Outcomes Of Democracy Class 10 Notes Political Science (Civics) Chapter 7
What are Outcomes of Democracy?

1. Democracy : Democracy is a form of government in which people elect their representatives. In this way, ‘It is the government, of the people, for the people and by the people’. | 7. Accountability: Accountability refers to the state of being responsible or liable for the actions taken. A democratic government is accountable to the public for its actions. |
2. Dictatorship : Dictatorship refers to a form of government in which the ruler enjoys absolute power without any constitutional limitations. | 8. Disparity: Disparity refers to inequality or social difference. |
3. Majority : Majority refers to greater part or larger in number; i.e., more than half. | 9. Social diversity: Social diversity refers to existence of different groups based on caste, religion, race, opinions, etc. |
4. Minority : Minority refers to smaller part or less in number, i.e., less than half. | 10. Dignity: Dignity refers to the state of being worthy of honour or respect. |
5. Legitimate government: A legitimate government is one under which law and action of the government are revealed to the people and there is transparency in the working of the government. | 11. Atrocities: Atrocities refer to extreme heinous cruelty, which includes physical violence. |
6. Negotiation: Negotiation refers to a discussion with an objective to reach a state of agreement. |