37 Proven Time Management Tips For Students | Secrets You Didn’t Know

37 Proven Time Management Tips For Students 1

Do you want to manage your time properly? Are your exams coming?

Want to build good habits and are looking for time management tips, tools, hacks, and systems?

Sure, those can help. But most importantly, you have to apply time management tips properly.

See, time management is all about mindset.

As a young student, you have an advantage if you learn time management skills early on. But before you start honing this skill, you must know…

Why Is Time Management Important For Students?

By efficiently learning time management, you can:

  • Stay organized
  • Hone your expertise
  • Boost your confidence
  • Focus more on your task
  • Achieve your goals faster
  • Increase your productivity
  • Get more done in less time
  • Reduce stress and anxiety

If you want to be successful and be the best version of yourself early in life, value your time from now. And this guide includes timeless time management tips that will make you a better person.

These 37 time management skills for students will help you prepare not just for your exams but your entire life.

Before you begin to read what these tips are, know the secrets that will help you:

Get better grades

Achieve your dream life

Improve your study habits

Fulfil your career aspirations

Admission to your favourite university

We want you to promise us something…

But first, here’s our promise: If you apply even 20% of these time management tips for students to prepare for your exam, we promise you, you’ll benefit 10x! 

If you promise to: Read this guide with full attention. Keep aside any distractions. Write in a notebook the tips you think you can fulfil with your heart.

Don’t try to do everything at once. Only those time management tips you think deserves: Your time. Your energy. Your focus.

Select only a few but give those few your best.

Your best.

Do you promise? Are you sure?

Once you’re ready, committed, and willing to put in your best effort to get amazing results, this detailed guide includes step-by-step ways of proven time management skills for students.

Continue reading to learn time management tips for students and start designing your life.

10 Awesome Study Tips For Students For New Session 2023-2024

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You might be thinking, “Yeah, ok, I know the importance of time. That’s why I Googled it. I value it. Now, tell me the best time management tips already!”

Ok, we get it. But are you really managing your time properly?

Because if you’re thinking: How to manage time for study?

The answer is: It requires discipline. And that comes only with practice.

Good study habits are built on a strong foundation. In order to study smartly, you don’t need to study harder. Instead, you need to plan your study schedules properly.

If you’re looking for how to study more in less time, the answer is by following effective study techniques.

How to study effectively requires only practice. You just need to make small-small changes in your study routine to study better and manage your time more productively.

If your question is: How to improve study skills?

You would require:

  • Focus
  • Curiosity
  • Dedication
  • I-can-do-anything attitude

These study tips for students will help you improve your study skills, perform at your best, and study smart, not hard.

Are you ready to write and start implementing these study tips effectively? Here are those:

1. You’ve got 1440 minutes in a day. Prioritize properly

One of the smart study tips is prioritizing your study plans properly. If you’ve got too much to study, start breaking it into smaller parts and prioritize what’s the most important part.

How to do it: First, sort out what needs to be prioritized. Is it math, science, or English lesson?

Once that is sorted, label it as urgent or important.

The difference between them? Ok, so not everything urgent is important, and important is not always urgent.

Start labeling your subject’s chapters like this, and you’ll notice the difference as an effective study habit.

2. Practice using books and resources that improve you

There are so many books and resources in the market, all guaranteeing you’ll be able to study effectively. Due to this, it is very easy to get confused. In this situation, you might get overwhelmed and buy bad-quality books that don’t help you prepare.

What to do instead: Whether you’re an ICSE/CBSE/ISC/State board student or preparing for competitive exams, buying books from Oswal Publishers will help you study more in less time because their books are updated as per the latest curriculum.

To study more effectively, you do need to study everything but study strategically. Oswal Publishers’ books have questions and detailed answers and cover topics that are sure-shot to come in your exam.

Search for the books you need, and it’s there! 😀

Alternatively, you can also refer to Oswal’s digital assessment guide, where you can:

Customize your test as per your preparations

Analyze your scores

Improve your performance by retaking the test

3. Don’t make to-do lists. Block your calendar

Making a to-do list is generally a widely-advised time management tips for students.

