Water Resources Class 10 Notes Geography: Chapter 3

What are Water Resources?

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    Multipurpose river projectsc

    • Dams are being constructed in India for irrigation, electricity generation, flood control, recreation, inland navigation and fish breeding. For example : In Satluj-Beas River Basin, the Bhakra Nangal project is used for hydel power generation and irrigation.
    • The construction of these dams has come under a lot of scrutiny as it affects the natural flow of river water.
    • It has also been the cause of many social movements like Narmada Bachao Andolan, Tehri Dam Andolan, etc. As construction of dams causes displacement of local people.
    • It has several ecological consequences like salinisation and has also widened the gap between the rich and the poor.
    • These dams were constructed to check floods, but ironically they increased their frequency due to sedimentation in the reservoirs.
    (1) Multipurpose River Projects in India. Bhakra Nagal Project and Hirakud Project
    (2) Hydraulic structure in Ancient IndiA. kalinga (Odisha) and Bennur (Karnataka)
    (3) Social Movement against Multipurpose River Projects Narmada Bachao Andolan and Tehri Dam Andolan
    (4) Interstate Water Disputes Godawari Water Dispute Tribunal and Krishna Water Dispute
    (5) Interstate Water Disputes Godawari Water Dispute Tribunal and Krishna Water Dispute
    (5) Dams in India Mettur Dam and Tehri Dam
    (6) States where rainwater harvesting is popular Rajasthan and Karnataka
    (7) Places when tank irrigation is popular Bikaner, Phalodi and Karnataka
    (8) Places where Bamboo Drip irrigation system is used Meghalaya
    1. Groundwater: Water which is obtained from a depth of more than 15 meters is known as groundwater. 4. Water Scarcity: Shortage of water as compared to its demand is known as water scarcity.
    2. Hydroelectricity: The power which is generated with the help of running water is called hydroelectricity. 5. Rainwater Harvesting: The technique of increasing the reserves of groundwater by capturing and storing rainwater and by constructing structures such as percolating pits, check dams, etc., is called rainwater harvesting.
    3. Soil: The upper layer of the ground containing weathered rocks and humus is called soil.

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