ISC Class 12 Physical Education Syllabus 2024-25

CSCE has released the Latest Updated Syllabus of the New Academic Session 2024-25, for class 12. 

Class 12th Syllabus has been released by CISCE. It’s very important for both Teachers and Students to understand the changes and strictly follow the topics covered in each subject under each stream for Class 12th.

We have also updated Oswal Publishers Books as per the Latest Paper Pattern prescribed by Board for each Subject Curriculum.

Students can directly access the ISC Physical Education Syllabus for Class 12 of the academic year 2024-25 by clicking on the link below.

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ISC Physical Education Class 12 Latest Syllabus 2024-25

There will be two papers in the subject:

Paper I: Theory: 3 hours -----70 marks

Paper II: Practical Work ------ 30 marks

Paper I (Theory) –

70 Marks

Section A

1. Sociological Aspects of Physical Education

(i) Games and sports as man’s cultural heritage.

     An understanding that sports have been a part of our culture and tradition since time immemorial.

(ii) Development of the individual through games and sports.

       Understanding how games and sports contribute in various ways towards the development of an individual.

(iii) Role of Physical Education in promoting national integration.

       How Physical Education helps in promoting National Integration.

(iv) Physical Education and personality development.

       The role of Physical education in development of personal qualities like an individual attitude, discipline,                  helpfulness, team spirit, patience, unity, friendship, etc.

2. Training Methods

(a) Meaning and importance of Sports Training.

      Definition of Sports Training and its importance.

(b) Methods of training.

      Methods of Training: Repetition, continuous & fartlek, and interval - Definition, purpose, advantages and                 procedure of each.

(c) Warming up, conditioning and cooling/limbering exercises.

− Meaning of the terms ‘warming up’, ‘conditioning’ and ‘cooling/limbering’.

− Basic exercises related to warming up, conditioning and cooling/limbering.

− Advantages of warming up, conditioning and cooling/limbering.

(d) Isometric and Isotonic exercises. Meaning, advantages and examples of each.

(e) Circuit Training.

      Meaning and advantages of circuit training; procedure of conducting circuit training.

(f) Weight Training.

     Meaning and advantages of weight training.

    An understanding of how the above training methods help an individual in different sports and help develop          strength, speed, stamina, skill, endurance.

3. Career Aspects in Physical Education

(i) Career options in Physical Education. Professional sportsmen, sports manager, teacher/lecturer, sports coach gym instructor, sports officials, sports events coordinators, sports journalist and commentator, sports software engineer, marketing and manufacturing of sports equipment.

(ii) Important institutions of Physical Education in India.

Functions and objectives of Netaji Subhash National Institute of Sports (N.S.N.I.S.), Sports Authority of India (S.A.I), International Olympic Committee (I.O.C), Indian Olympic Association (IOA), YMCA College of Physical Education (Chennai), Lucknow Christian College of Physical Education (LCCPE), Luxmibai National University of Physical Education (LNUPE).

Development of training facilities, coaching systems, influence of media and sponsors, campaigns like Health runs in creating awareness towards social evil causes and promoting physical fitness.

4. Competitions and Tournaments

(i) Tournaments and types of tournaments.

    Candidates should be fully aware of:

    − the definition of ‘tournament’.

    − the types of tournaments: Fixtures, Knock-out, league matches (seeding and byes).

   − merits and demerits of tournaments.

  − objectives and importance of intramural and extramural competitions.

  − Names of the National and International Federations/Bodies controlling the various     tournaments/competitions.

(iii) Difference between Professional and Amateur Players.


Note: Candidates should be aware of the above, for the past five years, with respect to the games included in the syllabus.

5. Health Education & Health Problems

(a) Meaning and definition of ‘Health’ and ‘Health Education’.

    Meaning and definition of ‘Health’ (mental health and physical health) and ‘Health Education’.

(b) Principles and importance of Health Education. Health problems and role of Health Education in solving them.

     Principles and objectives of Health Education. Importance of Health Education for adults and the younger             generation through formal and non-formal channels of education. Various prevalent Health Problems:                     Communicable diseases – meaning, examples and common mode of spread. Epidemics – meaning and                 examples; Water, noise and air pollution – causes and prevention; Occupational Health Hazards – meaning           and examples.

Note: Details of specific diseases not required.

(c) Disability and Rehabilitation.

