Oswal Practice Papers CBSE Class 12 English Core Solutions (Practice Paper - 7)


Reading Skills 

1 .

  1. D. “Could distinguish nothing smaller than an international crisis or a split in the Cabinet.”
  2. C. Exposing a fraudulent individual
  3. The author uses vivid language to paint a picture of the characters and their surroundings, and the dialogue exchanges reveal the author’s ability to create distinct voices for the characters. Quoting a particular evidence: “The colliery explosion was excellent. So was the Southwark fire.” This phrase indicates that the author’s style is descriptive, capturing the vividness of events.
  4. Based on the information given in the excerpt, one can infer that Beaumont, the boss in the newsroom, can be described as detached or aloof from the day-to-day operations of the newsroom.
  5. A. He was distant and detached, both in terms of authority and mindset.
  6. Mr. Malone always liked McArdle because the passage describes McArdle as a crabbed, old, roundbacked, red-headed news editor who was kind to Mr. Malone and showed appreciation for his writing abilities.
  7. In this context, it implies that there was an explosion at a coal mine, highlighting the author’s descriptive touch in portraying the event.
  8. This line impacts the reader by introducing the possibility of a mission involving interaction with an unknown individual. It sparks curiosity and intrigue as the reader wonders who this “fellow” might be and what kind of relationship Mr. Malone would need to establish with them. It creates anticipation and raises questions about the nature of the mission and the challenges Mr. Malone might encounter.
  9. B. (b) (c) and (d)

2 .

  1. The survey mentioned in the paragraph could be beneficial in the following ways:
    • Identifying risk factors: The survey can help identify the common risk factors associated with hypertension among young adults in India.
    • Informing healthcare policies: The survey findings can provide valuable insights into the prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension among young adults.
  2. B. Family history of hypertension or cardiovascular disease
  3. Lifestyle modification such as diet, exercise, weight management, and smoking cessation can prevent or control hypertension.
  4. C. Deepak - I wish to have simple low salted meals for medicines.
  5. A. Lack of symptoms
  6. One notable difference is that hypertensive young adults prioritize medication adherence, while nonhypertensive young adults prioritize regular blood pressure monitoring as part of their approach to managing hypertension.
  7. Non-hypertensive young adults expressed low levels of concern about developing hypertension in the future, indicating a need for increased awareness and education regarding the long-term health risks associated with hypertension.
  8. True


Creative Writing Skills

3. A

Lotus Valley International School

17 July 20XX

Eco Art Workshop

The Art Club invites students of classes IX-X to join an EcoArt workshop on Monday, 13 July, during lunch break, in the Art Room. Learn how to make artworks from recycled materials with Ms. Anita Singh, a famous eco-artist and our alumni. Register with the undersigned by Friday, 10 July.
The Art Club also needs volunteers for EcoArt, a new space for displaying eco-artworks near the library.
Contact us now to participate !!!
The Art Club.
Ravi Kumar
Art Club



Residents’ Welfare Association, Shantinagar, Sector E-4 Society

15 July 20XX

New Timings and Renovation

  • Swimming Pool in Block 5: New timings from 17 July will be between 6-10 a.m. and 4-8 p.m. on weekdays, 6-8 p.m. on weekends. Closed hours will be for maintenance and cleaning.
  • Gymnasium on Western side: Renovation and upgradation is underway and will continue till 17 July. It will remain closed during this period. Sorry for the inconvenience.

For queries or suggestions, contact the undersigned.
Rajiv Talvar
Residents’ Welfare Association

4. A

Chess Tournament

The Sports Club invites all parents to join a Chess tournament on 15-16 July, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., in the
auditorium. Play five rounds of 30 minutes each in four categories based on ratings. Win trophies,
certificates, books, and chess sets.
Register yourself by 12 July.
For queries or suggestions, contact the Sports Club.

