Oswal 61 Sample Question Papers ICSE Class 9 Biology Solutions


Answer 1.

(i) (c) Alveoli

 Explanation :

Trachea ends at alveoli, sac like structures where the gas exchange occurs.

(ii) (c) Phloem parenchyma

 Explanation :

Phloem parenchyma is absent in most of the monocots and some herbaceous dicots.

(iii) (b) Stratified squamous epithelium

 Explanation :

Stratified squamous epithelium is a lining tissue, provides protection for underlying tisseues and that’s why are found in area of regular wear and tear.

(iv) (a) Ethyl alcohol

 Explanation :

Via a mechanism known as fermentation, yeast is used to manufacture alcohol. As a by-product, the yeast ferments the sugar or starch to produce alcohol.

(v) (c) Premolars, molars – Grinding

(vi) (d) Carotene

 Explanation :

Carotenes are plant pigments responsible for bright red, yellow and orange colour in many fruits and vegetables.

(vii) (d) Androecium and Gynoecium are absent

 Explanation :

The flowers in which both androecium (male reproductive structure) and gynoecium (female reproductive structure) are absent are called neuter flowers. Example - ray florets of sunflower.

(viii) (d) endosperm gets used up by the developing embryo during seed development.

 Explanation :

In gram and peas, the endosperm gets used up at the time of development seed. So, seed is nonendospermic, i.e., endosperm is not present in the mature seed.

(ix) (c) Tuberculosis

 Explanation :

Streptomycin is an antibiotic medication used to treat a number of bacterial infections, including tuberculosis.

(x) (d) All of the above

 Explanation :

More function of skeletal system- to provide a base to the muscle for joining, to help in respiration and nutrition.

(xi) (c) From exposure to the diseases organism through infection

 Explanation :

Natural immunity is acquired from the exposure to the diseases organism through infection with the actual diseases.

(xii) (b) Can remove gases like sulphur dioxide

 Explanation :

A scrubber can remove gases like sulphur dioxide. In a scrubber, the exhaust is passed through a spray of water or lime water. Water dissolves gases. The particles also become heavy and fall down.

(xiii) (c) Adipose tissue

 Explanation :

Adipose tissues are the tissues specialised in storing energy as fat.

(xiv) (d) Montoux test

 Explanation :

The Montoux Tuberculian Skin Test (TST) or the TB blood test can be used to test for tuberculosis infection. This test is performed by injection. This test is performed by injecting a small amount of fluid called tuberculin into the skin in the lower part of the arm.

(xv) (a) A spray of water/lime

 Explanation :

In a scrubber, the exhaust is passed through a spray of water or lime water.

Answer 2.

  • (i) (a) Tonoplast
  • (b) Epithelial tissue
  • (c) Bean seed
  • (d) Protein
  • (e) Gastrocnemius muscle
  • (ii) (a) Cervical vertebrae, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacrum, Coccyx.
  • (b) Phalanges, Metacarpal, Carpal, Radius-ulna, Humerus, Pectoral girdle.
  • (c) Mouth, Salivary amylase, Bolus, Oesophagus, Peristalsis, Stomach.
  • (d) Pollination, Germination of pollen grain, Growth of pollen tube towards ovary, Fertilization, Formation of fruits and seeds.
  • (e) Enamel, Dentine, Pulp, Cement



Column A Column B
(a) Blood clotting factor VIII 3. Haemophilia A
(b) Viviparous germination 4. Rhizophora
(b) Viviparous germination 4. Rhizophora
(c) Air spaces 2. Gray hair
(d) Bronchi 6. An inverted Y-shaped tube
(e) Steapsin 1. Emulsified fats
Odd Category
(a) Heart All others are respiratory organ.
(b) Water Others are the secretion from glands.
(c) Fixed Others joints show movements.
(d) Oesophagus Parts of respiratory tract
(e) Scapula Bones of axial skeleton
  • (v) (a) Alveoli
  • (b) Phloem parenchyma
  • (c) Stratified squamous epithelium
  • (d) Ethyl alcohol
  • (e) Premolars, molars – Grinding


Answer 3.

(i) Pollens from one flower cannot germinate on the stigma of the same flower. 

(ii) Albuminous and ex-albuminous seed

Albuminous seed Ex-albuminous seed
1. Food is stored in endosperm. Food is stored in cotyledons.
2. Cotyledons are thin and membranous. Cotyledons are thick, and fleshy.

(iii) DDT; Plague

(iv) Waste which is generated by industries is called industrial waste. Chemicals, paint residues, oil, ash, sludge and heavy metals etc. are some types of wastes which are generated by industries.

