1. Orient: The term Orient indicates the regions usually on the east side of the Mediterranean Sea, usually the Asian Countries |
9. Bourgeoisie: The term bourgeoisie refers to the middle or the upper middle class of the society who perceived materialistic values. |
2. Proto: The term proto signals the beginning phase of something or early form of something. |
10. Gomasthas: The term Gomasthas refers to an Indian agent of the English East India Company who was paid to supervise weavers and craftsmen, collect supplies and deliver finished goods to the Company at fixed rates. |
3. Guilds: The term Guilds was used for a medieval association of traders, merchants and craftsmen often having similar goals and who exercised considerable control over trading activities. |
11. Jobber: He was a wholesaler whose main task was to recruit workers for the English factories in India. He too was like an agent. |
4. Stapler: A person who sorts and staples wool according to its fibre. |
12. Sepoy: The term Sepoy is the English pronunciation for the word ‘Sipahi’, who was an Indian soldier in the Company’s Army or Police services. |
5. Fuller: A person whose occupation is fulling cloth or gathers cotton. |
13. Carnatic: The term Carnatic refers to the region in South India lying between the Eastern Ghats and Coromandel Coast. |
6. Carding: The process through which fibre such as cotton or wool are disentangled, cleaned prior to spinning. |
14. Flying Shuttle: The term flying shuttle refers to a mechanical device used for weaving, moved by ropes and pullies. |
7. Breweries: The term breweries refer to factories where beer is manufactured. |
15. Proto-Industrialisation: It is the phase of industrialisation that was not based on factories but rather created suitable conditions for the establishment of full industrialised cities. |
8. Aristocrats: A class of people holding privileges and belonged to royal families or to the nobility. |
16. Spinning Jenny: It is a machine for spinning more than one spindle, patented by James Hargreaves in 1770. |