Rajesh Sharma
Student Head
Sports Affairs



Dear Shri Amitav Chaturvedi,
My grandfather, Shri, Rameshwar Prasad, is very happy to receive your invitation for the golden jubilee celebration of your 50th anniversary and a reunion dinner of all colleagues. He is excited to relive the old days and catch up with his office mates.
My grandfather is looking forward to attending the event and seeing you after a long time. But he needs a family member to accompany him and assist him with his medication. I, his grandson, will gladly go with him and join you for dinner.
We are eager to meet you and celebrate this milestone with you.
Yours sincerely,
Anand Prasad

5. A.
XYZ Apartments, New Delhi,
July 1, 20XX
Aarambh News Agency
456, ABC Street,
New Delhi
Subject: Application for the Advertised Journalism Position
Dear Sir,
I am writing to express my keen interest in the journalism position advertised in your newspaper. As a recent graduate of online journalism from AIMT, Delhi, I have acquired a strong foundation in news reporting, researching, writing, and digital media skills.
During my studies, I developed a passion for storytelling and gained hands-on experience through internships. I am adept at presenting accurate information while adhering to ethical journalism practices.
I possess excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, and can work effectively within a team.
I believe that my academic background, enthusiasm for journalism, and dedication to delivering unbiased and informative news make me an ideal candidate for this position. Enclosed is my bio-data for your kind perusal.
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to Aarambh News Agency and continue my growth as a journalist.
Yours sincerely,
Harsimran Sethi
Enclosure: Bio-data

Harsimran Sethi
E-mail: [email protected]
Profile Summary
A skilled online journalism graduate with a passion for effective communication and in-depth research.


  • Research
  • News Reading
  • Article Writing

Education Qualifications:
Online Journalism graduate: AIMT Delhi (2022)
Internship Details:
6-month intership at news 360 as a Research Intern.

Professor: Gaurav Agarwal (contact: 91XXXXXXXX)
Professor: Nandita Bhattacharya (contact: 91XXXXXXXX)
I hereby declare that the information provided by me is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.


54 Chittaranjan Park
New Delhi
May 3, 20XX
The Time of India
7 Bahadurshah Zafar Marg
New Delhi 110103
Subject: Urgent Need to Promote Responsible Waste Management for a Cleaner Environment
Dear Editor,
I am writing to express my concern regarding the widespread disregard for proper waste management practices in our city. The lack of responsible behaviour shown by many individuals, resulting in littered streets and public places, has drastic consequences for our environment.
Not only does improper waste disposal pose health risks and degrade the aesthetic appeal of our city, but it also contributes to environmental pollution and harm to animals. The need of the hour is to raise awareness about the importance of responsible waste management and encourage responsible citizenship.
To address this issue, community engagement programs, educational campaigns, and stricter enforcement of waste management regulations should be implemented. Encouraging public participation in cleanliness drives, promoting recycling initiatives, and facilitating easy access to waste disposal facilities are crucial steps towards creating a cleaner and sustainable environment.
Together, let us strive for a city where responsible waste management becomes a collective responsibility, ensuring a greener future for generations to come.
Yours sincerely,
Priya Singh

6. A. The Power of Books: Unlocking Growth and Community Development

By Gunjan Goel (Class XII-B)
In a fast-paced world driven by technology and instant gratification, the importance of reading books often gets neglected. As a library volunteer at our community library, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of books and the need for individuals to adopt the habit of reading.
Reading books is not just a source of entertainment; it plays a crucial role in personal growth and community development. For individuals, diving into the world of books opens doors to new knowledge, skills, and experiences. It broadens the horizons of awareness, enhances creativity, and encourages critical thinking. Moreover, reading instills a sense of purpose, as it enables self-reflection and personal development.
On a larger scale, a community that promotes reading, promotes a culture of knowledge and empathy. Access to books improves literacy rates, fosters understanding, and fills social gaps. It creates a positive impact by nurturing lifelong learners and promoting intellectual conversations.
To get involved in this enriching journey, there are several ways one can contribute. Joining a community library, volunteering as a reading mentor for children, or organizing book clubs are great avenues to promote reading within the community. Sharing book recommendations, organizing literary events, and donating books are other impactful ways to encourage reading.
Let us recognize the power of books and commit ourselves to reading regularly. By doing so, we unlock a world of endless possibilities, unleash personal growth, and contribute to the development of our community.


