CBSE Class 11 Physical Education Syllabus 2024-25

CBSE has released the Latest Updated Syllabus for the New Academic Session 2024-25 on March 23rd, 2024, for class 11. 

CBSE Board has released the latest Class 11 Physical Education syllabus which is to be strictly followed. Below please find our detailed analysis of Board Paper pattern, Unit-wise summary for the New Session 2024-25.

We have also updated Oswal Publishers Books as per the Latest Paper Pattern prescribed by Board for Physical Education Curriculum.

Students can directly access the CBSE Physical Education Syllabus for Class 11 of the academic year 2024-25 by clicking on the link below.

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CBSE Class 11 Physical Education Latest Syllabus 2024-25

Unit No. Unit Name No. Of Periods
(190 Hrs)
The Weightage (Marks)
Unit 1 Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education 15 05 + 04b*
Unit 2 Olympic Value Education 7 05
Unit 3 Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle 12 06+01b*
Unit 4 Physical Education & Sports for CWSN 13 04+04b*
Unit 5 Yoga 12 07
Unit 6 Physical Activity & Leadership Training 13 08
Unit 7 Test, Measurements & Evaluation 15 09
Unit 8 Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology in Sports 20 07+04b*
Unit 9 Psychology and Sports 12 07
Unit 10 Training & Doping in Sports 15 09
Including 3 Practical 56 30
TOTAL Theory 10 + Practical 3 134 + 56 = 190hrs Theory 70 + Practical 30 = 100