  • (v) (a) Cell
  • (b) Theodor Schwann and Matthias Jacob Schleiden
  • (c) Rudolf Virchow (1821–1902) noted that all cells come from other cells.
  • (e) Premolars, molars – Grinding

Answer 4.

(i) Pasteurization is a heat treatment process where the milk is heated at 60-70°C for 60 minutes and suddenly chilled and stored.

  • (ii) Micropyle: A tiny pore situated close to the hilum.
  • Scutellum: Present near the endosperm of maize grain.
  • (iii) Cholera: Cholera causes severe diarrhea, vomiting and no urination.
  • Dysentery: Dysentery causes loose motion, intestinal pain, and mild fever.
  • (iv) Cellulose: Provides roughage for proper functioning of gut.
  • Fats: It is important storage form of food.
  • (v) (a) 1–Generative nucleus, 2–Tube nucleus.
  • (b) Germination of pollen grains occurs on the stigma only if pollen grains have fallen on stigma of the same plant species. Stigma secretes some sugary substances which stimulates the germination of pollen grains.
  • (c) Pollen grain is covered with double layered wall-outer exine and inner intine.

Answer 5.

  • (i) The end product of fats are fatty acids and glycerol in the presence of lipase.
  • (ii) 1. It is semipermeable. 2. It is present in all type of cells.
  • (iii) Arrangement of floral whorls on the thalamus from the outermost to the innermost is calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium.
  • (iv) The harmful substances found in e-waste include cadmium, mercury, lead etc., which are toxic in nature and hence harmful to human health. Copper, silver, gold etc. are some of the valuable materials found in e-wastes.
  • (v)

Answer 6.

  • (i) Penicillin
  • (ii) Photosynthesis and respiration
Photosynthesis Respiration
1. It occurs in chlorophyll containing cells in the presence of sunlight. It occurs all the time in all living cells.
2. It uses carbon dioxide and water. Glucose and oxygen are released as end product. It uses oxygen and glucose and carbon dioxide is released as end product.
  • (iii) Segregation refers to separation of wet and dry waste. It is an important step in the process of waste management. One should separate the degradable waste from the non-degradable waste. Proper segregation of waste helps the municipal authorities to decompose and dispose of the organic part of the wastes easily.
  • (iv) (1) It is a condition in which the skin pigment is lost in patches. (2) The cause is not yet known.
  • (2) The cause is not yet known.
  • (v) (a) There would be no growth of mould on moist bread as mould could not grow in lower temperature.
  • (b) Mycelia first appears on the bread.
  • (c) Bread mould obtain its nourishment by extracellular digestion from the substratum on which it grows. This nourishment is called saprophytic mode of nutrition.

Answer 7.

  • (i) Paper Packing.
  • (ii) RER: RER is rough endoplasmic reticulum.
  • It appears rough due to presence of ribosomes on their membrane.
  • (ii) Photosynthesis and respiration
  • (iii) Vaccine can be bacteria or foreign body cells.
  • Vaccine is preparation of dead or weakened germs.
  • (iv) Direct transmission and Indirect transmission:
Direct transmission Indirect transmission
1. Close contact with the diseased person Fomite like bedding, used utensil, towels etc.
2. Droplet infection Vector like mosquitoes
3. Exposure to contaminated blood Carrier like house flies and cockroaches
  • (v) (a) Heterodont
  • (b) Flesh eating animals
  • (c) Grass eating animals

Answer 8.

  • (i) After fertilization, the calyx sheds or falls off or remains intact in a shriveled and dried form.’
  • (ii) In the experiment to demonstrate that CO2 is given out during respiration, it should be observed that the water level rises in the delivery tube.
  • It appears rough due to presence of ribosomes on their membrane.
  • (iii) Arthropada and Mollusca:
Arthropoda Mollusca
1. Body is all segmented. Body is unsegmented.
2. Body has an exoskeleton made up of chitin. They have a hard calcareous shell, made up of calcium carbonate over their soft body.
  • (iv) Pharynx: The nasal chambers open at the back into a wide cavity, situated at the back of mouth.
  • Larynx: The voice-box located at the start of windpipe.
  • (v) (a) Fig. B is a plant cell. It has a cell wall and a large vacuole which pushes the nucleus towards the periphery.
  • (b) Cell membrane, ribosomes, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, golgi body and mitrochondria are common to both the types.
  • (c) Plastids and cell wall are found only in plant cell. Centrosome is found only in animal cell.

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