NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 6 The Making of a Scientist

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    Read and Find Out :

    Q. How did a book become a turning point in Richard Ebright’s life?

    Ans: In the second grade, Richard had collected all the species of butterflies found around his hometown due to which there was a possibility of him losing interest in science. However, that was when his mother brought him the book ‘Travels of Monarch X’ which opened up a whole new world of science for him and was a turning point is his life.

    Q. How did his mother help him?

    Ans: His mother encouraged him for his interest in learning. She took him on trips, bought him telescopes, microscopes, cameras, mounting materials and other equipments, and helped him in many other ways. If he didn’t have things to do, his mother found work for him — not physical work, but learning things.

    Q. What lesson does Ebright learn when he does not win anything at a science fair?

    Ans: When Ebright does not win anything at the Science Fair, he realises the winners had tried to do real experiments, not simply make a neat display. Then he knows that for the next year’s fair he would have to do a real experiment.

    Q. What experiments and projects does he then undertake?

    Ans: For his eighth grade project, Ebright tries to find the cause of a viral disease that kills nearly all monarch caterpillars every few years. Then for his science fair project, he tests the theory viceroy butterflies copy monarchs. In his high school, he tries to find the purpose of the twelve tiny gold spots on a monarch pupa. Later, he researches further on the Monarch butterflies.

    Q.What are the qualities that go into the making of a scientist?

    Ans: The three most important qualities of a scientist are a first-rate mind, curiosity, and the will to win for the right reasons. A scientist has to be competitive, but not with others-with himself.

    Think About It :

    Q. How can one become a scientist, an economist, a historian... ? Does it simply involve reading many books on the subject? Does it involve observing, thinking and doing experiments?

    Ans: To be good in any field, be it science, economics, history etc., one has to have some basic qualities. Along with reading a lot, one has to observe, think and experiment. One has to have a first rate mind, curiosity to learn more and also the will to win.

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