       Causes of disability. General principles for prevention of disability;

       Meaning and scope of Rehabilitation; services available for rehabilitation; role of the community and                       government organizations in rehabilitation programmes.

(d) Posture.

      Meaning of posture.

      Correct posture – meaning, importance of correct posture (standing, sitting, walking). Common postural                deformities: kyphosis, scoliosis, lordosis, flat foot, knock-knees, bowlegged, hunch back, round shoulders –           meaning, causes and corrective measures for each.

(e) Personal hygiene and sleep requirements.

      Personal hygiene: Meaning of personal hygiene, importance of personal hygiene for a healthy life style. Care        of eyes, ears, feet, hair, skin, oral hygiene, nose and clothing.

       Foot care: causes of corns, broken nails due to tight footwear; Causes of diseases like ring worm, athletes            foot due to walking in wet areas; proper care of feet.

      Sleep requirements: Sleep requirements for different age groups. Effects of insufficient sleep on human body.

(f) Substance Abuse.

     Effects of use of alcohol and smoking on the individual and society.

     Drugs: Meaning of ‘drugs’ and ‘drug abuse’; Stimulants and Narcotics – Analgesics.

     Awareness of the fact that use of certain drugs has been banned by World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and         National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) and reasons for the same.

6. Sports Injuries and First Aid

(i) Sports related injuries.

Types of sports related injuries: soft tissue injuries (contusion, abrasion, strain and sprain) bone injuries (fracture) and joint injuries (dislocation): causes and prevention of each.

(ii) Role of a sportsperson in prevention of sports related accidents.

     Types of injuries due to: sudden movement; environment (hot, cold, wet and dry); lack of preparation (warm up, cool down); inadequate clothing, body protection; not following instructions; surface and facilities, equipment being unsafe. Role of individual in prevention of sports related accidents.

(iii) First Aid.

  Meaning and importance of ‘First Aid’. First Aid for various sports related injuries. First Aid for cuts, grazes, strains, sprains, cramps, blisters, bruises, injuries of bone (fracture and dislocation); application of splints and Thomas splint; First Aid in drowning; Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR and Rest, Ice, Compression   and Elevation (RICE).

Section B

Any two of the following games are to be studied:

Cricket, Football, Hockey, Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Tennis, Swimming, Athletics.

The following aspects should be studied for each of the two games selected by the candidate. Rules and regulations of the game; Interpretation of laws of the game; Duties and responsibilities of the officials and players; Measurement and dimensions related to the game; Terminologies related to the game; Fundamental skills of the game; Strategies and formation of the game; Names and abbreviations of the National and Major International Tournaments linked with the game; Diagrams and dimensions of play area; Diagrams and dimensions of equipment related to the game.

The details for each game are given below:


  •  Knowledge of the game, strategies and tactics, and how to improve performance.
  •  Detailed understanding of the rules and regulations of the game. Diagrams of the field and pitch, and various fielding positions.
  •  Knowledge of the dimensions of the field, thickness of the lines, dimensions of pitch and complete specifications and markings on it.
  • Equipment of the game with their length, width weight, thickness and material. Score board, scorer and sightscreen. Flood light.
  •  Duties of the officials, before, during and afterthe match. Umpires and third umpire, requirements of the game, equipment needed, numbers of players, duty of coach, captain etc.
  • Laws governing the game. Suspensions, penalisations, draws, match fixtures, arrangements needed to conduct tournaments, forfeitures, follow on, tie, power play, match fixing, duck worth rule, sledging, ball tampering.
  • Basic skills and techniques. Batting (different types of shots, footwork, body position and actual bat movement. Bowling (run up, delivery stride, follow through, types of bowling variations, good line and length, grip action.
    Fielding positions, catching and throwing skills, Wicket keeping techniques, skills of getting the batsmen out.
  •  Different types of signals, extra runs, extra players, runner, substitute, provisions and restrictions, players equipment, danger area, various terms of cricket.
  • Knowledge of associations and federations linked to the game. Important tournaments. Abbreviations of associations and federations concerned with the game.


