ISC Class 11 History Syllabus 2024-25

CISCE has released the Latest Updated Syllabus of the New Academic Session 2024-25, for class 11. It is available under the ‘‘Regulations and Syllabuses’ page of ISC 2026 on  

Class 11th Syllabus has been released by CISCE. It’s very important for both Teachers and Students to understand the changes and strictly follow the topics covered in each subject under each stream for Class 11th.

We have also updated Oswal Gurukul Books as per the Latest Paper Pattern prescribed by CISCE Board for each Subject Curriculum.

Students can directly access the ISC History Syllabus for Class 11 of the academic year 2024-25 by clicking on the link below.

PDF download links to the latest Class 11 History Syllabus for 2024-25 academic session

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ISC History Class 11 Latest Syllabus 2024-25

There will be two papers in the subject:

Paper I: Theory 3 hours ------ 80 marks

Paper II: Project Work -------20 marks

Paper I (Theory) – 80 Marks

Section A

Indian History

1. Emergence of the Colonial Economy

(i) Development of the means of transport and communication.

Transportation: a brief look at the development of the railways.

(ii) Effect of British revenue policy:

Impact on peasants and artisans

Disruption of the traditional economy.

(iii) Development of modern industries.

An account of the growth of large scale machine based industries in western India, its economic impact.

(iv) Colonial Forest Policy - impact on local communities.

An overview of the 19th century Colonial Forest Policy. Political and economic impact of the Colonial Forest Policy on local communities.

2. Social Movements

(i) Struggle against caste – Jyotirao Phule, Narayan Guru, Veerasalingam.

A brief outline of their contributions to Indian society.

(ii) The Women’s Question

Women’s condition in India in the 19th century. Features of the following Acts: Abolition of Sati (1829), Widow Remarriage (1856), Female Infanticide Prevention (1870) and Age of Consent (1891) - their impact on Indian women.

3. Protest Movements against Colonial Rule

Circumstances that led to different protest movements: the Indigo Uprising (1859), Deccan riots (1875), Munda Uprising (1899-1900) and the impact on the colonial policies.

4. Growth of Nationalism

(i) Swadeshi Movement

Partition of Bengal and anti-Partition Movement including the Swadeshi and Boycott Movement: causes and Impact of the Movement.

(ii) Foundation of the Muslim League.

Circumstances leading to its foundation. Objectives of the Muslim League.

5. Gandhian Nationalism (1916 – 1922)

(i) Agitation against the Rowlatt Act, Jallianwala Bagh (1919).

The reasons behind the Rowlatt Act and its main terms to be studied in brief. A general account of the satyagraha against the Act, leading to Jallianwala Bagh.

(ii) The launching of the passive resistance movement by Gandhi: Khilafat and NonCooperation Movement (1919-1922).

The launching of the Khilafat and the Non-Cooperation Movements. There should be a connected chronological account of both the movements and their suspension.

6. Gandhian Nationalism (1927 – 1937)

(i) Lahore session and declaration of 'Poorna Swaraj' as the Congress objective.

Events leading to the Lahore session – Simon Commission: a brief explanation of the reasons for its boycott; demand for Dominion Status by 1929 (Nehru Report).

The main points of the Poorna Swaraj Resolution.

(ii) Civil Disobedience Movement (1930-1934).

A general account of the features of the Movement; main terms of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact; the 1st and 2nd Round Table Conferences; resumption of the Movement and the Poona Pact.

(iii) Government of India Act, 1935.

The main features of Government of India Act, 1935 should be explained.

A critical account of the election of 1937. A summary of the main developments under Congress and non-Congress ministries should be included.

Section B

World History

7. World War I: Causes, events leading to it; Peace settlements

(i) Main long-term causes: alliance system, imperialism, militarism (arms race), nationalism.

Main short-term causes: events from 1908 to 1914.

(ii) Paris Peace Settlements-Changes in the map of Europe; critical evaluation of the Treaty of Versailles.

8. The Great Depression

(i) Causes leading to the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and its impact on the economy of USA, Germany & Japan.

