ICSE Class 9 English-I Language Syllabus 2024-25

CISCE has released the Latest Updated Syllabus of the New Academic Session 2024-25, for class 9. Students must refer to www.cisce.org under the ‘Regulations and Syllabuses’ page for ICSE 2026.

ICSE class 9 English-I Language  Syllabus has been revised and updated for the new session 2024-25. It’s very important for both Teachers and Students to understand the changes and strictly follow the topics covered in ICSE class 9 English-I Language 2024-25.

We have also updated Oswal Publishers Books as per the Latest Paper Pattern prescribed by CISCE Board for ICSE class 9 English-I Language 2024-25.

Students can directly access the ICSE English-I Syllabus for Class 9 of the academic year 2024-25 by clicking on the link below

PDF download links to the latest Class 9 English-I Syllabus for 2024-25 academic session

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ICSE English-I Language Class 9 Latest Syllabus 2024-25

There will be two papers:

Paper 1: English Language

Paper 2: Literature in English

Each of these papers will be of two hours duration.


English Language (2 hours) : (80 Marks)
Internal Assessment (20 Marks)

All questions will be compulsory.

  1. A composition on one of a number of subjects. 

    Candidates will be required to write a composition of about 300– 350 words from a choice of subjects which will test their ability to: organise, describe, narrate, report, explain, persuade or argue, present ideas coherently with accuracy and precision, compare and contrast ideas and arrive at conclusions, present relevant arguments and use correct style and format.

    The topics will be varied and may be suggested by language or by other stimuli such as pictures. The topics will be so chosen so as to allow the candidates to draw on first-hand experience or to stimulate their imagination.

    The organisation of subject matter, syntax, punctuation, correctness of grammatical constructions and spelling will be expected to be appropriate to the mode of treatment required by the subject.
  2. Letter writting

    Candidates will have to write a letter from a choice of two subjects requiring either a formal or a friendly mode of treatment. Suggestions regarding the content of the letter may be given. The format of the letter with address, introduction, conclusion, etc., will form part of the assessment. Special attention must be paid to the format of the letter with emphasis on tone and vocabulary appropriate to the context
  3. required

    Candidates will be given a specific situation and will be required to:

    (a) Write the text for a notice based on given directions.

    (b) Write an e-mail on the same content as the notice.
  4. An unseen prose passage

    An unseen prose passage of about 500 words will be given. Uncommon items of vocabulary, or structure will be avoided. A question will be set to test vocabulary. Candidates will be required to show an understanding of the words/phrases in the context in which they have been used. 

    A number of questions requiring short answers will also be asked on the passage. These questions will test the candidates’ ability to comprehend the explicit content and organisation of the passage and to infer
    information, intention and attitude from it.

    The last question will consist of a summary that will test the candidates’ ability to distinguish main ideas
    from supporting details and to extract salient points to re-write them in the form of a summary. Candidates
    will be given a clear indication of what they are to summarise and of the length of the summary.
  5. short answer questions

    There will be a number of short answer questions to test the candidates' knowledge of functional grammar, structure and usage.

    All the items in this question will be compulsory. They will consist of correct use of prepositions, conjunctions, verbs and structure of sentences.

Internal Assessment

  1. Schools will prepare, conduct and record assessments of the Listening and Speaking Skills of candidates as follows:

    Class IX: Three assessments in the course of the year.
  2. Pattern of Assessment

    a) Listening Skills

    A passage of about 300 words is read aloud by the examiner twice, the first time at normal reading speed (about 110 words a minute) and the next time at a slower speed. Candidates may make brief notes during the readings. They then answer an objective type test based on the passage, on the paper provided.

    The recommended number of candidates at a sitting is 30.

    b) Speaking Skills

    Each candidate is required to make an oral presentation for about two minutes, which will be followed by a discussion on the subject with the examiners, for about three minutes.

    Each candidate is required to make an oral presentation for about two minutes, which will be followed by a discussion on the subject with the examiners, for about three minutes.

    A candidate may refer to brief notes in the course of the presentation but reading or excessive dependence on notes will be penalized.

It is recommended that candidates be given an hour for preparation of their subject for presentation and that
they be given a choice of subject, on a common paper.


The assessment will be conducted jointly by the subject teacher and the external examiner who will each assess the candidate. (The External Examiner may be a teacher nominated by the Head of the School who could be from the faculty but not teaching the subject in the section/class. For example, a teacher of English of Class VIII may be deputed to be an External Examiner for Class X).

Award of Marks

Listening Skills:

Speaking Skills:

(20 Marks)

10 marks

10 marks

The total marks obtained out of 20 are to be sent to the CISCE by the Head of the School.

The Head of the School will be responsible for the online entry of marks on the CISCE’s CAREERS portal by the due date. Schools are required to maintain a record of all assessments conducted in Listening and Speaking Skills for candidates of Classes IX and X. These include copies of the assessment tests, topics for presentation and marks awarded. The record will be maintained for a period of 2 months after the ICSE (10) examinations of the candidates concerned.

ICSE Class 9 English-I Language Syllabus 2023-24

(for reference purposes only)

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