CBSE Class 11 Physical Education Syllabus 2024-25: Unit-wise Summary

Unit No. Unit Name & Topics Specific learning objectives Suggested Teaching Learning process Learning Outcomes with specific Competencies
Unit 1 Changing Trends and Careers in Physical Education
  1. Concept, Aims & Objectives of Physical Education
  2. Development of Physical Education in India – Post Independence
  3. Changing Trends in Sports- playing surface, wearable gear and sports equipment, technological advancements
  4. Career options in Physical Education
  5. Khelo-India Program and Fit – India Program
  • To make the students understand the meaning, aims, and objectives of Physical Education.
  • To Teach students about the development of physical education in India after Independence.
  • To educate students about the development of sports surfaces, wearable gear, sports equipment, and technology.
  • To make students know the different career options available in the field.
  • To make them know about the Khelo India Program
  • Lecture-based instruction,
  • Technology-based learning,
  • Group learning,
  • Individual learning,
  • Inquiry-based learning,
  • Kinesthetic learning,
  • Game-based learning and
  • Expeditionary learning.
After completing the unit, the students will be able to:
  • Recognize the concept, aim, and objectives of Physical Education.
  • Identify the Post-independence development in Physical Education.
  • Categorize Changing Trends in Sports- playing surface, wearable gear, sports equipment, technological
  • Explore different career options in the field of Physical Education.
  • Make out the development of Khelo India and Fit India Program.
Unit 2 Olympism Value Education
  1. Olympism – Concept and Olympics Values (Excellence, Friendship & Respect)
  2. Olympic Value Education – Joy of Effort, Fair Play, Respect for Others, Pursuit of Excellence, Balance Among Body, Will & Mind
  3. Ancient and Modern Olympics
  4. Olympics - Symbols, Motto, Flag, Oath, and Anthem
  5. Olympic Movement Structure - IOC, NOC, IFS, Other members
  • To make the students aware of Concepts and Olympics Values (Excellence, Friendship & Respect)
  • To make students learn about Olympic Value Education – Joy of Effort, Fair Play, Respect for Others, Pursuit of Excellence, Balance Among Body, Will & Mind
  • To make students understand ancient and modern Olympic games.
  • To make the students aware of Olympics - Symbols, Motto, Flag, Oath, and Anthem
  • To make students learn about the working and functioning of IOC, NOC and IFS, and other members.
  • Lecture-based instruction,
  • Technology-based learning,
  • Group learning,
  • Individual learning,
  • Inquiry-based learning,
  • Kinesthetic learning,
  • Game-based learning and
  • Expeditionary learning.
After completing the unit, the students will be able to:
  • Incorporate values of Olympism in your life.
  • Differentiate between Modern and Ancient Olympic Games, Paralympics, and Special Olympic games
  • Identity the Olympic Symbol and Ideals
  • Describe the structure of the Olympic movement structure
Unit 3 Yoga
  1. Meaning and importance of Yoga
  2. Introduction to Astanga Yoga
  3. Yogic Kriyas (Shat Karma)
  4. Pranayama and its types.
  5. Active Lifestyle and stress management through Yoga
  • To make the students aware of the meaning and importance of yoga
  • To make them learn about Astanga yoga.
  • To teach students about yogic kriya, specially shat karmas.
  • To make the learn and practice types of Pran0
  • To make them learn the importance of yoga in stress management.
  • Lecture-based instruction,
  • Technology-based learning,
  • Group learning,
  • Individual learning,
  • Inquiry-based learning,
  • Kinesthetic learning,
  • Game-based learning and
  • Expeditionary learning.
After completing the unit, the students will be able to:
  • Recognize the concept of yoga and be aware of the importance; of it
  • Identify the elements of yoga
  • Identify the Asanas, Pranayama’s, meditation, and yogic kriyas
  • Classify various yogic activities for the enhancement of concentration
  • Know about relaxation techniques for improving concentration
Unit 4 Physical Education and Sports for Children with Special Needs
  1. Concept of Disability and Disorder
  2. Types of Disability, its causes & nature (Intellectual disability, Physical disability).
  3. Disability Etiquette
  4. Aim and objectives of Adaptive Physical Education.
  5. Role of various professionals for children with special needs (Counselor, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Physical Education Teacher, Speech Therapist, and Special Educator)
  • To make the students aware concept of Disability and Disorder.
  • To make students aware of different types of disabilities.
  • To make students learn about Disability Etiquette
  • To make the students Understand the aims and objectives Adaptive Physical Education
  • To make students aware of role of various professionals for children with special needs.
  • Lecture-based instruction,
  • Technology-based learning,
  • Group learning,
  • Individual learning,
  • Inquiry-based learning
  • Kinesthetic learning,
  • Game-based learning and
  • Expeditionary learning.
After completing the unit, the students will be able to:
  • Identify the concept of Disability and Disorder.
  • Outline types of disability and describe their causes and nature.
  • Adhere to and respect children with special needs by following etiquettes.
  • Identify possibilities and scope in adaptive physical education
  • Relate various types of professional support for children with special needs along with their roles and responsibilities.
Unit 5 Physical Fitness, Wellness, and Lifestyle
  1. Meaning & importance of Wellness, Health, and Physical Fitness.
  2. Components/Dimensions of Wellness, Health, and Physical Fitness
  3. Traditional Sports & Regional Games for promoting wellness
  4. Leadership through Physical Activity and Sports
  5. Introduction to First Aid – PRICE
  • To make the students understand the Meaning & importance of Wellness, Health, and Physical Fitness
  • To make students aware of the Components/ Dimensions of Wellness, Health, and Physical Fitness
  • To make students learn Traditional Sports & Regional Games to promote wellness
  • To develop Leadership qualities through Physical Activity and Sports in students
  • To make students learn First Aid and its management skills
  • Lecture-based instruction,
  • Technology-based learning,
  • Group learning,
  • Individual learning,
  • Inquiry-based learning,
  • Kinesthetic learning,
  • Game-based learning and
  • Expeditionary learning.
After completing the unit, the students will be able to:
  • Explain wellness and its importance and define the components of wellness.
  • Classify physical fitness and recognize its importance in life.
  • Distinguish between skill-related and health-related components of physical fitness.
  • Illustrate traditional sports and regional games to promote wellness.
  • Relate leadership through physical activity and sports
  • Illustrate the different steps used in first aid - PRICE.
Unit 6 Test, Measurement & Evaluation
  1. Define Test, Measurements and Evaluation.
  2. Importance of Test, Measurements and Evaluation in Sports.
  3. Calculation of BMI, Waist – Hip Ratio, Skin fold measurement (3-site)
  4. Somato Types (Endomorphy, Mesomorphy & Ectomorphy)
  5. Measurements of health-related fitness
  • To Introduce the students with the terms like test, measurement and evaluation along with its importance
  • To Introducing them the methods of calculating BMI, Waist- hip ratio and Skin fold measurement.
  • To make the students aware of the different somatotypes.
  • To make the students learn the method to measure health-related fitness.
  • Lecture-based instruction,
  • Technology-based learning,
  • Group learning,
  • Individual learning,