B. Blood Donation Camp at Indradhunsh Apartments -II: A Remarkable Success!

By Shushma Agarwal, Local correspondent

The Resident Welfare Association (R.W.A) of Indradhunsh Apartments -II organized a blood donation camp on 15th February 2023, with the aim of promoting community service and saving lives. The event witnessed a massive response from residents and nearby communities.
The launch event emphasized the importance of blood donation in emergency situations and highlighted the crucial need for regular donors. Various activities were conducted, including educational sessions on the importance of blood donation, live cases from beneficiaries, and interactive activities to engage attendees.
Key messages centered around fostering a culture of volunteerism and creating a supportive community. To encourage young adults, special initiatives such as volunteer recognition programs and skill-building workshops were announced.
Attendees were provided with resources and information, including guidelines on blood donation eligibility and post-donation care. Further, participants were given access to a volunteer portal with details of upcoming events and opportunities.
Follow-up activities, including blood donation drives at local hospitals and awareness campaigns in educational institutions, were planned to ensure lasting impact.
Overall, this blood donation camp is expected to create a positive impact in the community by promoting a culture of giving, sharing, fostering volunteerism, and saving precious lives.
Shushma Agarwal,
Local Correspondent,
Neighborhood Newsletter



7. A

  1. A. Eternal beauty of nature
  2. True
  3. a beautiful thing brings happiness that lasts forever.
  4. it will always make a pleasent place of repose for enjoying a peaceful, healthy and quiet sleep.
  5. never
  6. A. Comma



  1. C. Affectionate and apprehensive
  2. In the first stanza, the poet portrays her mother as fragile and delicate using words, “doze”, “open mouthed”, “her face ashen like that of a corpse”.
  3. B. Responsiveness
  4. False.
    The poet describes her mother’s face as “ashen like that of a corpse” indicating exhaustion and aging rather than radiance.
  5. The lines evoke strong feelings of concern, emotional attachment, and the frailty of family ties. They express the speaker’s fear of losing her mother, emphasizing the value of their relationship as well as the universal experience of dealing with impermanence and mortality.
  6. The poet realized that her mother was indeed old and in need of love, affection and care.

8. A.

  1. The Students on Ice program aims to provide high school students with inspiring educational opportunities, fostering a new understanding and respect for our planet. It differs from other expeditions by targeting future policy-makers at an age when they are ready to absorb, learn, and take action.
  2. A. Canadian Geoff Green
  3. To help them foster a new understanding and respect for our planet.
  4. One reason why the writing style of the extract can be called factual and informative is because it presents specific details about the Students on Ice program, such as its objective of taking high school students to the ends of the world. It also provides information about the program’s founder, Geoff Green, and his motivations for starting the program.



  1. The statement “the Tiger King has reached that final abode of all living creatures” foreshadows the fact that the Tiger King is dead. It creates a sense of anticipation and hints at the fate of the Tiger King.
  2. B. The Tiger King is dead.
  3. The phrase “indomitable courage” implies a sense of unwavering bravery and resilience in the face of adversity or mortal danger.
  4. The reference to Bharata and Dasaratha is an allusion, as it draws context to Hindu mythology and the epic Ramayana to add depth to the text, comparing the Tiger King’s fate to that of a revered figure.

9. A

  1. (a) Visual:
    The morning is described as warm and bright.
    (b) Auditory:
    The birds chirping at the edge of the woods can be heard.
  2. B. He wanted to spend the day outdoors.
  3. “great dread of a scolding” means a strong feeling in anticipation of being scolded.
  4. Phrases used in the above extract like: “It was so warm, so bright!” and “The birds were chirping” aligns with the idea of a beautiful day.
  5. A factory in which logs are sawn into planks or boards by machine.
  6. B. Sunshine Beckons, but School Awaits



  1. The use of shoes as a symbol adds depth and conveys the theme of social inequality and the struggle for a better life.
  2. B. The boy’s need for better possessions
  3. The phrase suggests that the temple has lost its former glory and is now surrounded by emptiness and abandonment.
  4. The line from the paragraph that bears evidence to the fact that the writer’s association with the boys is not a recent one is: “Looking at the boy, I remembered the prayer another boy had made to the goddess when he had finally got a pair of shoes.”
  5. C. The writer has empathy for the boys for a significant period of time
  6. … aware of and concerned about the persistent social inequality and disparity in their neighborhood.


  1. A peasant named Rajkumar Shukla from Champaran approached Gandhiji.
  2. The author’s aversion to water began at a young age after experiencing being knocked down by the waves at the beach with his father.
  3. The owner, an old man without a wife or child, was happy to provide shelter and companionship to the protagonist.
  4. The theme of the poem relates with the oppressions and struggles that a woman has to face in the male dominant patriarchal society.
  5. The American publisher expected to sell no more than 3,000 copies of Umberto Eco’s book in a country where nobody has seen a cathedral or studied Latin.
  6. The primary purpose of the make-up department was to transform decent-looking individuals into hideous crimson-hued monsters using pancakes and other locally made potions and lotions, in order to make them look presentable on-screen.


