Oswal Practice Papers CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Solutions (Practice Paper - 8)


1. (a) Yoga Mudrasana

Explanation :    

Yoga Mudrasana targets the entire body, especially the core, spine, and upper body. Of the five kaya mudras used in yoga, Pashinee and Yoga Mudrasana are the two most advanced body gestures.

2. (b) Openness

Explanation :    

Openness refers to an individual’s willingness to experience new things, their level of creativity and imagination, and their appreciation for art .

3. (b) Laceration 

Explanation :    

A laceration is an injury that results in an irregular break in the skin, more commonly referred to as a cut, but defined as a torn and ragged wound. Lacerations are caused when an object strikes the skin and causes a wound to open.

4. (a) Calcium

Explanation :    

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to low bone mass rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Vitamin D and calcium deficiency may lead to osteoporosis. In both the scenarios, there is increased risk of fractures.

5. (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but reason (R) is not the correct explanation of assertion (A).

6. (a) Post Isometric Stretch method

Explanation :    

The post-isometric relaxation technique begins by placing the muscle in a stretched position. Then an isometric contraction is exerted against minimal resistance. Relaxation and then gentle stretch follow as the muscle releases.

7. (c) Divyang

Explanation :    

They have a physical or mental impairment, and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on the person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

8. (c) Ligament

Explanation :    

Ligaments are cords of tough, flexible fibrous tissue that connect bones together and provide support to a joint. While ligaments are extremely strong, an awkward stretch or twist can cause a strain injury. With enough force, they can be torn the most severe ligament injury.

9. (b) 1.-(iii), 2.-(iv), 3.-(i), 4.-(ii)
10. (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion (A).
11. (b) Wide gap between the knees

Explanation :    

Bow legs (or genu varum) is when the legs curve outward at the knees while the feet and ankles touch.
Infants and toddlers often have bow legs.

12. (a) Training

Explanation :    

Sports training is a special process of preparation of sports persons based on scientific principles aimed at improving and maintaining higher performance capacity in different sports activities.

13. (c) nb + 1/2

Explanation :    

The total number of byes is first increased by one. This step ensures that when the number of byes is odd, the division by two does not result in a fraction.
The result is then divided by two to split the byes between the upper and lower halves of the draw, with the lower half getting the larger share when the number of byes is odd.
Let's say we have 7 byes in total.
Byes in the lower half = (7+1)/2 Byes in the lower half = (7+1)/2 Byes in the lower half = 8/2 Byes in
the lower half = 8/2

14. (b) Knock-out

Explanation :    

A knock-out competition has various names: elimination, sudden death, or disposal. It is a sort of competition where the losing team is no longer a part of it. They are completely eliminated from the tournament.

15. (d) All of these

Explanation :    

Aggressive behaviour in a sportsperson is influenced by emotional identification with the team, tactical ability, and goal orientation. These factors can interact and reinforce each other, leading to an increased likelihood of aggressive behaviours in a sportsperson.

16. (d) Tadasana

Explanation :    

Tadasana is a yoga posture that might potentially help increase height by stretching the muscles and ligaments in the body.

17. (d) It is difficult to judge the amount of effort made by the athlete.

Explanation :    

Disadvantages of Fartlek training are:

  1. It can lead to an imbalanced training plan.
  2. Increases the risk of injury for beginners.
  3. Running with other runners can be challenging.

18. (b) Kyphosis

Explanation :    

An increased front-to-back curve of the spine is called kyphosis. Kyphosis is an exaggerated, forward rounding of the upper back. In older people, kyphosis is often due to weakness in the spinal bones that causes them to compress or crack.


19. Reaction speed is the ability to react to a given stimulus as quickly as possible. Like good speed in sprints, speed in fielding, chasing the ball etc. It is of two types:
Simple reaction : It is the reaction to know signals like gun shot at the start of the sprint.
Complex reaction : It is the reaction to unknown signals like facing a ball in cricket.

20. Osteoporosis is a medical condition characterised by weakened bones that become fragile and prone to fractures. This weakening is due to a decrease in bone density and quality, often resulting from aging or hormonal changes, particularly in postmenopausal women. The condition can also affect men and may be linked to nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical activity. Prevention strategies include maintaining a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, engaging in weight-bearing exercises, and adopting lifestyle changes to promote bone health. Early detection through bone density testing is crucial for effective management and treatment.

21. Newton’s laws of motion and their application in the field of sports are:

  1. Law of Inertia: According to this law a body at rest will remain at rest and a body in motion will remain in motion at the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an external force. There are great examples of this law in sports such as starting in rowing, starting in sprinting,
    starting in throwing the hammer. Basically, if an object is in motion, it remains in motion unless something or some external force stops it. The external force may be gravitational force, the surface of playing field or a defensive player etc. For Example: Starting in sprinting, starting in rowing,
    starting in hammer throw.
  2. Law of Acceleration: According to this law, change in motion is directly proportional to the force producing it and inversely proportional to its mass. If two unequal forces are applied to objects of equal mass, the object that has greater force applied will move faster. Conversely, if two equal forces
    are applied to objects of different masses, the lighter mass will travel at a faster speed. For example:
    In hammer throw, a thrower who is stronger will throw the hammer farther than a thrower who is less strong.

