Oswal 36 Sample Question Papers ISC Class 12 English-I Solutions

Answer 1.

(i) Fear, like an uninvited guest, often barges into our lives, attempting to dictate our choices and limit our potential. However, my journey has revealed that courage isn’t about evading fear but daring to confront it head-on. It’s about battling the churning waves of apprehension and emerging victorious on the shores of self-discovery. Through personal anecdotes, I’ll shed light on how I managed to wrestle with some of my most daunting fears and emerge stronger on the other side.

My heart used to race like a galloping horse at the mere thought of public speaking. The fear of stumbling over words or turning tomato-red haunted me. Yet, I yearned to be heard, to share my ideas. The turning point came when I was asked to present a project to a room full of seasoned professionals. With trembling hands and a racing heart, I took the stage. To my surprise, the audience’s warm reception overshadowed my anxiety. This episode marked the beginning of my journey to conquer my fear of public speaking.

Through Toastmasters sessions and countless presentations, I learned that every quiver of my voice was a stepping stone toward mastery.

Failure, that sinister shadow lurking in the corners of ambition, often threatened to keep me rooted in my comfort zone. My dream of starting a blog faced resistance from my inner critic, fearing judgment and ridicule. But a quote once caught my attention: “Failure is not falling down; it’s refusing to get up.” I decided to embrace failure as a tutor, not a tormentor. When my first blog post didn’t receive the response I hoped for, I didn’t abandon ship. Instead, I reflected on the feedback, fine-tuned my approach, and kept writing. Failure, rather than demoralizing me, ignited a fire of determination that fueled my progress.

The fear of rejection was another dreadful fear – that feeling of being an outsider, used to freeze me in my tracks. The fear of not fitting in or meeting others’ expectations often led to stifling my uniqueness. However, a transformative incident at a community event shattered these self-imposed limitations. I forcefully initiated conversations with strangers, shared my quirks, and to my surprise, found genuine connections forming. The realisation hit me – people resonate with authenticity, not pretence. This newfound perspective helped me not only build meaningful relationships but also celebrate my individuality without fear of judgment.

In my journey, courage didn’t emerge by silencing fear, but by listening to it and then challenging it. Through genuine experiences, I’ve discovered that courage is like a muscle – it strengthens when exercised. From public speaking jitters to the fear of failure and rejection, each fear transformed into a stepping stone toward growth.

In conclusion, life’s journey isn’t about sidestepping fears but confronting them. My journey has shown that courage isn’t a one-time act of bravery; it’s a continuous process of challenging oneself. Through my experiences, I have learned that courage isn’t the absence of fear, but the willingness to coexist with it while still moving forward. It’s about gazing into the eyes of fear and saying, “I’ve got this.”

(ii) Selfless acts of altruism are exceedingly rare, so rare that one might preserve such incidents in the pages of their memoirs. I, too, was struck by one such occurrence when a benevolent stranger extended a helping hand in my time of need. Reflecting on it now, I believe its lasting impact stems from its unexpected nature, even though the magnitude of the assistance may not seem significant to some.

Allow me to recount this story, bearing in mind that my own carelessness and penchant for procrastination were the culprits behind the situation. I was riding my two-wheeler on my way back home during the twilight hours, having just left my chemistry tuition. The fuel gauge on the dashboard blinked insistently, a blatant reminder to refill it before depletion. Stubbornly, I dismissed its warning as an exaggeration, convinced that there was still enough fuel to carry us both home. As dusk settled in, street lamps flickered to life. Suddenly, my vehicle jerked to a stop midway up a slope. Panicking, I attempted to restart the engine, fully aware of what had transpired. My efforts were in vain. Disembarking and removing my helmet, I surveyed the darkening surroundings. It was nearly dusk. Resignedly, I began pushing the immobile machine up the incline, desperate to bridge the four-kilometre gap to the nearest petrol station. Unbeknownst to me, the winter sun sets rapidly, casting the road into an early twilight. Fatigue took hold as I managed to cover a mere kilometre. Reluctant to involve my family, as I was well aware of the reprimands I’d receive, I considered this predicament my own to bear. Thus, I pressed on, panting and scolding myself.

