What Are The Important Topics of Physical Education Class 12 Syllabus CBSE 2024-25?

physical education class 12 syllabus cbse

Brief about the CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Syllabus 

The syllabus of Physical Education class 12 CBSE 2024-25 is prepared by the NCERT, which has taken enough measures to ensure the students are provided with better content, which is necessary for understanding the subject. 

With the help of the CBSE class 12 physical education syllabus, students can organize their exam preparation method and figure out which chapters require extra focus.

The syllabus helps students to understand the syllabus framework faster and to prepare them well for the exams. This article covers everything you need to know about:

  • Important topics of Physical Education as per the updated syllabus
  • How to prepare properly
  • Which books can you refer to help you score 90+ marks in the CBSE class 12 board exam 2024-25. 

Read further to know more. 

cbse physical education syllabus class 12

Importance Of Studying Physical Education Chapter-wise 

CBSE released the syllabus to help students as you prepare efficiently for the 2024-25 board exams. The Physical Education class 12 syllabus is designed to assist students and teachers. 

Teachers can make Physical Education question papers as per the syllabus, so students need not worry if any question will be out of the syllabus. 

Before we get on discussing the important topics of Physical Education for class 12, let’s first understand the marking scheme as prescribed by the CBSE board for the 2024-25 exam. 

Marking Scheme Of Class 12 Physical Education 

Marking scheme

The exam is divided into 2 parts:

Theory: 70 marks 

Practicals: 30 marks

Practice Materials as per Class 12 Physical Education Syllabus

CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Textbook is a perfect study partner. Let’s find a bit more about the book: 

A Brief About the Practice Book

The new CBSE Physical Education (including practicals) for CBSE Class 12 from Oswal Publishers covers the critical areas of health and Physical Education in its latest formats. 

CBSE Physical Eductaion_XII

It covers: 

  • Psychological benefits of sports
  • their cognitive and coordinative values
  • Yoga
  • Lifestyle diseases
  • Biomechanics in sports
  • Importance of nutrition in sports and many important chapters 

Questions include (that’s prescribed by the latest guidelines released by the board): 

  • Numerical and illustrative examples
  • Very Short, Short, and Long Answer Type questions 
  • Images to help understand the core concepts 
  • MCQ-based questions 

What makes it a must-buy for your board exam preparation? 

The reason why you must buy Oswal Publishers Physical Education textbook For CBSE Class 12, which even includes practicals, is because: 

  • It has distinctive chapters which will help you understand the key concepts properly 
  • Questions are framed with a special focus on the new pattern that is more objective  
  • As per the latest guideline of CBSE 
  • Supplemented with varied questions for quick revision
  • Questions are prepared by inputs from course instructors, teachers, editors, and proofreaders to ensure you score A+ in your exam with their knowledge and experience. 

After you’ve studied this book, you can also buy the Physical Education Last 10 Years Solved Papers. Here’s a bundle/individual solved papers as per each class so you can choose as per your stream: 

Now that you have all the resources, let’s understand what are the important topics: 

physical education solved papers cbse class 12

Important Topics As Per The CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Syllabus 2024-25

As you already know, the Physical Education syllabus 12 CBSE 2024-25, along with other subjects, has been revised. The CBSE Class 12 revised syllabus is updated on CBSE’s official website. 

The theory is 70 marks, and the practical is 30 marks. 

Here’s the entire syllabus: 

Chapters in 70 marks’ theory: 

Unit I Management of Sporting Events

● Functions of Sports Events Management (Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing &


● Various Committees & their Responsibilities (pre; during & post)

● Fixtures and its Procedures – Knock-Out (Bye & Seeding) & League (Staircase & Cyclic)

Unit II Children & Women in Sports

● Common Postural Deformities – Knock Knee; Bow Legs; Flat Foot; Round Shoulders;

Lordosis, Kyphosis, and Scoliosis and their corrective measures

● Special consideration (Menarche & Menstrual Dysfunction)

● Female Athletes Triad (Osteoporosis, Amenorrhea, Eating Disorders)

Unit III Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease

  • Obesity: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Katichakrasana,

Pavanmuktasana, Matsayasana, Halasana, Pachimottansana, Ardha – Matsyendrasana,

Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Suryabedhan pranayama.

  • Diabetes: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Katichakrasana,

Pavanmuktasana,Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, Supta-vajarasana,

Paschimottanasana, Ardha-Mastendrasana, Mandukasana, Gomukasana, Yogmudra,

Ushtrasana, Kapalabhati.