22. An axis is an imaginary line about which the body (or limb) rotates. It can be divided in three parts:

  1. Frontal Horizontal Axis: The axis of the body that passes horizontally from side to side at right angles to the sagittal plane.
  2. Vertical Axis: The axis of the body that passes from head to foot at right angles to the transverse plane.
  3. Sagittal Horizontal Axis: The axis of the body that passes from front to rear lying at right angles to the frontal plane.

23. Purpose of the 50m Speed Test are as follows:

  1. Assessing Speed: To gauge an individual's maximum sprinting speed over a short distance.
  2. Evaluating Explosive Leg Power: Helps in understanding the participant’s ability to generate power and acceleration.
  3. Performance Evaluation for Sports: Especially useful for athletes involved in sports that require quick bursts of speed, such as soccer, basketball, and football.
  4. Monitoring Progress: Allows coaches and trainers to monitor an athlete's performance progress over time and the effectiveness of their training regime.


Roughage cannot be digested by the human intestinal tract, rather it satisfies the appetite. Its main function is to correct the disorder of large intestine and helps in preventing constipation. It is of two types – soluble and insoluble.

  1. Soluble fibre dissolves in water, reduces cholesterol and manages blood sugar level.
  2. Insoluble fibres clear the digestive tract.


24. By adopting any of the following strategies the physical activities can be made accessible to the CWSN.

  1. Equipment: The equipment used should be according to capability and level of children. It may vary in shape, size ,colour and weight.
  2. Specific Environment: A healthy and democratic environment shall be created so that CWSN can perform freely.
  3. Modified Rules: According to CWSN, the rules shall be diluted and modified according to their nature of disability.
  4. Easy to difficult: The exercise shall be in progression from easy to difficult.
  5. Use of all body parts: Physical strategies shall involve whole body parts and ensure whole body movement.
  6. Extra care of concern: While deciding upon physical strategies for CWSN, extra care and concern shall be given like extra time , and to avoid stress .

25. Three important minerals are iron, calcium and phosphorus.
These are important for proper growth and functioning of human body as:

  1. Iron: It is important for the formation of haemoglobin. Its deficiency leads to anaemia. Its sources are meat, eggs and dry fruits.
  2. Calcium: It is needed for the formation of strong bones, teeth and also for clotting of blood and muscle contraction. Its deficiency causes rickets and asthma . Its sources are milk cheese and dairy products.
  3. Phosphorus: It is required for development of strong bones and teeth and also for making energy. Its sources are egg, fish, meat and unpolished rice.

26. Isometric exercises are a popular method for developing or improving strength. In these exercises the muscle contraction occurs when muscles exert force without changing length i.e., without movement.
Therefore isometric muscle contraction neither lengthens or shortens the muscle but strengthens them.
These exercises are very helpful in sports such as archery, weightlifting, etc. There are two ways of performing isometric exercises.

  1. Isometric with Equipment for doing bench press, adjust the power rack by setting the pins at the appropriate height, load the bar with weights and start pushing the bar upwards.
  2. Isometric without Equipment Squat lunge and push ups are some isometric exercises that can be done without using any equipment.

27. There are two types of Round-Robin Tournaments. In single Round Robin schedule, each participant plays with other participant once and if each contestant plays all other twice, it is called a double round robin. A bye refers to a dummy team that does not play in the first round but participates in the second round. The number of byes in a fixture is the actual difference between the teams participating in the tournament and the next highest number which is the power of 2.

28. Menstrual dysfunction is a disorder or irregular menstrual cycle in woman. It can also be defined as “An abnormal bleeding during the Menstrual cycle”.
Effects on sports participation of female athletes:

  1. During menstrual period, women athlete performance level is low. Women cannot perform so effectively.
  2. During the cycle of menstrual period, women feel tension, anxiousness and are uncomfortable.
  3. Often at this time, women have complained of vomiting and pain in stomach.
  4. During the menstrual period, woman athlete cannot take part in many competitions like, jumping, weightlifting, wrestling, boxing etc.


Newton’s second law and third law of motion can be applied in sports in following ways:

  1. Second Law: If a baseball player hits a ball with double the force the rate at which the ball will accelerate (speed up) will be doubled. Football players can slow down stop or reverse the direction of other players depending upon how much force they can generate and in which direction.
  2. Third Law: A swimmer propels herself through the water because the water offers enough counter force to oppose the action of her hands pushing allowing her to move. An athlete can jump higher off a solid surface because it opposes his body with as much force as he is able to generate in contrast to sand or another unstable surface.