Amidst my struggle, a deep voice resonated, inquiring about my predicament. Turning, I found a strapping  young man, no more than five years my senior, astride a motorcycle. I explained my fuel shortage, but before I could elaborate, he directed me to mount my vehicle once more. With effortless grace, he propelled both his motorcycle and my two-wheeler forward using one leg. I obediently followed his lead, marveling at the simplicity with which he maintained balance. Whenever I lost control of the handle, he patiently steadied me, all the while steering both vehicles forward. Despite my embarrassment, I followed suit, silenced by necessity. Within moments, we arrived at the petrol station. Turning to express my gratitude, I was met with a warm smile as he strolled ahead, disappearing into the horizon. I was taken aback by the realisation that someone could be so selflessly kind to an unknown passerby, without expecting any acknowledgment in return. I remain remorseful for not having adequately conveyed my thanks.

This experience reshaped my perspective on selfless acts of compassion and reinstated my faith in the inherent goodness of humanity.



For the Motion

Advertisements hold significant influence over consumer choices and perceptions, making it crucial that they convey accurate and truthful information. I firmly support the idea that advertisements should only present the truth, as this practice fosters transparency, builds trust, and empowers consumers to make informed decisions.

When advertisements adhere to the truth, they contribute to an environment of honesty and integrity. This not only benefits consumers by providing accurate information but also helps businesses establish a credible reputation. Brands that consistently present the truth in their advertisements are more likely to earn the trust and loyalty of consumers, fostering lasting relationships built on transparency.

Truthful advertisements empower consumers to make informed choices. When presented with accurate information about a product’s features, benefits, and limitations, consumers can evaluate whether the product aligns with their needs and preferences. This transparency reduces the likelihood of postpurchase disappointment or dissatisfaction, contributing to overall consumer satisfaction.

Moreover, advertisements that prioritize truthfulness contribute to a fair marketplace. When competitors are compelled to present genuine information about their products, it levels the playing field and promotes healthy competition based on merit rather than deceptive tactics. This fosters innovation and encourages  businesses to focus on improving their products and services rather than relying on misleading claims.

Consumers today are more discerning and value authenticity. Advertisements that present the truth resonate with this sentiment, allowing brands to connect with their audience on a deeper level.
Authenticity in advertising creates an emotional bond with consumers, leading to brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth marketing.

Furthermore, legal and ethical considerations underline the importance of truthful advertising. Many countries have regulations in place to prevent false or misleading advertising practices. Adhering to these regulations not only protects consumers from deceptive tactics but also safeguards businesses from potential legal repercussions.

In the era of social media and instant information sharing, the consequences of presenting false information in advertisements can be severe. A single misleading ad can lead to public backlash, tarnishing a brand’s reputation and causing long-lasting damage. Prioritizing truth in advertising is not only ethically responsible but also strategically prudent.

In conclusion, advertisements should indeed present the truth. Truthful advertising fosters transparency, builds trust, empowers consumers, and contributes to a fair marketplace. It aligns with consumer preferences for authenticity and helps businesses establish a strong, reputable presence in the market. By presenting accurate and honest information, advertisers contribute to a more informed and responsible consumer culture.

Against the Motion

Advertisements are more than mere conveyors of information; they are strategic tools designed to captivate consumers’ attention and influence their purchasing decisions. While the idea of advertisements presenting only the truth might seem ideal, this perspective overlooks the complexities of marketing, human psychology, and the evolving nature of consumer preferences. Therefore, I argue against the notion that advertisements should only present the truth.

Firstly, advertisements are crafted to highlight the positive aspects of products or services in order to appeal to consumers. In a competitive market, where countless brands vie for attention, portraying only the truth could limit a company’s ability to effectively communicate the unique benefits of their offerings. Presenting the complete truth might inadvertently lead to oversimplification, causing potential consumers to miss out on a nuanced understanding of a product’s value proposition.