But many research says making a to-do list doesn’t guarantee you’re actually doing them. If you have a lot of things to study, it might create constant mental stress, anxiety, fatigue, and tiredness.

Also, guilt if you don’t finish them.

What to do: Block your calendar. Highly successful people don’t have a to-do list, but they have an organized calendar.

How to do: Use a calendar and schedule your entire day into 45-minute blocks for each subject/chapter. At that time, study only that.

Scheduling your time like this is one of the most effective study techniques. You’ll thank us once you start applying it.

4. Study smart, not hard

Needless to say, working hard = scoring higher marks.

To score higher marks, you need to include effective study techniques, like above, to get good results.

Now you know how to study smart, it will not be hard! 😉

5. Visualize your ideal future and improve your study mindset

If you know about the law of attraction or manifestation or have read the book Secret, you’ll know the power of visualization in making your thoughts into reality.

The core concept is: Ask, believe and receive.

Act as if you’ve already scored good marks; believe it, and you’ll receive it.

Don’t think about “how to study well.”

Think that you’ve already studied well. This is how to study smart for exams in less time. Try for a couple of days, and you’ll notice the difference.

6. Design your day, week, and month as per your study goals 

One of the best study tips you can get, and probably know, is to plan your week and schedule. This saves your time and gives you a sense of clarity on which subject or chapter requires more focus.

How to do: Design a chart or template and write what subjects you need to study that day or week, and once that is done, tick it off.

This will also give you a sense of accomplishment that you have done it!

7. Improve your mental, physical and emotional health to study properly 

Don’t ignore your health and focus only on studying and studying. You are using your brain, and your brain requires rest too.

Just like your body gets tired if you sit for too long, your brain gets tired too if it constantly takes in information.

What to do:

Meditate for mental health

Aerobics or yoga for physical health

Mindful eating for emotional health

Prioritizing your health has long-term benefits and thus is one of the most effective ways to study and get good results.

8. Don’t compare your study routine with your friends

It’s good to be competitive, but don’t get lost in the competition. Don’t ask your friends how they are preparing, and then start comparing yours to theirs. You are all different, so you will have a different strategy.

Just because they can study for 3 hours straight doesn’t mean you should too if your body doesn’t permit it.

Focus on effective ways to study that sync with you.

What to do: Think of yourself as your only competition and work on improving daily.

9. Set realistic goals that you believe you can achieve 

All these tips to study better will be useless if you cannot set realistic goals.

To improve your study skills, plan your study timing properly. Every study strategies for students differ from one another. So plan what works best for you.

What to do: Do not compare your journey or study plans to your friends’.

10. Reward yourself for every little win

Every win matters, no matter how small.

If you could study every day at the same time, that’s a win too. Doesn’t matter if you learned everything properly or not; just showing up to study matters. 😇

After every win, treat yourself to your favorite delicacy or indulge in something you love doing. This acts as a motivator, and you’d want to study better so that you perform well in exams. 

If you follow these tips to study better, you’ll not only score good marks in exams but good marks for life.

7 Tips On How To Stay Focused While Studying 

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Now that you’ve read the 10 awesome study tips for students for the new session 2023–2024, the next question that pops up is: how to stay focused while studying.

That’s a big deal, right. Focus, concentration. How to concentrate on studies for a long time.

In this section, you’ll learn 7 ways to concentrate on your studies.

1. Start your studies with an affirmation or prayer 

Most often overlooked, but in order to study, you must be sure “why” you’re studying.

So say it with intent. Say your prayers or affirmations like:

  • I am starting to study so that I can be better
  • I always stay focused on my studies
  • I concentrate all my efforts on the things I want to accomplish
  • I’m focused
  • I am confident. I am powerful. I am strong
  • My focus is unstoppable.
  • I am getting better and better every day

2. Eliminate distractions 

Start by eliminating things you don’t require on your desk or table. The more you have unnecessary items, the more clutter it creates.

