Data – Its Source and Compilation Class 12 Notes Geography Chapter 1 CBSE

Chapter : 1

What Are Data-its Source And Compilation ?

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    Part C - Practical Geography

    • Data refers to the numerical and quantitative measurements of geographic occurrences, human activities, and their interrelationships. In other terms, datum refers to quantitative data. As a result, data is sometimes referred to as quantitative information. Numbers from the actual world determine the measurement.
    • It is easy to see that there is a large amount of data available today worldwide. However, if the data is in its raw form, it might be difficult to draw logical inferences from it. As a result, it’s critical to guarantee that the measured data is algorithmically produced, logically reasoned, and statistically estimated from a variety of
    • Statistical approaches play a vital part in practically all disciplines that employ data, including geography, in terms of analysis, presentation, and concluding.
    • The data are collected in the following ways. These are: (i) Primary Sources (ii) Secondary Sources.
    • Primary data sources are those that are acquired for the first time by a person or a group of individuals, institutions, or organisations.
    • Secondary sources are data acquired from any public or unpublished source.
    • Absolute data, often known as raw data, is data provided in its native form as numbers. For example, a country’s or state’s total population, a crop’s or manufacturing industry’s total production, and so on.
    • Percentage/Ratio: Data is sometimes summarised as a ratio or proportion based on common criteria, such as literacy rate or population growth rate, percentage of agricultural or industrial output, and so on.
    • An index number is a statistical metric that depicts changes in a variable or a collection of related variables through time, space, or other qualities.
    • Inclusive Method: The higher limit of one class is not the lower limit of the following class in this procedure.
      In the class interval, it comprises both the bottom and upper limits.
    • Simple Frequencies: It is denoted by the letter ‘f’ and represents the number of people who belong to each category.
    • Exclusive Method: In this method, a class’s higher limit is the lower limit of the following class. The class interval does not include an upper limit.
    • Cumulative Frequencies: This is denoted by the letter’ Cf, and it is calculated by summing the sums of successive simple frequencies in each group.
    • Frequency Polygon: The frequency polygon is a graph showing frequency distribution. It aids in the comparison of two or more frequency distributions. A bar diagram and a line graph are used to depict the two frequencies.
    • Ogive: Cumulative frequencies are created when frequencies are put together, and they’re listed in a table called the cumulative frequency table. An Ogive is a curve created by cumulative graphing frequencies. It may be built using either the less than or more than technique.