  • Inquiry-based learning,
  • Kinesthetic learning,
  • Game-based learning and
  • Expeditionary learning.
After completing the unit, the student s will be able to:
  • Define the terms test, measurement, and evaluation,
  • Differentiate norm and criterion referenced standards,
  • Differentiate formative and summative evaluation,
  • Discuss the importance of measurement and evaluation processes,
  • Understand BMI: A popular clinical standard and its computation
  • Differentiate between Endomorphy, Mesomorphy & Ectomorphy h describe the procedure of Anthropometric Measurement
Unit 7 Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology in Sports
  1. Definition and importance of Anatomy and Physiology in Exercise and Sports.
  2. Functions of Skeletal System, Classification of Bones, and Types of Joints.
  3. Properties and Functions of Muscles.
  4. Structure and Functions of Circulatory System and Heart.
  5. Structure and Functions of Respiratory System.
  • The students will learn the meaning and definition & identify the importance of anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology.
  • Students will understand the main functions and Classification of Bone and the Types of Joints.
  • The students will learn the Properties and Functions of Muscles.
  • The students will learn the Structure and Functions of the Circulatory System and Heart.
  • The students will learn the Structure and Functions of Respiratory System.
  • Lecture-based instruction,
  • Technology-based learning,
  • Group learning,
  • Individual learning,
  • Inquiry-based learning,
  • Kinesthetic learning,
  • Game - based learning and Expeditionary learning.
After completing the unit, the students will be able to:
  • Identify the importance of anatomy and physiology.
  • Recognize the functions of the skeleton.
  • Understand the functions of bones and identify various types of joints.
  • Figure out the properties and functions of muscles and understand how they work.
  • Understand the anatomy of the respiratory system and describe it’s working.
  • Identify and analyses the layout and functions of Circulatory System.
Unit 8 Fundamentals Of Kinesiology And Biomechanics in Sports
  1. Definition and Importance of Kinesiology and Biomechanics in Sports.
  2. Principles of Biomechanics
  3. Kinetics and Kinematics in Sports
  4. Types of Body Movements - Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction, Rotation, Circumduction, Supination & Pronation
  5. Axis and Planes – Concept and its application in body movements
  • The students will learn the meaning and definition & identify the importance of Kinesiology and Biomechanics in sports.
  • To make the students learn the principles of biomechanics.
  • To make the students understand the concept of Kinetics and Kinematics in Sports
  • To make the students learn about different types of body movements.
  • To make the students understand the concept of Axis and Planes and its application in body movements.
  • Lecture-based instruction,
  • Technology-based learning,
  • Group learning,
  • Individual learning,
  • Inquiry-based learning,
  • Kinesthetic learning,
  • Game-based learning and
  • Expeditionary learning.
After completing the unit, the students will be able to:
  • Understand Kinesiology and Biomechanics with their application in sports.
  • Explain biomechanical principles and their utilization in sports and physical education.
  • Illustrate fundamental body movements and their basic patterns.
  • Learn about the Axis and Planes and their application with body movements.
Unit 9 Psychology and Sports
  1. Definition & Importance of Psychology in Physical Education & Sports;
  2. Developmental Characteristics at Different Stages of Development;
  3. Adolescent Problems & their Management;
  4. Team Cohesion and Sports;
  5. Introduction to Psychological Attributes: Attention, Resilience, Mental Toughness
  • The students will identify the definition and importance of Psychology in Physical Education and sports.
  • The students will be able to differentiate characteristics of growth and development at different stages.
  • - Students will be able to identify the issues and management related to adolescents.
  • The students will be able to understand the importance of team cohesion in sports.
  • The students will be able to understand the importance of team cohesion in sports.
  • Lecture-based instruction,
  • Technology-based learning,
  • Group learning,
  • Individual learning,
  • Inquiry-based learning,
  • Kinesthetic learning,
  • Game-based learning and
  • Expeditionary learning.
After completing the unit, the students will be able to:
  • Classify different types of personality and their relationship with sports performance.
  • Recognise the concept of motivation and identify various types of motivation.
  • Identify various reasons to exercise, its associated benefits and strategies to promote exercise adherence.
  • Differentiate between different types of aggression in sports.
  • Explain various psychological attributes in sports.
Unit 10 Training in Sports
  1. Concept of Talent Identification and Talent Development in Sports
  2. Introduction to Sports Training Cycle – Micro, Meso, Macro Cycle.
  3. Types & Methods to Develop – Strength, Endurance, and Speed.
  4. Types & Methods to Develop – Flexibility and Coordinative Ability.
  5. Circuit Training - Introduction & its importance
  • Making the students understand the concept of talent identification and methods in sports
  • Making the students Understand sports training and the different cycle in sports training.
  • Making the students Understand different types & methods of strengths,
  • endurance, and speed.
  • Making the students Understand different types & methods of flexibility and
  • coordinative ability.
  • Making the students understand Circuit training and its importance.
  • Lecture-based instruction,
  • Technology-based learning,
  • Group learning,
  • Individual learning,
  • Inquiry-based learning,
  • Kinesthetic learning,
  • Game-based learning and
  • Expeditionary learning.
After completing the unit, the students will be able to:
  • understand the concept of talent identification and methods used for talent development in sports
  • Understand sports training and the different cycle used in the training process.
  • Understand different types & methods to develop -strength, endurance, and speed in sports training.
  • Understand different types & methods to develop – flexibility and coordinative ability.
  • Understand Circuit training and its importance.

Internal Assessment

Practical (Max. Marks 30)
Physical Fitness Test: SAI Khelo India Test, Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT)* 6 Marks
Proficiency in Games and Sports
(Skill of any one IOA recognized Sport/Game of Choice)**
7 Marks
Yogic Practices 7 Marks
Record File *** 5 Marks
Viva Voce (Health/ Games & Sports/ Yoga) 5 Marks

The Changes for Class 11 (2024-25) Year-end Board Examinations are as under:

Periodic Assessment Academic Session 2023-24 Academic Session 2024-25
Composition of question paper for year-end examination/ Board Examination (Theory)
  • Competency Focused Questions in the form of MCQs/ Case Based Questions, Source-based Integrated Questions or any other type = 40%
  • Select response type questions (MCQ) = 20%
  • Constructed response questions (Short Answer Questions/Long Answer type Questions, as per existing pattern) = 40%
  • Competency Focused Questions in the form of MCQs/ Case Based Questions, Source-based Integrated Questions or any other type = 50%
  • Select response type questions (MCQ) = 20%
  • Constructed response questions (Short Answer Questions/Long Answer type Questions, as per existing pattern) = 30%

2023-24 Reduced Syllabus

(for reference purposes only)

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