ISC Class 11 Political Science Syllabus 2024-25

CISCE has released the Latest Updated Syllabus of the New Academic Session 2024-25, for class 11. It is available under the ‘‘Regulations and Syllabuses’ page of ISC 2026 on  

Class 11th Syllabus has been released by CISCE. It’s very important for both Teachers and Students to understand the changes and strictly follow the topics covered in each subject under each stream for Class 11th.

We have also updated Oswal Publishers Books as per the Latest Paper Pattern prescribed by CISCE Board for each Subject Curriculum.

Students can directly access the ISC Political Science Syllabus for Class 11 of the academic year 2024-25 by clicking on the link below.

PDF download links to the latest Class 11 Political Science Syllabus for 2024-25 academic session

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ISC Political Science Class 11 Latest Syllabus 2024-25

There will be two papers in the subject:

Paper I: Theory 3 hours ------ 80 marks

Paper II: Project Work --------20 marks

PAPER - I (THEORY) – 80 Marks

Section A

Political Theory

1. Introduction to Political Science

(i) Meaning of Political Science; Scope of contemporary Political Science: Political Theory, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Public Administration and Political Economy.

Meaning of Political Science (classical and modern); Scope of contemporary Political Science with reference to Political Theory, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Public Administration and Political Economy
(meaning only).

(ii) Fundamental Concepts

State and its elements; State and Government, State and Nation.

Meaning of State and elements of the State: (a) Population (b) Territory (c) Government (d) Sovereignty. Differences between: State and Government; State and Nation.

2. The Origin of the State

Divine Origin Theory; the Social Contract Theory (Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau); the Evolutionary Theory.

Various theories of the origin of State:

Divine Theory: features only.

The Social Contract theory: Views of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau about State of Nature, Human Nature and Type of Contract.

Evolutionary Theory: factors for the growth of this theory such as kinship, religion, economic factors, wars and conflicts and the need for political power.

3. Political Ideologies

Liberalism and Socialism

Liberalism, Socialism: Meaning and features.

4. Sovereignty

Meaning, kinds and characteristics. A historical analysis.

Meaning, definition and characteristics. Kinds: Titular and Real, Legal and Political; de-jure and de-facto Sovereign, Popular Sovereignty. Brief study of Austin’s Theory and Pluralistic view of Sovereignty.

5. Law

Meaning; Sources and Kinds of Law.

Meaning of law. Sources - Customs, Usages, Religion, Judicial Decisions, Scientific Commentaries, Equity, Legislation. Kinds of law – meaning and examples of Municipal, National, Constitutional and International Law, Statute Law, Ordinances.

6. Liberty

Meaning; Dimensions and kinds of Liberty

7. Equality

Meaning and kinds of Equality

Meaning and kinds of Equality – legal, social, political and economic.

8. Justice

Meaning, Contemporary theories.

Meaning of Justice; Theories of Justice – John Rawls and Amartya Sen (features only).

Section B

Contemporary International Relations

9. End of Cold War and its impact on the World Order

Disintegration of the Soviet Union and its impact on the World Order.

Meaning of Cold War. Impact of disintegration of the Soviet Union on the World Order- emergence of new countries: Russia and former Soviet states. India’s relations with Russia after Cold War (after 1991).

10. Unipolar World

U.S. unilateralism: case studies of U.S. intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Meaning of unilateralism.

Case studies of the following (causes, main events and consequences):

Iraq - Operation Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom;

Afghanistan - Operation Enduring Freedom;

India’s relations with USA after 1991.

11. Regional Cooperation

ASEAN and the European Union.

Aims, achievements and challenges.

12. The Non-Aligned Movement and South Asia

Relevance of Non-Aligned Movement. India’s relationship with its neighbours.

Meaning of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM); Relevance of NAM in the contemporary World.

India’s relations with Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka (in brief).

Paper II (Project Work) – 30 Marks

Candidates will be required to undertake one project which may be any one of the following:

(i) A case study.

(ii) Survey study with a questionnaire.

(iii) Research based project with in depth analysis.

(iv) Local/ national/ global political issue.

(v) Book review/ film review/ documentaries/ posters/ newspapers/ advertisements/ cartoons and art.

The project must not be based primarily on the syllabus; students must be encouraged to produce original, creative and insightful perspectives on an allied aspect of the topic.

For example, if the theme is Fundamental Rights, the project could deal with violation, protection, court verdicts, Public Interest Litigations (PILs), etc. related to socially relevant issues.

Evaluation Criteria:

Mark allocation for the Project will be as follows:

S. No. Assessment objective Criteria Marks
1 Process

Candidate should be able to:

Identify the topic. Plan and detail a research project.

Select and use appropriate research methods.

2 Understanding, application of knowledge and Analysis

Candidate should be able to:

Explain issues and themes clearly and in context.

Interpret, analyse and evaluate critically a range of evidence to present reasoned, substantiated arguments/ statement.

3 Presentation Overall format, referencing (footnotes &/or bibliography), within word limit of 2000 words, title page, header/footer, etc. 5
4 Viva Range of questions based on the project only. 5

2023-24 Reduced Syllabus

(for reference purposes only)

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