Secondly, the effectiveness of an advertisement lies in its ability to evoke emotions and establish a connection with the audience. Advertisements often employ creative storytelling, symbolism, and imagery to resonate with consumers on a deeper level. While these techniques might not necessarily depict the literal truth, they serve to engage consumers’ emotions, sparking interest and curiosity. A rigid adherence to presenting only factual information could stifle this artistic expression, potentially rendering advertisements monotonous and less impactful.

Furthermore, human psychology plays a significant role in consumer behavior. People are influenced by aspirations, desires, and societal trends. Advertisements that tap into these psychological factors may not strictly represent the truth, but they can effectively communicate the emotional benefits associated with a product. This emotional connection can foster brand loyalty and contribute to long-term customer relationships.

In the digital age, where attention spans are fleeting, advertisements are often constrained by time or space limitations. Conveying every facet of a product’s truth within these limitations might not be feasible or effective. Instead, advertisers must strategically curate information to convey the essence of a product, focusing on its most compelling aspects.

Additionally, consumer preferences are constantly evolving, and they are increasingly valuing
personalized experiences and authenticity. Advertisements that only present the truth might fail to adapt to these changing preferences. As consumers seek relatable and authentic brand interactions, advertisers need the flexibility to emphasize aspects that resonate with their target audience, even if it requires highlighting certain attributes more prominently than others.

In conclusion, while the ideal of advertisements presenting only the truth is noble, it doesn’t align with the complexities of modern marketing dynamics, human psychology, and consumer behavior. Effective advertisements employ creative storytelling, emotional connection, and strategic messaging to communicate the essence of a product. Balancing truth with creative expression allows advertisers to engage consumers on a meaningful level while catering to their evolving preferences.



Mystery, like a captivating whisper in the night, beckons the human spirit to venture beyond the known, embracing the uncharted territories of imagination and curiosity. It is a realm where the answers lie hidden, waiting to be uncovered by those willing to delve deeper. The allure of mystery is as timeless as human existence itself, inviting us to explore the enigmatic facets of life and the universe.

At its core, mystery is a catalyst for intrigue and wonder. It stirs the human mind, provoking questions that drive us to seek understanding and meaning. From the secrets of the cosmos to the intricacies of human behaviour, the unknown draws us in, igniting a spark of intellectual pursuit. This innate curiosity has fueled scientific discoveries, artistic creations, and philosophical contemplations throughout history.

The power of mystery lies not only in its ability to captivate but also in its capacity to inspire. Stories shrouded in enigma – from ancient myths to modern thrillers – beckon us to venture into uncharted territories. As we accompany characters on their journeys to unravel the unknown, we reflect on the human desire for discovery, adventure, and the thrill of the unexpected. Mystery narratives not only entertain but also awaken our imagination and expand our perspective.

Moreover, mystery enriches the tapestry of human experience. The uncertainty surrounding life’s most profound questions – the origin of the universe, the essence of consciousness, the depths of the human psyche – invites us to contemplate the infinite possibilities that lie beyond the scope of our current understanding. This contemplation fosters humility, encouraging us to acknowledge the limitations of our knowledge while fueling the desire to continue our quest for enlightenment.

Mystery also fosters a sense of community. The shared pursuit of understanding unexplored realms brings people together, fostering discussions, debates, and collaborations. From scientific symposiums to book clubs dissecting intricate plots, the search for answers binds individuals in a shared quest for knowledge and meaning.

However, while mystery tantalizes and enriches, it also embodies the essence of uncertainty. The allure of the unknown can lead to speculation, superstition, and sometimes even fear. The human mind, grappling with the absence of concrete answers, may invent explanations or conjure myths to provide a semblance of understanding. This dual nature of mystery reminds us of the delicate balance between fascination and caution as we navigate the uncharted waters of the enigmatic.

