Water Resources Class 10 Notes Geography: Chapter 3
What are Water Resources?
Multipurpose river projectsc
- Dams are being constructed in India for irrigation, electricity generation, flood control, recreation, inland navigation and fish breeding. For example : In Satluj-Beas River Basin, the Bhakra Nangal project is used for hydel power generation and irrigation.
- The construction of these dams has come under a lot of scrutiny as it affects the natural flow of river water.
- It has also been the cause of many social movements like Narmada Bachao Andolan, Tehri Dam Andolan, etc. As construction of dams causes displacement of local people.
- It has several ecological consequences like salinisation and has also widened the gap between the rich and the poor.
- These dams were constructed to check floods, but ironically they increased their frequency due to sedimentation in the reservoirs.
(1) | Multipurpose River Projects in India. | Bhakra Nagal Project and Hirakud Project |
(2) | Hydraulic structure in Ancient IndiA. | kalinga (Odisha) and Bennur (Karnataka) |
(3) | Social Movement against Multipurpose River Projects | Narmada Bachao Andolan and Tehri Dam Andolan |
(4) | Interstate Water Disputes | Godawari Water Dispute Tribunal and Krishna Water Dispute |
(5) | Interstate Water Disputes | Godawari Water Dispute Tribunal and Krishna Water Dispute |
(5) | Dams in India | Mettur Dam and Tehri Dam |
(6) | States where rainwater harvesting is popular | Rajasthan and Karnataka |
(7) | Places when tank irrigation is popular | Bikaner, Phalodi and Karnataka |
(8) | Places where Bamboo Drip irrigation system is used | Meghalaya |
1. Groundwater: Water which is obtained from a depth of more than 15 meters is known as groundwater. | 4. Water Scarcity: Shortage of water as compared to its demand is known as water scarcity. |
2. Hydroelectricity: The power which is generated with the help of running water is called hydroelectricity. | 5. Rainwater Harvesting: The technique of increasing the reserves of groundwater by capturing and storing rainwater and by constructing structures such as percolating pits, check dams, etc., is called rainwater harvesting. |
3. Soil: The upper layer of the ground containing weathered rocks and humus is called soil. |