Improvement in Food Resources Class 9 Notes Science - Chapter 15

Chapter: 15

What Are Improvement In Food Resources ?

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    Food Sources

    • Plant: Obtained from agriculture
    • Animals: Obtained from animal husbandry

    Need For Efficiency Of Crops And Livestock

    • The population of India is growing at a faster rate hence more amount of food is required to meet the rising demand.
    • The agricultural land is limited as compared to the growing population.

    Efforts Made To Meet The Increase In Food Demands

    • Green Revolution: The introduction of modern technology and equipment, usage of fertilizers and high-quality seeds.
    • White Revolution: Increasing the growth of milk production by introducing dairy development programs.

    The introduction of these revolutions has led to an increased use of natural resources hence now sustainable methods of increasing crops and livestock efficiency are also required.

    Types of Crops

    Kharif Rabi
    Crops that are sown during the monsoon. Example: Paddy, maize Crops that are sown after the monsoon. Example: Mustard, potato

    Agricultural Practices

    Practices used to cultivate crops are called agricultural practices.

    • 1. Preparation of Soil
    • 2. Sowing seeds
    • 3. Manure and Fertilizers
    • 4. Irrigation
    • 5. Weeding
    • 6. Crop protection
    • 7. Harvesting
    • 8. Preservation and storage


    Crop variety improvement Crop production improvement Crop protection improvement
    Factors Factors Factors
    1. Higher yield 1. Nutrient management 1. Protection in field
    2. Biotic and Abiotic resistance
    • Manure
    2. protection during storage
    3. Improved variety
    • Fertilizer
    • Biotic
    Genetically Modified Crops (GMC) 2. Irrigation
    • Abiotic
    • Hybridization
    • Wells
    • Inter-specific (between different species)
    • Rivers
    • Inter-generic (between different genera)
    • Life system
    • Inter-varietal (between different varities)
    3. Cropping patterns
    4. Wider adeptability
    • Inter Cropping
    • Mixed Cropping
    • Crop Rotation


    The organic substances obtained from decomposition of plant and animal wastes.


    The chemical substances rich in nutrients.

    Difference Between Fertilizer And Manure

    Fertilizer Manure
    Inorganic salt Natural substance
    Chemical substance Organic substance
    Prepared in factories Prepared in fields
    Does not humidify the soil Provides humus to the soil
    Rich in plant nutrients Less rich in plan nutrients

    Animal Husbandry

    In agriculture, animal husbandry is a special field that deals with rising of the livestock in a controlled, selective environment by providing  them with the right care so that they can stay healthy and disease free.


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