In conclusion, the realm of mystery is a testament to the human spirit’s insatiable thirst for knowledge and exploration. It prompts us to venture beyond the boundaries of the familiar, propelling us toward greater understanding, inspiration, and unity. While mystery might often be accompanied by uncertainty, its allure persists as a driving force behind humanity’s quest for truth and enlightenment. As we embrace the enigmatic, we continue to unlock the secrets of existence and savour the timeless adventure of discovery.

(v) The emergence of the Coronavirus pandemic has unleashed a wave of profound changes, prompting a reassessment of our lifestyles and priorities. As we grapple with the impacts of this global crisis, it has become evident that the pandemic is not merely a health crisis; it is a catalyst for societal introspection and transformation.

At the core of this transformative period lies the realization of the fragility of our healthcare systems. The pandemic has underscored the need for robust and accessible healthcare infrastructure. The strain on medical facilities and resources has ignited discussions about the importance of bolstering healthcare systems to effectively respond to emergencies. Governments and institutions are being compelled to allocate more resources toward strengthening healthcare facilities, ensuring adequate medical supplies, and fostering research for better disease prevention and management.

The pandemic has also shed light on the vulnerabilities of the unorganized sector. As economies slowed down and lockdowns were enforced, countless daily wage earners, informal labourers, and gig workers found themselves grappling with uncertainty. This crisis underscores the necessity of creating a safety net for vulnerable sections of society, including comprehensive social protection policies. The pandemic has prompted governments to reevaluate the importance of establishing mechanisms that provide financial security and support to those most affected by unforeseen crises.

Additionally, the pandemic has rekindled a sense of community and empathy. Neighbourhoods transformed into support networks, with individuals reaching out to assist the elderly and the immunocompromised. Acts of kindness, small and large, have highlighted the resilience of human compassion during adversity. The pandemic has reminded us that we are part of a larger community, emphasizing the significance of empathy, cooperation, and mutual support.

Education, too, has undergone a significant overhaul. With schools and universities transitioning to virtual learning, the limitations and potential of technology in education have come to the forefront. The pandemic has prompted a reimagining of educational systems, sparking debates about the balance between digital learning and traditional classroom experiences. The adaptability of educators and students in this challenging environment showcases the capacity for innovation and resilience.
While the pandemic has brought about a series of challenges, it has also unearthed latent strengths within societies. The drive for scientific research, innovation, and collaboration has yielded groundbreaking advancements in vaccine development and medical treatments. The crisis has expedited the adoption of telemedicine, remote work practices, and e-commerce, catalysing digital transformation across industries.

The COVID-19 pandemic has steered our lives toward a transformative trajectory, prompting us to reevaluate our choices and priorities. It has illuminated the necessity of robust healthcare systems, social safety nets, and community support networks. As we navigate through these challenging times, we must draw lessons from this global crisis to build more resilient societies. The pandemic has demonstrated our ability to adapt, innovate, and stand united in the face of adversity, ultimately reshaping our world and the way we interact with it.



It began with a bolt of lightning that shattered the tranquil night sky, illuminating the darkness in a blinding flash. Rain poured down in torrents, creating a symphony of pattering on rooftops and windowpanes. Amelia watched from her cozy living room, captivated by the display of nature’s power.

Amelia had always been intrigued by storms. The raw energy and unpredictability fascinated her. She cherished these moments, enveloped in the warmth of her home while the tempest raged outside. Little did she know that this storm would bring a twist to her quiet life.

As the thunder rumbled like an ancient beast, there came an unexpected knock at her door. Amelia frowned, peering through the window to see a bedraggled figure standing outside. Hesitating only for a moment, she opened the door, revealing a man drenched to the bone, his clothes clinging to his frame. “Please, I need shelter,” he pleaded, his voice barely audible over the storm.

“Please, I need shelter,” he pleaded, his voice barely audible over the storm.

Amelia’s heart softened at the sight of the stranger’s desperate state. Without a second thought, she ushered him inside. She fetched a warm blanket and offered him a seat by the fire. The flickering flames cast an otherworldly glow on his weary face.