  •  Knowledge of the game, strategies and tactics, and how to improve performance.
  •  Detailed understanding of the rules and regulations of the game. Match time, extra time, tie breaker, sudden death, ball in play and out of play, importance of lines on the field. Various methods of starting and restarting the game. Substitution procedure, penalty cards and their importance. 
  •  Knowledge of the dimensions of the field, thickness of the lines, dimensions of center circle, quarter circle, goal and penalty area, penalty arc and complete specifications and markings on it. Equipment of the game with their
    length, width, weight, thickness, material and dimensions. Diagram of goal post and field.
  •  Duties of the officials, requirements of the game, equipment needed, numbers of players, duty of coach, captain, assistant referees, technical officials, grounds men, ball boys, match organizers, technical area.
  • Laws governing the game. Suspensions, penalisations, draws, match fixtures, arrangements needed to conduct tournaments, punishment on players, coaches.
  •  Basic skills and techniques (Passing - types of pass, ground lofted, chip, volley, angle of pass. Control (use of various surfaces-head chest, foot thigh). Dribbling (running with the ball, rhythm and pace, feints, body swerves, screening, beating an opponent. Heading the ball with intention of (attacking, defending, jumping, to
    head down, high, pass, score.) Shooting skills with either foot, inside or outside, short and long range shots, swerving shots, volleys, penalty kicks, power and accuracy. Tackling skills - interception, jockeying for the ball, trapping by various body parts, position, tackle front, side, slide, recovery. Goalkeeping skills - stopping, watching, guiding the team, saving goal, dealing, catching, heading, kicking, punching, throwing, diving, anticipation, speed and reflexes.
  •  Principles of play-attack, depth, defence, penetration, sweeper systems, 4-4-2, 4-3-3, 4-2-4. Kick-off, corner kick, throw-in, goal kick, free kick, penalty kick. Importance of penalty arc, center circle and lines on the field.
  •  Knowledge of associations and federations linked to the game. Important tournaments. Abbreviations of associations and federations concerned with the game.


  •  Knowledge of the game, strategies and tactics, and how to improve performance.
  •  Detailed understanding of the rules and regulations of the game. Match time, extra time, tie breaker, sudden death, ball in play and out of play, penalty stroke, short corner, long corner, free hits, hit or push back, 16 yard hit, importance of lines on the field. Start and restart
    of the match. 
  •  Knowledge of the dimensions and diagrams of the field and goalpost, thickness of the lines, dimensions and complete specifications and markings on it. Equipment of the game with their
    length, width, weight, thickness, material and dimensions. Protective equipment of the goalkeeper and players.
  • Duties of the officials, requirements of the game, equipment needed, numbers of players, reserve bench, running substitution duty of coach, captain, assistant referees, ball boys, doctor,
    grounds men.
  •  Laws governing the game. Suspensions, penalisations, draws, match fixtures, arrangements needed to conduct tournaments, punishment on players, coaches. 
  •  Basic skills and techniques (Passing - types of pass, ground lofted, chip, volley, angle of pass, push, scoop, flick, aerial ball. Receiving the ball 
  •  control, dribbling (running with the ball, rhythm and pace, feints, body swerves, screening, beating an opponent from the right to the left, right and behind. Shooting skills with Stick,
    inside or outside, short and long range shots, swerving shots, volleys, penalty, power and accuracy. Tackling skills - interception, jockeying for position. Goalkeeping skills - stopping, watching, guiding the team, saving goal, kicking, diving, anticipation, speed. Reflexes.
  •  Principles of play-attack, depth, defence, penetration, team formations 1-2-3-5/1-1-3-4- 2/1-1-3-3.
  •  Knowledge of associations and federations linked to the game. Important tournaments. Abbreviations of associations and federations concerned with the game.


  •  Knowledge of the game, strategies and tactics, and how to improve Detailed understanding of the rules and regulations of the game.
  •  Knowledge of the dimensions of the court, thickness of the lines, diagrams and dimensions of the court, full specifications of the ring, pole, boards and ball.
  •  Duties of the officials, table officials, referees, scorers, requirements of the game, equipment needed, numbers of players, reserve bench, duty of coach, captain .technical equipment team and player foul markers.
  •  Laws governing the game. Suspensions, penalisations, draws, match fixtures, arrangements needed to conduct tournaments.
  •  Basic skills and techniques, tactics and team skills Knowledge of basic skills, free throws stance (passing, dribble, shoot). Shooting (jump shot, layup, hook shot), passing (pass, signal, receive feint footwork, chest-pass, bounce pass, overhead pass, javelin pass. Footwork (pivot, 1 count and 2 count stop) One to one defence, fake and drive, pass and cut Defence, types of defence, zone defence, and fast break.
  • Knowledge of associations and federations linked to the game. Important tournaments.Abbreviations of associations and federations concerned with the game.


