Inverse Trigonometric Functions Class 12 Notes Maths Chapter 2 - CBSE


What are Inverse Trigonometric Functions ?

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    Inverse Function

    Let f be a one-to-one correspondence from the set A to the set B. The inverse function of f is the function that assigns to an element b belonging to B the unique element a in A such that f(a)=b. The inverse function of f is denoted by f -1. Hence, f -1(b)=a when f(a)=b. Inverse trigonometric functions are simply defined as the inverse functions of basic trigonometric functions.

    Domains And Ranges Of Inverse Trigonometric Functions

    The domains and ranges (principal value branches) of inverse trigonometric functions are given in the following table:

    Functions Domain Range (Principal Value Branches)
    y = sin -1 x [-1,1] [—ℼ/2 , ℼ/2]
    y = cos -1 x [-1,1] [0, ℼ]
    y = cosec -1 x R-(-1,1) [—ℼ/2 , ℼ/2] - {0}
    y = sec -1 x R-(-1,1) [0, ℼ] - {ℼ/2}
    y = tan -1 x R (—ℼ/2 , ℼ/2)
    y = cot -1 x R (0, ℼ)

    Domain of inverse trigonometry function = Range of trigonometry function.

    Graphs Of Inverse Trigonometric Functions

    (i) Inverse sine function

    In,[—ℼ/2 , ℼ/2], sinx is bijective hence its inverse is y = sin-1 x, x[-1,1] and y [—ℼ/2 , ℼ/2].
    Inverse sine function

    (ii) Inverse cosine function

    In, [0,ℼ] cosine function is bijective and hence its inverse is y = cos-1 x, x [-1,1] and y [0,].
    Inverse cosine function

    (iii) Inverse tangent function

    Tangent function is one-one and onto from (-ℼ/2 ,ℼ/2) to (-∞,∞) and so in this region the tangent function is invertible i.e., y = tan-1 x, x [-∞,∞] and y (-ℼ/2 ,ℼ/2)
    Inverse tangent function

    (iv) Inverse cotangent function

    Cotangent function is one-one and onto from (0,ℼ) to (-∞,∞) hence cot x is invertible in this region i.e., y = cot-1 x; x [-∞,∞] and y (0,ℼ)
    Inverse cotangent function

    (v) Inverse secant function

    A function f : = [0, -ℼ/2) U (-ℼ/2, ℼ] → (-∞,-1] U [1,∞) defined by f(x) = sec x is one-one and onto and hence it is invertible in this region, hence y = sec-1 x; x(-∞,-1] U [1,∞) and y [0, ℼ/2) U (ℼ/2, ℼ]
    Inverse secant function

    (vi) Inverse cosecant function

    A function f : = [- ℼ/2, 0) U (0, ℼ/2] → (-∞,-1] U [1,∞) defined by
    f(x) = cosec x is one-one and onto and hence it is invertible in this
    region, hence y = cosec-1 x; x(-∞,-1] U [1,∞) and y [- ℼ/2, 0) U (0, ℼ/2]

    Inverse cosecant function