ICSE Class 9 Home Science Syllabus 2024-25

CISCE has released the Latest Updated Syllabus of the New Academic Session 2024-25, for class 9. Students must refer to www.cisce.org under the ‘Regulations and Syllabuses’ page for ICSE 2026.

ICSE class 9 Home Science  Syllabus has been revised and updated for the new session 2024-25. It’s very important for both Teachers and Students to understand the changes and strictly follow the topics covered in ICSE class 9 Home Science 2024-25.

We have also updated Oswal Publishers Books as per the Latest Paper Pattern prescribed by CISCE Board for ICSE class 9 Home Science 2024-25.

Students can directly access the ICSE Home Science Syllabus for Class 9 of the academic year 2024-25 by clicking on the link below

PDF download links to the latest Class 9 Home Science Syllabus for 2024-25 academic session

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ICSE Home Science Class 9 Latest Syllabus 2024-25

There will be one written paper of two hours duration carrying 100 marks and Internal Assessment of 100 marks.

Part I: Theory

1. Concept and Scope of Home Science

(i) Introduction to the five streams in Home Science and how they integrate to form a meaningful whole.

Understanding that Home Science is a field of Applied Sciences, made up of five streams, i.e. Foods & Nutrition, Resource Management, Human Development, Textiles & Clothing and Communication & Extension.

(ii) Significance of the study of Home Science in different spheres of life.

An understanding that Home Science is a multi-disciplinary subject which helps in development of life-skills to deal with various situations in different spheres of life.

2. Food and Health

(i) Food and its functions. Basic Cookery Terms. Health benefits of common food items.

Definition of: food, nutrient, nutrition, balanced diet, health, malnutrition and optimum nutrition. Functions of food: physiological, psychological and social functions.

Meaning of basic cookery terms: Cutting, chopping, grating, kneading, beating, peeling, stringing julienne, mashing, cut and fold in, blending, dusting.

Health benefits of common food items - to be done briefly:

  • Herbs: Mint, coriander, celery, basil, curry leaves, saffron, thyme, lemon grass;
  • Spices: cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, turmeric, fenugreek, cumin, fennel, carrom, asafoetida, ginger, garlic.

(ii) Nutrients and their functions. Deficiency diseases.

Classification of nutrients according to their sources and functions :

(a) Energy giving: Fats and carbohydrates;

(b) Body building: Proteins and minerals;

(c) Protective: Vitamins (A, D, E and K, Vitamin B -Thiamine, Riboflavin and Niacin and Vitamin C); Minerals
(calcium, iron and iodine);

(d) Regulatory: Water and roughage.

Deficiency diseases associated with the above nutrients

3. Growth and Development of Children from Birth to Five Years

(i) Principles of development; milestones of development.

Meaning of the terms growth and development; difference between growth and development. Principles of
development. Meaning of developmental milestones;

Milestones of development: meaning and characteristics of physical, motor, social, emotional, cognitive and language development.

(ii) Role and importance of play and play-school during early childhood.

The role of play with emphasis on holistic growth of the child. Considerations in choosing the kind of play (indoor/outdoor), play materials (indoor/ outdoor); types of play: constructive, fantasy, solitary, cooperative, creative: meaning only; types of play schools: Montessori, nursery, kindergarten - meaning only. 

(iii) Diseases and their prevention.

Common childhood diseases (0-5 years): Tuberculosis, mumps, measles, chickenpox, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, rubella, polio: names only and associated vaccines; Definition and importance of immunisation.

4. The Home and its Maintenance

(i) Colour and its application in the Home.

Dimensions of colour – hue, value and intensity. Prang colour wheel (primary, secondary and tertiary colours); neutral, warm cool and metallic colours.

Colour schemes: related (monochromatic/one hue colour, analogous /adjacent), contrasting (complementary, double complementary, split complementary, triad and tetrad) colour schemes and their applications in the home – drawing/living room, bed room, dining room and kitchen.

(ii) Lighting in the Home.

Types of lighting (general and local or task, direct and indirect); sources of light: natural and artificial; choice of adequate lighting for different rooms.

(iii) Sustainable utilisation of Fuel and Energy in the Home.

Sustainable use of fuel and energy with emphasis on the need and methods for the conservation of cooking gas, water and electricity in the house.

(iv) Maintenance of Sanitation and Hygiene inside and outside the House

Role of sanitation and hygiene in the home and its environment;

Waste Management: Meaning of the term waste; basic concept of bio degradable and non-biodegradable wastes with examples.

Importance of segregation of waste: sorting of waste into biodegradable / nonbiodegradable, organic / non-organic, plastic, metal and e-waste at domestic and community level.

Importance of the five Rs (reduce, refuse, reuse, recycle and reinvent) for environmental conservation.