(ii) Roosevelt and the New Deal – (a) Aims (b) Measures taken.

9. Rise of Communism under Stalin in Russia (1928-1939)

(i) Rise of Stalin to power and factors assisting his rise.

(ii) Main features of Stalin’s domestic policy:

Collectivisation of agriculture.

Industrialisation: First and Second Five Year Plans

Purges of 1937-1938.

10. Rise of Fascism under Mussolini in Italy (1919-39)

(i) Post-War discontent and the rise to power of Benito Mussolini.

Conditions which gave rise to Fascism; a brief chronological account of the events which brought Mussolini to power from the election of 1921 to the march on Rome in October 1922.

(ii) Main features of Mussolini's domestic policy.

Critical appraisal of Mussolini’s policies particularly his economic policy.

11. Rise of Nazism under Hitler in Germany (1933-39)

(i) Rise of Hitler to power and factors assisting his rise.

Weaknesses of the Weimar Republic as a background to the rise of Nazism; events from 1932 onwards leading to Hitler becoming Chancellor of Germany in 1933; the reasons for his popularity among different groups should be explained.

(ii) The Nazi State: from 1933 onwards.

Outline of the changes made by Hitler in government, the cultural life and education, army (the Night of the Long Knives), the economy and religious life. Escalation of the campaign against the Jews should be done in some detail, till the "Final Solution". Reasons why his policies were accepted among different groups.

12. Rise of Militarism in Japan (1919-37)

Reasons for the rise of militarism in the 1930s.

Paper II (Project Work) - 20 Marks

Candidates will be required to undertake one project on any one of the following history topics from 18th - 20th centuries (India/World).

  1. Politics – leadership, domestic policy, foreign policy.
  2. Military – any war: causes, course and consequences. Strategies & tactics. Technology. Outcome: peace settlements.
  3. Economy – economic policy: terms and impact. Currency, communication, trade. Agriculture and industry.
  4. Society & culture – Traditions, food, clothing, festivals, role and status of women, education, art, architecture, sculpture, music, dance, literature.
  5. Religion – philosophy, ideas, beliefs, practices, impact.

The project may be in any one of the following categories:

  1. A case study.
  2. A field visit/ investigation.
  3. A local history.
  4. Interview/oral evidence.
  5. Book review/ film review/ posters/ newspapers/ advertisements/ cartoons and art.

The project may or may not be based on the syllabus; students must be encouraged to produce original, creative and insightful perspectives on an allied aspect of the topic.

The written outcome of the project, in the form of 800–1500-word essay should be structured as given below:

  • Introduction - Background and context to be discussed very briefly.
  • Main body - Explanation, Interpretation, Analysis and Critical Evaluation of a range of evidence: the research material gathered by the student.
  • Conclusion - Brief summing up of the topic.
  • Bibliography – a list of all material referred to in the essay, including print, electronic, oral & audio-visual material, referenced correctly, in a standard format.
  • Appendix – optional, only if it is crucial for the better understanding of the project essay.

List of Suggested Projects

  1. Leaders- political, social, cultural, religious, military
  2. Growth of political organizations in the 18th - early 20th centuries.
  3. Impact of British colonial policies before/ after 1857.
  4. Industrialisation - Impact on the lives of the people.
  5. Birth of totalitarian ideologies.
  6. The 1920s Cultural Movement in USA - Jazz Age.
  7. Changes in nature of warfare – late 19th and early 20th century conflicts, World War I.
  8. Growth of feminist movements in the West.
  9. Music/art as a medium of protest.
  10. Books that changed the course of history.

Evaluation Criteria:

Mark allocation for the Project will be as follows:

2023-24 Reduced Syllabus

S. No. Assessment objective Criteria Marks
1 Process Candidates should be able to: Identify the topic, Plan and detail a research project. 5
2 Understanding, application of knowledge and Analysis Candidates should be able to: Explain issues and themes clearly and in context. Interpret, analyse and evaluate critically the topic. 5
3 Presentation Overall format and referencing 5
4 Viva Range of questions based on the project only. 5

(for reference purposes only)

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