NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science Chapter 6 - Tissues

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    Q. Define the process of differentiation.

    Ans. The process due to which meristematic tissue loses its ability to divide and becomes permanent in shape, size and function is known as differentiation.

    Q. Where is apical meristem found?

    Ans. In plants the apical meristem is found at root apex, shoot apex and leaf buds.

    Q. Name the types of simple tissues.

    Ans. The three types of simple tissues are:
    1. Parenchyma
    2. Collenchyma
    3. Sclerenchyma

    Q. Which structure protects the plant body against the invasion of parasites?

    Ans. Epidermis has a thick cuticle and dermal tissue to prevent the invasion of parasites and other harmful agents.

    Q. Water hyacinth floats on water surface. Explain.

    Ans. Water hyacinth is a free-floating aquatic plant which possesses aerenchyma in its spongy petiole. Aerenchyma consists of a network of which encloses very large air cavities. These air cavities store gases, making the plant light and help it to float on the surface of water.

    Q. Why is epidermis important for the plants?

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