The best way to concentrate on your studies is to have a clean environment where you can devote your entire time to the most important thing: your subjects.

3. Do not multitask 

Students ask how to concentrate while studying, but they try to do everything all at once. This is a bad study strategy and also a time waster.

To manage your time properly and devote your time to concentrating on your studies properly, focus on one thing at a time.

If you try to do too many things at once, you end up doing nothing at all. So one of the best study focus tips is to start with one task and finish it, and then go to another.

4. Identify your procrastination and turn that into motivation

If you find yourself getting distracted or lazy very often, you suffer from procrastination.

You procrastinate because the subject is too easy or difficult for you.

Whatever the case, you can turn that into motivation once you identify why you are being lazy.

Once you’ve identified it, your focus on studies will improve.

5. Turn your weaknesses into strengths

We often delay working on our weaknesses because they might seem too difficult, time-consuming, scary, or impossible to do.

If you’re feeling the same about any subject, please believe that there’s nothing to be scared of first.

Then give yourself some time and start little by little. You’ll notice you can concentrate on your studies for a long time.

6. Write your lessons on hand, not digitally 

You might have classes online, but don’t forget the power of writing with your hands. Many studies have proven the power of learning and remembering once you write it by hand.

This not only helps you concentrate on your studies better, but you’re able to remember better and use your cognitive skills.

7. Recap every lesson weekly or every alternate day 

After you’ve done all these, and if you still ask how to concentrate while studying, the answer is a recap! Yes, recalling or recapping what you studied is one of the best ways to improve your concentration.

For best practice, recap your lessons every alternate day.

You’ll notice your focus on studying is improving.

10 Ways To Improve Your Study Habits

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1. Figure out your ‘why’ to know how to improve your study habit

For you to improve your study habits, you must understand why you want to improve your habits.

Dig deep and find an emotional reason why you are studying, what your aspirations are, and why you want to achieve that.

Tying your why to an emotional reason will help you achieve your goals faster.

2. Realize that time is your most valuable asset

This time, even the moment you’re reading is precious. You will never get it back. Wow, can you imagine how important and life-changing it is for you?

At this moment, the time you’ve invested in just reading this blog could be massive.

Imagine if you started applying all these time management tips to prepare for your new session—how different your life could be!

So, take this moment to appreciate that you read this blog and put into practice the things you most resonated with to improve your studies.

Don’t try to fix everything at once, because that’s not doable or sustainable.

Go small, go slow, and you’ll go far. Because to develop good study habits, practicing effective study techniques with proper time management will make you focus better.

3. Identify most subjects/chapters you need to finish ASAP

As you’ve read in the earlier time management for kids, you must identify which subjects you need to focus on the most. Focus on the difficult ones so that you can devote little time to those chapters that are naturally easy for you.

4. Ask yourself difficult but important questions 

A good study habit is to ask yourself: “Will this help me get higher grades and be useful to me”?

If your answer is yes, you need to focus on that. Hone your skills in that area and do it properly. 🤔

5. Use the first two hours of your day productively 

One of the most effective study techniques is to make the most of your morning hours. The time when everyone is sleeping, and there’s no one to disturb you.

That sets the tone of your day.

Do real study.

  • If writing helps you study faster, do that.
  • If memorizing helps you study faster, do that.
  • If speaking out loud helps you learn a concept faster, do that.

Find your way and do that. Properly.

6. Fight your little procrastination, and win the big battle

As stated above, an effective study technique is to fight your procrastination and focus more on tasks that you can do well.

7. Stay committed to consistently practice 

How to improve your study? Simple. Stay committed to consistency.

Define your consistency goals.

If you’re weak at maths, dedicate a minimum of 2 hours every day to studying maths. Focus on solving as many questions as possible. Read and understand concepts. Don’t worry if your answers aren’t correct. Your only work is to do as many questions as possible.

Do as many test papers from Oswal Publishers.