5. Textile Science and Fabric Construction

(i) Fibres: Properties and uses

Meaning of the term fibre; classification of fibres: natural, man-made and synthetic; Natural fibres (cotton, silk and wool): brief idea of origin; man-made fibres (rayon: raw materials); synthetic fibres: nylon and polyester: raw materials; Identification of fibres: microscopic appearance and burning tests. Properties of cotton, silk, wool, rayon, nylon, polyester and their uses.

(ii) Fabric structure: woven, non-woven and knitted.

Meaning of the terms yarn, warp, weft, selvedge, fabric.

Woven fabrics: basic (plain and twill, satin, decorative (spot and pile - cut and uncut): construction method and end use;

Non-woven: e.g. felt;

Knitted (hand and machine): meaning and end use of non-woven and knitted.

6. Communication & Extension

Communication: meaning, functions and importance; elements of communication; interpersonal communication.

Meaning, functions and importance of communication; elements of communication (sender, message, medium, receiver, feedback: brief idea); meaning of interpersonal communication; acquiring interpersonal communication skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing).

Part II: Internal Assessement

To be assessed internally by the school.

Practical Work

Candidates will be required to practice one or more aspects of Home Management, Human Development, Foods and Nutrition, Textiles and Communication & Extension, covered in the syllabus. They may also undertake practical work on any of the topics suggested below. The teacher is free to assess the practical work either on the basis of continuous assessment or on the basis of periodical tests.

The minimum number of assignments for each academic year:

Class IX - Five practical oriented assignments as prescribed by the teacher.

Class X - Five practical oriented assignments as prescribed by the teacher.

Suggested Assignments

Foods and Nutrition

  • Identification of pulses, cereals and spices.
  • Identification of serving and cooking
  • Preparation of nutritious snacks using different methods of cooking.
  • Demonstration of various cuts of vegetables and fruits such as slice, chop, dice, mince, juliennes to make easy salads.
  • Preparation of food using simple cooking techniques such as boiling, frying, steaming, grilling, baking, stewing.
  • Visiting a food processing unit and preparation of a report on the same.
  • Identification and collection of samples of ten herbs/ spices/condiments available in the kitchen for treating common ailments. Preparation of a report on the same.
  • Listing foods eaten on any one day and classifying them into food groups. Analysing them on the basis of nutrient content and appearance.
  • Food preservation: making chutneys, pickles and jam.
  • Demonstration of various innovative table layouts, napkin folding and creative decorations.

Human Development

  • Collecting ten play materials and evaluating them in terms of their merits and demerits.
  • Observing a group of junior/middle school children during the lunch break and recording observations with respect to the language used, choice of friends, games played, etc.
  • Visiting a day-care centre and observing the activities of the children. Making a record of the observations.
  • Visiting a special school and recording observations made on any one child with special needs.

Textiles and Clothing

  • Collecting samples of fabrics and comparing them on the basis of cost, durability, appearance and suitability.
  • Identification of fibres-cotton, wool, silk and synthetics by the burning test.
  • Planning the interiors of a home through choice of colours and furnishing materials of the bedroom, living room and dining room.
  • Care of Clothing; Laundering of cotton, silk and wool.

Resource Management

  • Planning a system for recycling of waste produced by the school/home.
  • Preparation of compost pits.
  • Gardening: planting of herbs and medicinal plants and taking care of them.
  • Preparing a layout of the plan of the Home Science laboratory with complete detailing of work centres, storage areas and placement of heavy and light equipment.
  • Cleaning of glass panes, grills, sink (steel and ceramic), counter tops (marble, granite and sand stones) and wooden shelves and electrical appliances like refrigerator, oven and cooking stove (any five to be done.)
  • Preparing a family budget based on the information received from parents.

Communication & Extension

Designing a leaflet or a pamphlet to create awareness regarding consumer rights/responsibilities.

Collecting information about global environmental issues and problems and communicating the information through appropriate modes of communication such as posters, charts, collages, cartoons, handouts, letters, street plays, etc. to all concerned.

Identifying low cost, environmentally friendly alternatives in order to deal with the scarcity of resources such as fuels in the locality.

Final Test

In addition to the course work, the candidate will be tested in one or more aspects of Home Science by the External Examiner.


The assignments/project works are to be evaluated by the subject teacher and by an External Examiner. The External Examiner may be a teacher nominated by the Head of the school, who could be from the faculty, but not teaching the subject in the section/class. For example, a teacher of Home Science of Class XI may be deputed to be an External Examiner for Class X, Home Science projects.

The Internal Examiner and the External Examiner will assess the assignments independently.

ICSE Class 9 Home Science Syllabus 2023-24

(for reference purposes only)

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