NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Civics Chapter 4 Working of Instiutions

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    Q. Why is there a need for political institutions?

    • Ans. (i) To take decisions: Countries need political institutions to take decisions regarding the welfare of the people. Institutions formulate various policies and programmes.
    • (ii) Implementation: The decisions which have been taken are to be implemented. So, countries need institutions to implement the decisions.
    • (iii) To solve the disputes : Institutions are also needed to solve the disputes between various institutions.
    • (iv) To take right decisions: Institutions help the governments to take the right decisions.

    Q. Distinguish between Political executive and Permanent executive.

    Political Executive Permanent Executive
    (i) They are elected by the people. (i) They are appointed by the government.
    (ii) They are makers of law and policies. (ii) They are in charge of execution of the policies of the government.
    (iii) They are elected by the people and can be changed in the next elections. (iii) They are permanent and remain in office even when the ruling party changes.

    Q. Our Constitution does give the Rajya Sabha some special powers over the states, but Lok Sabha exercises supreme power. How? Explain.

    Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha
    Tenure: Five years but it can be dissolved before the expiry of its term. It is a permanent House. A member stays for 6 years.
    Elections: Members are directly elected. Members are indirectly elected.
    Powers: Money bill: Money bill can originated only in the Lok Sabha Money bill cannot originate in the Rajya Sabha.
    Changes in the money bill: It has the powers to bring changes in the money bill. It has no power to bring any change in the money bill. It can provide suggestions or can delay the bill by 14 days.
    Council of Ministers: Council of Ministers is controlled by the Lok Sabha. The Rajya Sabha has no powers to control the Council of Ministers.

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