Stay committed to consistency, and you’ll see how this compounds your exam’s success.

8. Reward yourself properly

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

Yes, this is true for studying also. This means that without a break, a person becomes both bored and boring.

So after every study, reward yourself. Reward yourself with something that makes you happy.

9. Take breaks, don’t cram 

An effective way to improve your studies is to take breaks often. Don’t cram yourself with too much information, as it will cripple you.

Believe in whatever you study and study it properly.

10. You create your own effective study habits 

If you’re still looking for examples of good study habits, let me tell you, there aren’t any.

Because you are different. Your way of studying things is different.

All these tips will help you.

As your guide, we can help you with proven tips for highly effective study habits,

but now it’s your turn to turn those study habits into foolproof results. 

Back To School Tips For New Academic Year 2023-2024

Now that you know 10 ways to improve your study habits. Here are some easy back-to-school tips and tricks that will help you learn and study better:

  • Avoid perfectionism
  • Don’t fuss over unimportant details
  • Take regular breaks
  • Use your relaxation time properly
  • Focus on your health – mentally and physically

Want a detailed guide on time management tips for students returning to school? Read this blog on back-to-school tips for the new academic year 2023-2024.

10 Tips To Prepare An Effective Study Timetable This Year

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1. Promise to study in one place and stick to it daily

Your study schedule or study timetable must be in a consistent place. Don’t change your position every day, as you’ll lose focus.

2. Practice study timetable with as many resources as possible

Buy good books and study materials from Oswal Publishers and choose a study plan timetable that best suits your schedule.

3. Say NO to cramming

When you prepare a study schedule, briefly review the things you learned the day before. Don’t try to learn everything at once and cram everything.

If you are studying for an exam, space out the time, you’re studying for up to several weeks. This can help you retain the information long-term.

And on the final day, you don’t need to reread it. Just skim, and you’ll remember.

4. Study and use your own words

Express the thing you study in your own words when you plan an exam study timetable. Doing so increases your understanding of the subjects as you train your brain to remember in your voice. If you’re a visual person, write it down to remember better.

5. Collaboration over competition

Study with a group. Giving exams is indeed competitive, and you’d always want to be the best, but many research has proven that when you study in a group, your chances of scoring are higher. Prioritize healthy competition early on. A competition where you don’t just want to win but also holistically improve.

So plan a timetable routine where you can study with your friends. Ask them your doubts and solve if they have any.

Be sure to focus only on your studies and not gossip or chat. It will be poor time management if you do so.

Pro tip: Study with music 🤩
Listening to music while you study has great benefits; it boosts your mood and calms anxiety or stress.
Studies show listening to calming, wordless songs while studying improves your concentration and helps you study better. 

6. Set study intention before you prepare your study schedule 

Limit your study time to no more than 2 hours on any subject at one time. Just like you set an affirmation to study well, set a study intention. This is a good way to plan and study along with your timetable properly.

7. Take breaks 

Taking intentional breaks increases retention and attention and boosts energy. Research shows that breaks lead to optimum productivity. 😋

8. Study timetable template 

If you’re searching for how to prepare time table, we’ve got you covered. Here’s a study plan timetable planner you can download.

Time to make a perfect timetable a reality!

9. Enjoy and play so that you can study harder

Don’t just study, study, study! Focus on your hobbies, recreational activities like playing, dancing, or anything that cheers your mood; those are great stressbusters and help you focus better on your studies.

Like you plan a study timetable, plan a time for your hobbies or sports too.

Whoever says you’ve got to be “serious” and leave your hobbies doesn’t know balance.

So, balance your studies and hobbies to be mentally healthy and happy!

10. Review and reflect

Once you’ve followed all these time management tips and prepared a perfect study timetable, it’s time to reflect.

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Which Time Management Tips Are You Following Now?

Hope you found these detailed time management tips for students helpful.

Please keep your promise and we’re sure you’ll get great results.

Let us know how you’re preparing for the new session.

To your success ✌️

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