  1. At the time of the incident, the author was only in the third grade and it is not uncommon for children to lack a full understanding of complex social issues like untouchability at that age. The author also shared that she had not, till then, heard people speak openly of untouchability - suggests that she may not have had a complete grasp of the issue’s social implications.
  2. The play ‘On the Face of It’ suggests that empathy plays a crucial role in overcoming prejudice and stereotypes. Through the characters’ interactions and personal growth, it highlights the transformative power of understanding and connecting with others, leading to the dissolution of preconceived notions and fostering genuine acceptance.
  3. In “The Enemy,” Dr. Sadao’s sense of duty as a doctor compelled him to help the enemy soldier, which made Hana, his wife, sympathetic to him. Despite facing open defiance from the domestic staff, Hana recognized and respected her husband’s commitment to his profession and human compassion.

12. A
Dear Pablo,
After reading your poem “Keeping Quiet”, I would request you to continue spreading your message of unity and introspection. The poem beautifully conveys the importance of silence, self-reflection, and the need for humanity to pause and connect with one another. I would urge you to delve even deeper into these themes, exploring how silence can be a catalyst for personal and collective transformation.
I request you to write more such poems that inspire individuals to embrace stillness, to listen to their inner voices, and to genuinely understand the interconnectedness of all living beings. Additionally, I would suggest you to use your poetic talent to encourage people to take action based on this newfound awareness—urging them to break down barriers, challenge prejudices, and work towards a more peaceful and compassionate world.
Ultimately, my humble request would be to continue using your soothing words to ignite contemplation, empathy, and positive change in the hearts and minds of readers across the globe.
Yours truely
Yashmita Chaudhary


Good Morning everyone,
While analysing the texts ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers’, ‘Going Places’, ‘Lost Spring’, and ‘My Mother at Sixtysix’. I found that all of them present varied portrayals of women, shedding light on their experiences in society. These portrayals exemplify the diversity within the female experience. In ‘Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers,’ Aunt Jennifer’s embroidered tigers symbolise her desire for freedom and empowerment in the
face of a repressive marriage.
‘Going Places’ depicts a young girl’s aspirations for independence, challenging traditional gender roles. In ‘Lost Spring,’ the marginalised lives of child laborers, particularly the girl protagonist, reflect the systemic injustice faced by impoverished girls.
These texts underscore the importance of understanding each woman’s unique challenges and experiences. By recognizing individual narratives, we can break free from generalizations and stereotypes, fostering empathy and solidarity. It is vital to acknowledge the intersectionality of gender, class, and societal norms, enabling us to advocate for gender equality and social justice.
Thank you,
Have nice day

13. A. 
10:15 p.m.
After having gone through the story ‘The Third Level’, I feel that in reflects the idea that the modern world is indeed filled with insecurity, fear, war, worry, and stress.
In response to these challenges, people employ various strategies to cope:
Firstly, individuals seek peace in their personal relationships, relying on the support and understanding of loved ones to sail through difficult times.
Secondly, engaging in hobbies, leisure activities, and entertainment offers a respite from the pressures of the world.
Additionally, individuals may turn to spirituality or mindful practices to find inner peace and cultivate a sense of calmness amid the chaos.
Lastly, social efforts like promoting social justice address the root causes of insecurity and fear.
Collectively, these strategies aim to counteract the negative impacts of modern life and foster well-being and resilience.


After going through the lesson, ‘Memories of Childhood’, I interviewed both of them. Bama experienced discrimination based on caste and untouchability, while Zitkala-Sa faced racial and cultural prejudice.
Zitkala-Sa’s hair, which held great significance to her, as it was tribal honour to have thick braids like a warrior woman was forcibly cut at a European missionary school due to her tribal background.
Both protagonists protested against the injustice they encountered, but they took different paths. Zitkala-Sa’s rebellion was met with resistance, while Bama followed her brother’s advice and achieved academic success. Zitkala-Sa continued to voice her opposition to racial prejudice through her writing, which criticised dogma and the evils of a marginalised community while Bama pursued a more subtle form of protest through her educational achievements to prove her mettle.

CBSE Practice Paper English Core Class 12

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