  • Asthma: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Urdhwahastottansana,

UttanMandukasana, Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Ushtrasana, Vakrasana, Kapalbhati,

Gomukhasana Matsyaasana, Anuloma-Viloma.

  • Hypertension: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications for Tadasana, Katichakransan,

Uttanpadasana, Ardha Halasana, Sarala Matyasana, Gomukhasana,

UttanMandukasana, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Makarasana, Shavasana, Nadishodhanapranayam, Sitlipranayam.

Unit IV Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children with Special Needs – Divyang)

● Organizations promoting Disability Sports (Special Olympics; Paralympics;


● Advantages of Physical Activities for children with special needs.

● Strategies to make Physical Activities assessable for children with special needs.

Unit V Sports & Nutrition

● Concept of balanced diet and nutrition

● Macro and Micro Nutrients: Food sources & functions

● Nutritive & Non-Nutritive Components of Diet

Unit VI Test & Measurement in Sports

● Fitness Test – SAI Khelo India Fitness Test in school:

o Age group 5-8 yrs/ class 1-3: BMI, Flamingo Balance Test, Plate Tapping Test

o Age group 9-18yrs/ class 4-12: BMI, 50mt Speed test, 600mt Run/Walk, Sit &

  • Reach flexibility test, Strength Test (Abdominal Partial Curl Up, Push-Ups for

boys, Modified Push-Ups for girls).

● Computing Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

● Rikli & Jones – Senior Citizen Fitness Test

I. Chair Stand Test for lower body strength

II. Arm Curl Test for upper body strength

III. Chair Sit & Reach Test for lower body flexibility

IV. Back Scratch Test for upper body flexibility

V. Eight Foot Up & Go Test for agility

VI. Six Minute Walk Test for Aerobic Endurance

Unit VII Physiology & Injuries in Sports

● Physiological factors determining components of physical fitness

● Effect of exercise on the Muscular System

● Effect of exercise on Cardio-Respiratory System

● Sports injuries: Classification (Soft Tissue Injuries -Abrasion, Contusion, Laceration,

Incision, Sprain & Strain; Bone & Joint Injuries – Dislocation, Fractures – Green Stick,

Comminuted, Transverse Oblique & Impacted)

Unit VIII Biomechanics & Sports

● Newton’s Law of Motion & its application in sports

  • Equilibrium – Dynamic & Static and Centre of Gravity and its application in sports

● Friction & Sports

● Projectile in Sports

Unit IX Psychology & Sports

● Personality; its definition & types (Jung Classification & Big Five Theory)

● Meaning, Concept & Types of Aggressions in Sports

● Psychological Attributes in Sports – Self Esteem, Mental Imagery, Self Talk, Goal Setting

Unit X Training in Sports

● Concept of Talent Identification and Talent Development in Sports

● Introduction to Sports Training Cycle – Micro, Meso, Macro Cycle.

● Types & Method to Develop – Strength, Endurance, and Speed

● Types & Method to Develop – Flexibility and Coordinative Ability


  • Physical Fitness Test: SAI Khelo India Test, Brockport Physical Fitness Test (BPFT) – 6 Marks
  • Proficiency in Games and Sports (Skill of any one IOA recognised Sport/Game of Choice – 7 Marks
  • Yogic Practices – 7 Marks
  • Record File – 5 Marks
  • Viva Voce (Health/ Games & Sports/ Yoga) – 5 Marks

Chapter Wise Planning For Important Topics of Physical Education Class 12 Syllabus CBSE 2024-25

Physical Education is not considered an optional subject for students as it also provides adequate knowledge about fitness, the history of sports, related rules, Yoga, and an unending list of similar activities. Its purpose and position in the school’s curriculum have changed from its initial emphasis on teaching hygiene and health, to teaching children the multiple forms and benefits of physical activity, including sports and exercises. 

It also helps students understand fitness, nutrition, and how to make a career in that field. Physical activities and sports are instrumental to an individual’s identity development. In addition to improving physical fitness, physical activities build social relationships with other children, teammates, and teachers. 

How to do chapter-wise planning for CBSE Physical Education Class 12?

Students should study the entire syllabus to know the latest syllabus outline and exam patterns. The syllabus describes the entire course format and marks allocations in every unit. 

