1. Basic Industries : Industries which supply their products or materials to manufacture other goods like iron and steel, etc., are known as basic or key industries. |
9. Organic Chemicals : Organic chemicals include petrochemicals, which are used for manufacturing of synthetic fibres, synthetic rubber, plastics, dye-stuffs, drugs and pharmaceuticals. |
2. Consumer Industries : The industries that produce goods for direct use by consumers, such as sugar, toothpaste, paper, sewing machines, fans, etc. |
10. Manufacturing : Production of goods in large quantities after processing from raw materials into more valuable products is called Manufacturing. |
3. Private Sector Industries : Private sector industries are owned and operated by individuals or a group of individuals. For example—Tata Steel, Bajaj Auto Ltd., Dabur Industries, etc. |
11. Agro-based Industries : Industries based on agricultural raw materials. For example–cotton textiles, jute textiles, woolen textiles, silk textiles, synthetic textiles, sugar industry. |
4. Joint Sector Industries : Joint sector industries are jointly run by the state and individuals or a group of individuals. Oil India Ltd. (OIL) is jointly owned by the public and private sectors. |
12. Mineral-based Industries : Industries using minerals as their raw materials like iron and steel, cement, chemical industries, aluminium smelting, copper smelting, fertilizer industry, etc. |
5. Heavy Industries : These industries use heavy and bulky raw materials. |
13. Small Scale Industries : In the process of manufacturing, production and servicing in these industries are done in small scale. The total investment on such industry does not exceed ` 1 crore. |
6. Light Industries : These industries use light raw materials. |
14. Large Scale Industries : In the process of manufacturing production and servicing in these industries are alone in large scale. The total investment on such industry more than ` 1 crore. |
7. NMCC : National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council was set up by the government to provide a continuing forum for policy dialogue to energise and sustain the growth of manufacturing industries in India. |
15. Public Sector Industries : Public sector industries are owned and operated by the government. For example–SAIL. |
8. National Jute Policy : National Jute Policy was formulated in the year 2005 with the objective of increasing productivity, improving quality, ensuring good prices to the jute farmers and enhancing the yield per year. |