29. (a) Extramural competition
(b) Cyclic
(c) 9 rounds
(d) N ( N-1) / 2


(d) Round Robin Tournament

30. (a) De Loone.
(b) isometric
(c) Hettinger
(d) bicep curl


(d) Concentric

31. (a) cardiac hypertrophy
(b) aerobic
(c) the heart, blood vessels and blood
(d) muscle hypertrophy

32. The purpose of Back Scratch Test for senior citizens is to measure their upper arm and shoulder girdle flexibility.

The procedure for conducting this test is as follows:

  1. This test is done in the standing position.
  2. Place one hand behind the head and back cover the shoulder and reach as far as possible down the middle of the back, with the palm touching the body and the fingers directed downwards.
  3. Place the other arm behind the back and palm facing downward and fingers upwards and reach up as far as possible, attempting to touch the fingers of each hand.
  4. The tester may be required to direct the subject, so that the fingers are aligned.
  5. See if the subject can touch their fingers.
  6. Test both the left and right shoulders in a similar manner.
  7. The scoring is recorded as either yes or no for each side.

33. Asanas like Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Gomukhasana, SuptaVajrasana, Mandukasana, Ushtrarasana and Kapalbharti can help in preventing and curing diabetes.

Procedures of Bhujangasana:

  1. Lie down on stomach with the legs straight , feet together and the soles of the feet uppermost
  2. Place the palms on the floor with the hands flat, by the side of the of the shoulders keeping the fingers together and pointing forward.
  3. The arms should be placed close to the sides the body in such a position so that the elbows point backward.
  4. Place the forehead on the floor and keep the eyes closed.
  5. The whole body should be relaxed particularly the lower back.
  6. Gradually raise the head.
  7. Smoothly lean the head backward in a way that the chin points forward compressing the back of the neck and subsequently raise the neck followed by the shoulders.
  8. With the help of the back muscle straighten the elbows first and progressively the arm muscles to raise the trunk further to create an arch in the back.
  9. The pubic bone remains in contact with the floor in the final position and the navel gets raised to a maximum of 3cm.
  10. In case the navel is raised too high the curve is created in the knees and not in the back.
  11. Depending on the flexibility of the back, the arms may or may not be kept straight.
  12. Maintain the final position.
  13. In order to return to the straight position gradually release the upper back by bending the arms, lowering the navel, chest, shoulders and as a final point touch the forehead to the floor.

Benefits of Bhujangasana:

  1. It improves the blood circulation in the body.
  2. It decreases menstrual irregularities in females.
  3. It strengthens muscles of chest, shoulders , arms and abdomen.
  4. It is effective in urine disorder.

Contraindications of Bhujangasana:

  1. People with severe problems of spine , stomach ulcers and hernia should not practice Bhujangasana.
  2. This asana should be practised with care for those with stiff backs and for those who are menstruating.
  3. It is not recommended for people with heart diseases. Should not be practised by those who have undergone surgeries of spine, brain , abdomen , heart and lungs.
  4. During pregnancy it should be avoided.


34. Motivation means to be inspired to do something. Indeed, motivation is the inner condition of an individual that directs his behaviour towards a goal. The force of motivation incites individuals to perform some activities. It also determines individual’s direction of action and his intensity of action.

There are two types of motivation:

  1. Intrinsic Motivation: Intrinsic motivation is internal. It occurs when people are compelled to do something out of pleasure, importance or desire. Motivation is always intrinsic when the force comes from within oneself. For example, when a person indulges in any sport to have mastery, to display
    superiority or to gain social approval, it is an intrinsic motivation.
  2. Extrinsic Motivation: Extrinsic motivation is external. It occurs when external factors compel the person to do something. Motivation is always extrinsic, when external forces, positive or negative, produce a behavioural change. Reward, punishment, praise, blame or cash prize are example of extrinsic motivation. It has been found that such devices motivate some persons more strongly than others. Infact extrinsic motivation includes factors that motivate individual in achieving the goal.


Speed, a crucial component in various sports, is influenced by several physiological factors.

  1. Firstly, muscle composition plays a significant role. Athletes with a higher proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers can generate more force quickly, aiding in explosive speed.
  2. Cardiovascular and respiratory endurance also impacts speed. A well-conditioned heart and lungs ensure that muscles receive adequate oxygen and nutrients, preventing early fatigue and maintaining pace.
  3. Neuromuscular coordination, or the efficient communication between the nervous system and muscles, contributes to optimising movement patterns, thereby improving overall speed and reaction times.
  4. Flexibility is another determining factor. Enhanced range of motion allows for longer strides and more efficient movements, directly contributing to speed.
  5. Metabolic factors also come into play. Efficient energy utilisation and lactate tolerance enable athletes to maintain high-intensity efforts for longer durations, essential for speed in sports.
  6. Lastly, body composition influences an athlete’s speed. A body with lower fat percentage and optimized muscle mass allows for agile, swift movements. Understanding and training these physiological aspects are essential for athletes aiming to improve their speed in competitive sports environments.
  7. Reaction speed is the ability to respond to given stimulus as quickly as possible, like good speed in sprints.
  8. Movement speed is the ability to do a single movement in the minimum time like jumping.
  9. Acceleration speed is the ability to achieve maximum speed in shortest possible time.
  10. The form of speed depends on explosive strength, frequency of movement and technique like in swimming.

CBSE Practice Paper Physical Education Class 12

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