He introduced himself as Lucas and explained that he had been caught in the storm while hiking through the woods. Grateful for her kindness, Lucas shared stories of his adventures, painting vivid pictures of mountains, valleys, and hidden waterfalls. Amelia found herself captivated by his tales, her living room transformed into a realm of imagination and wonder.

As the storm outside raged on, an unexpected bond formed between Amelia and Lucas. They laughed, shared experiences, and even confessed their dreams and fears. The hours passed swiftly, and when the storm finally subsided, the dawn’s light peeked through the curtains.

Lucas rose from his seat, his eyes holding a mixture of gratitude and reluctance. “I must continue my
journey,” he said, his voice tinged with regret.

Amelia nodded, feeling a pang of sadness at the thought of him leaving. Yet, she understood that the storm had brought him into her life for a brief, enchanting moment.

Lucas reached into his bag and pulled out a small leather-bound journal. “As a token of my appreciation, I want you to have this,” he said, handing the journal to Amelia. “It holds stories of my travels, and now, a chapter of our meeting.”

Touched by his gesture, Amelia accepted the journal with a warm smile. “Thank you,” she said, her voice filled with sincerity.

With a final exchange of glances, Lucas bid her farewell and stepped out into the morning light. As
he disappeared into the horizon, Amelia closed the door, clutching the journal in her hands. It was a
reminder of the storm’s unexpected gift, a connection formed through lightning and rain.

Weeks later, Amelia’s curiosity got the better of her, and she finally opened the leather-bound journal.
To her astonishment, the pages were not filled with tales of adventure, but rather entries detailing events from her own life – her childhood, her dreams, and her deepest desires. The realization hit her like a bolt of lightning – Lucas had known her before they had even met.

She was about to dismiss it as a mere coincidence when she reached the final entry. It was dated just a day after their meeting and contained a heartfelt message: “Thank you for welcoming me into your home and your heart. Fate has its ways of connecting kindred souls. Until we meet again, Amelia.”

Amelia’s heart raced as she realized the truth – Lucas had known her all along, and their meeting had been orchestrated by destiny. The storm had been the catalyst, uniting them in a way that defied logic.

With renewed hope and a sense of wonder, Amelia ventured into the world, knowing that life’s mysteries could lead to the most extraordinary connections. And so, the story that began with a bolt of lightning continued with a twist of fate and a bond that transcended time and space.

Answer 2.



Author: Emily Brontë

Publisher: Penguin Publishers

Pages: 416

Price: ₹183

“Wuthering Heights” penned by the remarkable Emily Brontë, stands as a timeless masterpiece that continues to captivate readers across generations. This novel is a mesmerizing blend of passion, tragedy, and a hauntingly evocative atmosphere that will leave an indelible mark on its readers.

The cover of the book, though simple, encapsulates the moody and mysterious essence of the story. Its starkness hints at the tumultuous emotions that unfold within the pages, inviting readers to delve into a world of complex characters and intense emotions.

Set against the backdrop of the desolate and wild Yorkshire moors, the plot revolves around the tumultuous love story of Heathcliff and Catherine. Their love, which transcends societal norms, is marked by obsession, revenge, and a fierce connection that persists beyond death. The narrative is presented through a series of layered and interlocking narratives, as recounted by different characters, adding depth and complexity to the storyline.

The characters in “Wuthering Heights” are both captivating and enigmatic. Heathcliff, a dark and brooding figure, is a product of his tragic past and the cruelty he endured. Catherine, equally complex, is torn between societal expectations and her overwhelming love for Heathcliff. The secondary characters, such as the conflicted Hindley and the mysterious Lockwood, contribute to the rich tapestry of emotions and conflicts.

Throughout the novel, Brontë masterfully weaves in moments of intense emotion and intrigue. From Catherine’s passionate outbursts to Heathcliff’s vengeful pursuits, the incidents unfold like a dark and engrossing drama. Particularly intriguing are the supernatural elements that appear to emphasize the eternal bond between the living and the dead, blurring the boundaries between life and the afterlife.