  •  Knowledge of the game, strategies and tactics, and how to improve performance.
  • Detailed understanding of the rules and regulations of the game.
  •  Knowledge of the dimensions and diagram of the court, thickness of the lines, dimensions within the court, full specifications of the net, pole and other equipment required for the game.
  •  Duties of the officials, table officials, referees, requirements of the game, equipment needed, numbers of players, reserve bench, duty of coach, captain, etc.
  • Laws governing the game. Suspensions, penalisations, draws, match fixtures, arrangements needed to conduct tournaments, default by teams.
  •  Basic skills and techniques, tactics and team skills Knowledge of basic skills, volley-two hand pass over the head forearm pass. The serveunderarm, over arm float, over arm jump, over arm top spin, round house jump. The smash - high set cross court, down the line, speed smash, tip the ball over the block. The block-line of defence, defence against smash, attack at set ball. Teamwork importance in both defence and attack. Understanding rotation, blocking and screening
  •  Knowledge of associations and federations linked to the game. Important tournaments. Abbreviations of associations and federations concerned with the game.


  •  Knowledge of the game, strategies and tactics, and how to improve performance.
  •  Detailed understanding of the rules and regulations of the game. Match time, extra time, tie, shuttle in play and out of play, importance of lines on the court, singles and doubles.
  •  Knowledge of the dimensions and diagram of the court, thickness of the lines. Equipment required for the game with their length, width weight, thickness, material and dimensions.
  •  Duties of the officials, requirements of the game, equipment needed, number of players, duty of coach, match organisers.
  • Laws governing the game. Suspensions, penalisations, draws, match fixtures, arrangements needed to conduct tournaments, punishment on players, coaches, match points, etc.
  • Basic skills and techniques - forehand or backhand, correct grip, smash, drop, drive, net play, return upshots and low/high/flick serves.Basic positioning for men and women rallies.
  •  Knowledge of associations and federations linked to the game. Important tournaments. Abbreviations of associations and federations concerned with the game.


  •  Knowledge of the game, strategies and tactics, and how to improve performance.
  • Detailed understanding of the rules and regulations of the game. Match time, deuce, advantage, tie foot fault. Ball in play and out of play. Dimensions and importance of lines on the court, singles and doubles.
  •  Knowledge of the dimensions and diagram of the court net, racket, thickness of the lines. Equipment required for the game with their length, width, weight, thickness, material and  dimensions. Types of courts.
  •  Duties and number of officials, requirements of the game, number of players, duty of coach, match organisers.
  •  Laws governing the game. Suspensions, penalisations, draws, match fixtures, arrangements needed to conduct tournaments, punishment on players, coaches, match points, etc.
  •  Basic skills and techniques - forehand or backhand, chopper grip, correct grip, smash, drop, drive, net play, return upshots and low/high/flick serves. Basic positioning for men and women rallies. The racket grip-shake hand. Strokes - backhand push, forehand drive, forward push. Service - two bounce serve, high toss, forehand spin, backhand spin, long serve. Spin - forehand topspin, backhand topspin chopping blocking lobbing, follow through, placement of ball for each service.
  •  Knowledge of associations and federations linked to the game. Important tournaments. Abbreviations of associations and federations concerned with the game.


  •  Knowledge of track and field events, activities, strategies and tactics, and how to improve performance (individual and team).
  •  Detailed understanding of the rules and regulation of various events, strategies and tactics in chosen events. Planning performing and evaluating particular event.
  •  Knowledge of the dimension of the track. Width of the track. Measurement of 400 and 200 meters, relay and solo races. Equipment of athletes in various events dimensions and requirements. Importance of starters and judges for start and finish. Importance of staggers.
  •  Duties of the officials, table officials, referees, requirements of the game, equipment needed, numbers of players, reserve bench, duty of coach, physiotherapist, wind gauge operator, photo finish.
  •  Laws governing the game. Suspensions, penalisations, draws, match fixtures, arrangements needed to conduct meets. Rules and distances and requirements of various events.
  •  Basic skills and techniques requiring control, balance, weight transfer, flow and clear body positions, complex sequence of movements and ability to perform showing high standards of precision control power speed and stamina, fitness and tactics to outwit the opponents. Warming up and cooling down exercises.
  • Knowledge of associations and federations linked to the game. Important tournaments. Abbreviations of associations and federations concerned with the game.
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