Following are unit-wise important topics: 

Unit I Management of Sporting Events

  • Functions of Sports Events Management (Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing & Controlling)
  • Various Committees & their Responsibilities (pre; during & post)
  • Fixtures and its Procedures – Knock-Out (Bye & Seeding) & League (Staircase & Cyclic) 
  • Intramural & Extramural – Meaning, Objectives & Its Significance
  • Community Sports – Purpose and benefits

Unit II Children & Women in Sports

  • Exercise Guidelines of WHO for different age groups; 
  • Common Postural Deformities – Knock Knee; Bow Legs
  • Flat Foot; Round Shoulders; Lordosis, Kyphosis, and Scoliosis and their corrective Measures
  • Women’s participation in Sports – Physical, Psychological and Social benefits; Special consideration (Menarche & Menstrual Dysfunction)
  • Female Athletes Triad (Osteoporosis, Amenorrhea, Eating Disorders)

Unit III Yoga as Preventive measure for Lifestyle Disease

  • Obesity: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications  
  • Diabetes: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications 
  • Asthma: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications 
  • Hypertension: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications
  • Back Pain and Arthritis: Procedure, Benefits & Contraindications  

Unit IV Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children with Special Needs – Divyang) 

  • Organizations promoting Disability Sports (Special Olympics; Paralympics; Deaflympics) Concept of Classification and Division in Sports
  • Concept of Inclusion in sports, its need, and Implementation; Advantages of Physical Activities for children with special needs
  • Strategies to make Physical Activities assessable for children with special needs

Unit V Sports & Nutrition

  • Concept of balanced diet and nutrition; Macro and Micro Nutrients: Food sources & Functions
  • Nutritive & Non-Nutritive Components of Diet; Eating For Weight Control – A Healthy Weight, The Pitfalls of Dieting, Food Intolerance & Food Myths
  • Importance of Diet in Sports and Pre, During, and Post requirement

Unit VI Test & Measurement in Sports

  • Fitness Test – Khelo India Fitness Test in school 
  • Age group 5-8 yrs/ class 1-3: BMI, Flamingo Balance Test, Plate Tapping Test
  • Age group 9-18yrs/ class 4-12: BMI, 50mt Speed test, 600mt Run/Walk, Sit & Reach flexibility test, Strength Test (Abdominal Partial Curl Up, Push-Ups for boys, Modified Push-Ups for girls)]
  • Measurement of Cardio-Vascular Fitness – Harvard Step Test – Duration of the Exercise  
  • Computing Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 
  • Rikli & Jones – Senior Citizen Fitness
  • Johnsen – Methney Test of Motor Educability 

Unit VII Physiology & Injuries in Sports 

  • Physiological factors determining components of physical fitness
  • Effect of exercise on the Muscular System
  • Effect of exercise on Cardio-Respiratory System; Physiological changes due to aging
  • Sports injuries: Classification (Soft Tissue Injuries – Abrasion, Contusion, Laceration, Incision, Sprain & Strain;
  • Bone & Joint Injuries – Dislocation, Fractures – Green Stick, Comminuted, Transverse Oblique & Impacted)

Unit VIII Biomechanics & Sports

  • Newton’s Law of Motion & its application in sports
  • Types of Lever and its application in Sports
  • Equilibrium – Dynamic & Static and Centre of Gravity and its application in sports
  • Friction & Sports
  • Projectile in Sports

Unit IX Psychology & Sports 

  • Personality; its definition & types (Jung Classification & Big Five Theory)
  • Motivation, its type &techniques
  • Exercise Adherence: Reasons, Benefits & Strategies for Enhancing it
  • Meaning, Concept & Types of Aggressions in Sports
  • Psychological Attributes in Sports – Self Esteem, Mental Imagery, Self Talk, Goal Setting

Unit X Training in Sports

  • Concept of Talent Identification and Talent Development in Sports; Introduction to Sports 
  • Training Cycle – Micro, Meso, Macro Cycle
  • Types & Methods to Develop – Strength, Endurance and Speed
  • Types& Method to Develop – Flexibility and Coordinative Ability
  • Circuit Training – Introduction & its importance

To help you prepare confidently, we’ve designed the Oswal Publishers Physical Education textbook for CBSE Class 12 and Gurukul by Oswal Physical Education Last 10 Years Solved Papers, including all these important topics. 

Scoring A+ in Boards 2024-25 Physical Education Got Easier 

cbse class 12 physical education textbook

With this CBSE class 12 Physical Education textbook and last year’s solved question paper (based on your stream), you also get different study materials that will make it easier for you better to comprehend the CBSE class 12 Physical Education syllabus contents.

Let us know if you need any help. 🙂 

Gurukul by Oswal is rooting for your success! 

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