. Is Math a branch of science? 

Ans. Yes, Math is a crucial branch of science and knowing the math facts will interest you even more.

Q3. What is the coolest science fact?

Ans. Hot water freezes faster than cold water. According to scientists, velocities water particles have a particular disposition when they are hot that pushes them towards a rapid freezing.

Q4. What is an incredible science fact about the body?

Ans. Orbicularis oculi is the fastest-moving muscle in the human body. It can contract in less than 1/100th of a second.

One thought on “Amazing Science Facts That Will Blow Your Mind 

  1. bhawana says:

    i loved the facts
    they are very interesting
    just amazing 👏

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