Beneath the surface of love and revenge, “Wuthering Heights” carries a powerful message about the destructive forces of unchecked passion and the consequences of allowing societal constraints to suppress true feelings. The novel also delves into themes of social class, identity, and the impact of the environment on individual growth and behaviour.

For me, the appeal of “Wuthering Heights” lies in its ability to transport readers to a world that is as bleak as it is beautiful. The haunting landscapes of the moors mirror the tumultuous emotions of the characters, creating an immersive experience that lingers long after the final page. The exploration of human nature’s darker aspects and the intricacies of love and obsession make this novel a thoughtprovoking and emotionally charged read.

In conclusion, Emily Brontë’s “Wuthering Heights” is a literary masterpiece that continues to resonate  with readers due to its timeless themes, unforgettable characters, and brooding atmosphere. Its exploration of love’s complexities, human nature’s duality, and the impact of our choices make it a mustread for anyone who appreciates literature that delves into the depths of the human soul.



To spread awareness and combat environmental issues, we propose to set up an environment club in our school.

This club will help students develop an attitude of care and concern towards the environment.

The students will learn to appreciate their surroundings through programmes, projects, competitions and also earning through service.

  1. The activity club room will be used for all the environment club’s meetings.
  2. Additionally, a small patch of the school garden area will be allocated to the club for gardening.
  3. The Club coordinator will be Ms. Neelima Mathur, the Geography teacher of the senior section.
  4. Club membership has been fixed at `150/- per member per year.
  5. Activities such as tree plantation, national and inter-school environment related competitions would be conducted alongwith documentaries to instill a sense of responsibility in the students towards the environment.

We hope that this proposal will be accepted so that activities related to environment protection will be promoted extensively in the school.

Answer 3.

(i) 1. (B) To top the board you must work hard.

2. (B) Not only did he clean the house but also washed the dishes.

3. (B) In spite of being fat, Titli runs as fast as a leopard.

4. (B) Although he witnessed the accident, he moved on.

5. (B) Without being deterred by the accident, she persevered in her efforts.

(ii) 1. over 2. of 3. to 4. to 5. in
6. about 7. for 8. under 9. against 10. in
(iii) 1. began 2. ended 3. were 4. flocking 5. began
6. decided 7. saw 8. increased 9. is 10. gather

Answer 4.

(i) (a) (1) Recess (2) Feud (3) Vexation

(b) (1) (B) It was just the spur of the moment that incited the crowd to go riotous.

(2) (D) Both (B) and (C).

(3) (B) The solution used for treatment was tincture iodine, I believe.

(ii) (a) The phrase ‘turning up their noses’ means refusing to take or accept something because it is not good enough or does not meet the standard. In this passage, in Mrs. Knight’s school, the girls had a climbable roof where they would sit, which made them proud to look over and jeer the opponents on Miss Miller’s premises.

(b) Katy Carr’s school was a low, one-storey building with a yard behind it where the girls played at  recess. The school possessed a woodshed with a climbable roof, where the girls climbed and sat in rows to watch the children of the school next door.

(c) Aunt Izzie sewed back the hat string and notified Katy about the location of the lost algebra book for which she was desperately searching. Although Aunt Izzie helped Katy, it did not serve her purpose because the clock struck nine and she was late for school. She then went to school in a very cross mood.

(iii) Katy was late to school, and even though she ran fast to be there on time, she was late. She continued erring through the morning and even erred in her grammar lessons. Katy’s hands were shaking while writing her composition, her handwriting being poor, Mrs. Knight asked her to redo it. To avoid anyone seeing her crying, she ran ahead as soon as the bell rang to the wood house roof to compose herself. The breezy wind swept her hat into the neighbour’s school compound, making Katy slide down the roof, leaping and vaulting into the empty playground to retrieve the hat.  [102 words]

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